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2014-2015 6th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) Syllabus


Welcome to 6th grade! We know that you are each talented and special in your own way, and we believe in each and every one of you. Throughout the course of this year we look forward to helping you to grow and become the best student, person, leader, and global citizen you can be. This year you will be challenged to improve and strengthen your skills in vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, speaking, grammar, and team building.

We will explore a great deal of our curriculum through projects, technology, and student-driven learning in addition to our classroom assignments. We will survey several genres of literature in an effort to learn about the world in which we live.

Course Description

6th Grade ELA is a yearlong course in which students will continue to expand their knowledge related to reading comprehension, writing and grammar, and general communication skills such as speaking and listening. Students will have a variety of opportunities throughout the year to use their creativity and imagination in conjunction with what they are learning in class.

Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact your teacher at any time throughout the year. The best way to reach either of us is through email, ascott3@ or ncooper2@. Please allow us a 48-hour grace period to respond.

Materials Needed

● One 5-subject notebook (11.5x8”) - - - Interactive Learner Notebook

● Pencil Pouch with:

o Pencils (at least 2 every day)

o Highlighter(s)

o Glue Stick(s)

o Scissors

o Colored Pens or pencils

Daily Classroom Procedures & Expectations


| | | |

|Enter the classroom silent and ready to work. | | |

|Have all daily supplies out (including 2 sharpened | | |

|pencils) and have homework written in your agenda. | | |

|Any day homework is due – have it on your desk. | | |

|Be seated in your assigned seat. | | |

|Begin working on posted warm-up. | | |

| | | |

|Bathroom and drinks should be taken care of before the| | |

|bell rings. No book bags or purses are allowed in | | |

|class. You will not be allowed to leave class to | | |

|retrieve needed assignments/materials from your | | |

|locker. | | |


| | | |

|Talking ceases. |Raise hand, and wait to be called on, if you would like the |You are dismissed by your teacher, NOT THE |

|Continue working on warm-up. |teacher’s attention. |BELL. Please remain seated until the entire |

|Students not in the classroom at the sound of the bell|Be productive and engage in learning at all times. |class is dismissed. |

|will be marked as tardy. |Remain in your seat unless told otherwise. | |

Raising your hand

As responsible, self-controlled learners, you are expected to raise your hand to ask questions and/or share comments that are directly related to the day’s instructional focus.

Sharpening your pencil

Several pencils should be sharpened before the bell rings.

Restroom Use

Students are expected to make good use of their time and plan accordingly during class changes; this includes using the restroom between classes. Teachers protect the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of class for instructional purposes, during which students will not be allowed to leave the classroom for bathroom needs. Only 1 person should leave the classroom at a time, so if someone else is out of the classroom, please wait until they have returned to ask for permission. Remember that you are not allowed to leave the classroom during the first and last 15 minutes of class. Restroom privileges may be restricted if the teacher feels the privileges are being abused.

Group Work

During many lessons there will be opportunities to work in groups with fellow classmates. Depending on the learning activity, partners may be assigned, or students may be allowed to choose learning partners. Students are expected to show respect to all other learning partners’ ideas, learning styles, work, etc. when working together. In addition, all students are expected to contribute to the activity with no one person taking charge of the entire group, and no students relying on other students to do all the work. Remember -- we work together and we answer apart.

Assessments and Grading Policy

Each marking period there will be a variety of assessments including, but not limited to: tests, quizzes (both announced and unannounced), warm-up activities, class work, projects, writing products and homework assignments. There will also be other types of informal assessments to periodically check for understanding. Projects will be assigned during the year, but not necessarily every marking period. Students will take a benchmark exam at the end of the first three marking periods and an End-of-Grade (EOG) test at the end of the fourth marking period. District wide assessments will also be administered throughout the year.

Any work not handed in or not fully completed as directed will not be scored, resulting in a ZERO. Late work will receive a 10 point deduction for each day late, up to three (3) days. After three days the highest grade possible will be a 70, and the student will be placed in In-Team Suspension until the incomplete work is adequately completed.

|The breakdown for the district grading is as follows: |

| |

|A= 93-100 |

|B= 85-92 |

|C= 77-84 |

|D= 70-76 |

|F= Below 70 |

|FF = Fail for violation of attendance policy |

| |

|Late work = 10 point deduction for each day late, up to 3 days. After 3 days |

|= ZERO |


Home Base Parent Portal will be the computerized grading system used to average the following categories: Assessments (including but not limited to tests, quizzes, projects, papers, etc.) (60%), Class Work (30%), and Homework (10%) to obtain a grade point average. If you do not know how to access the Home Base Parent Portal, please call the main office and they can provide you with the necessary information.


Students who are unsatisfied with a grade received on major assessments (including but not limited to tests, quizzes, projects, etc.) may consult the teacher to request and discuss the retake procedures as a means of improving the student’s grade. Having this opportunity is a privilege which has been designed to encourage students to demonstrate mastery of concepts learned and should therefore not be abused. The teacher reserves the right to grant or deny the request.

Learner Notebook

All students will be required to keep a learner notebook during class. The purpose for the notebook is to allow the student to create a portfolio of learning throughout the entire duration of the year, which can also serve as a guide at home to assist him/her with homework and to study for upcoming tests. Students are expected to keep this notebook UPDATED with the correct information, activities, and dates, all of which should be listed in the notebook’s table of contents.


Homework will be assigned most nights. All homework will be posted in the classroom, as well as on the class website and Remind101, and it is expected to be completed as directed and turned in on the due date.


Parents, your child will always receive written and oral directions for all projects and assignment, and will be given time to write down the daily assignments into his/her agenda in class. You are encouraged to check the agenda on a regular basis and emphasize the importance of writing in every block (for example, writing “NO HW” for that day’s assignment). Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of the organizational guidance offered in class. 


Students are expected to come to class prepared every day with their agenda, Learning Notebook, pencil pouch with learning tools, and at least two (2) pencils. Bringing the above list of materials, all completed assignments, a positive risk-taking attitude, and a willingness to learn and participate is crucial for success.

Agendas (Planners)

Agendas serve a variety of purposes. Students must have their agendas at all times. Each day the student will write his/her homework down in the agenda. Students will use the agenda book to keep record of their homework and future assignments. (Replacements for lost agendas will not be provided; students must purchase new ones from the office.)


Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the student is required to make up all class and homework assignments. Any student that is absent should locate the absent work area in his/her classroom immediately after the absence to obtain their missed work. (Please note it is the students’ responsibility to obtain needed notes, assignments, directions, etc. when he/she returns after an absence. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the assignment.)


The 6th Grade team offers tutoring afterschool until 4:00 EVERY MONDAY. Parents must communicate with teachers AT LEAST 24 hours prior to sending their child to a tutoring session. A note, indicating how the student will be getting home, what time he/she will be picked up and what he/she is staying for must be given to the teacher the day before. This will provide the teacher time to gather the materials needed to best help the student. Please realize that students are staying for help and need to be working. It is not a time for socializing, nor is it a time for homework. Students must report to the tutoring teacher immediately upon dismissal. If this is a problem, they will not be able to attend the afternoon sessions.

Behavior Expectations – SCHOOL-WIDE

● Ask permission to leave your seat

● Observe silence during:

instruction (teacher and student) and quiet times

● Engage only in academic communication

● Take care of your materials

● Keep your hands and feet to yourself and out of other peoples’ spaces

Student/Parent Contract Agreement:

Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Please sign the appropriate sections below and return this sheet to your teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your teacher.



I, ________________________________, have read and agree to the following course guidelines. I will do my best to be successful in this class by (this is not an all-inclusive list):

● discussing class work/what has been learned at school,

● completing all homework and assigned tasks on time and to do the best of my ability,

● becoming independent and responsible for my work, thoughts, and actions,

● working to improve my study habits, and

● coming to school each day prepared and ready to learn.





I, __________________________________, have read and agree to the following course guidelines. I will do the best that I can to help my child be successful in this class by encouraging my child to (this is not an all-inclusive list):

● discuss class work/what has been learned at school,

● complete all homework and assigned tasks on time and to do the best of his/her ability,

● foster independence and responsibility,

● improve study habits, and

● come to school each day prepared and ready to learn.



Contact Information:

Phone Number(s) ________________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address ____________________________________________________________________

Preferred Form of Contact (please circle):


Phone E-Mail


If you prefer to be contacted by phone, what is the best time to reach you? _____________________

Student Information:

Any other information I need to know about your child:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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