CCSD Advanced Content Resources for Grade 8

Unit 8 - The New SouthSS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.Evaluate the impact the Bourbon Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Exposition, Tom Watson and the Populists, Rebecca Latimer Felton, the 1906 Atlanta Riot, the Leo Frank Case, and the county unit system had on Georgia during this period.Analyze how rights were denied to African-Americans through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, disenfranchisement, and racial violence.Explain the differing ideologies and influences of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois, and the impact on the Atlanta African American community of John and Lugenia Burns Hope, and Alonzo Herndon.Explain reasons for World War I and describe Georgia’s contributions.SS8E3 The student will evaluate the influence of Georgia’s economic growth and development.Define profit and describe how profit is an incentive for entrepreneurs.Explain how entrepreneurs take risks to develop new goods and services to start a business.Evaluate the importance of entrepreneurs in Georgia who developed such enterprises as Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Georgia-Pacific, and Home Depot.Enduring Understandings/ Essential QuestionsConflict and Change – the student will understand that the beliefs and ideals of a society influence the social, political, and economic decisions of that society.How are individuals and groups affected by policies and laws? (H7b)What key political issues affected the development of the state during the New South era? (H7a,b,c)What were the causes of World War I? (H7d)Individuals, Groups, and Institutions – the student will understand that the actions of individuals, groups, and institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences.What do the 1906 Atlanta Riot and the Leo Frank Case have in common? (H7a)How did Tom Watson and the Populists change Georgia and the nation? (H7a)What was the impact of the Bourbon Triumvirate on Georgia politics and the economy? (H7a)What was Georgia’s role in World War I? (H7d)How did African-American leaders of the time impact the community of Atlanta? (H7c)Production, Distribution, and Consumption - the student will understand that the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services produced by society are affected by the location, customs, beliefs, and laws of that society.What entrepreneurial risks did Alonzo Herndon undertake in the New South? (E3b)How did Coca-Cola develop under the guidance of Asa Candler? (E3c)Assessment Options:Read “The Talented Tenth” by W.E.B. DuBois and “The Atlanta Compromise Speech” by Booker T. Washington. Complete the ideology chart and then, in one paragraph, argue about which ideology you believe will best serve African-Americans at this time.“The Talented Tenth” by W.E.B. DuBois “The Atlanta Compromise Speech” by Booker T. Washington versions of both can be found the Coca-Cola Heritage Timeline found at . After exploring the timeline, use a blank world map to depict the spread of the Coca-Cola brand throughout the world. Use a different color to match each time period mentioned on the timeline. Read Henry Grady’s “New South” speech , then write a letter to the editor of the Atlanta Constitution. What do you agree with in Grady’s speech? What issues or problems stand in the way of the creation of this “New South?” Should others follow Grady’s lead?You are campaign manager for a gubernatorial candidate. Using a map of the county unit system in Georgia, determine if it is possible to win election as governor by only receiving 36% of the popular vote. Write two paragraphs explaining your campaign strategy for winning based upon the impact the county unit system has on the electoral process in Georgia.Research the political views of the Bourbon Triumvirate, Tom Watson, and Rebecca Latimer Felton. Create a tri-Venn diagram of this information. Then, evaluate the political view you believe is best for Georgia and create a campaign poster for the candidate.Research the goals of John Hope, Lugenia Burns Hope, and Alonzo Herndon and the effect their work had on the city of Atlanta. Then, create an Xtranormal where these three individuals discuss the impact they had on their city.Using a blank map of Georgia, map the location of military bases used in World War I. Hypothesize how this contribution aided the U.S. in the war effort, and how it impacted the development of the state.Choose one of the three populations of people who faced a denial of rights in the New South – women, African-Americans, and Jews. Students will work collaboratively in one of these three groups to create a protest sign and a list of demands that the government must meet. Each group will then attend an Atlanta City Council meeting where they will make demands of the council using evidence as support. As a culminating activity, students will write two paragraphs about which group faced the worst treatment and what could have been done by the government to resolve the issue. (GADOE)Create a Photo Story to depict the impact of Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, the convict lease system, the KKK, the grandfather clause, and the poll tax on the life of an African-American in Georgia. Create a publication of the Atlanta Constitution set in the midst of the political, social, and economic change in the New South. Be sure to include news stories, editorials, obituaries, letters to the editor, advertisements, and photos, based upon actual events and people, to give the reader an idea of what is going on in Georgia at the time. Make sure that 3 items relate to political change, 3 items to social change, and 3 items to economic change.Read an excerpt from Tom Watson’s speech “The Negro Question in the South.” (read sections III and IV of the speech). Summarize in writing the political platform of the Populists and then determine in what ways this platform is beneficial to Georgians. Create a party jingle that can be used during campaign stops. ................

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