Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture

Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture

Dr.V.Praveen Rao Dr.R.Veeraraghavaiah

Dr.S.Hemalatha Dr.B.Joseph

1. Course No. 2. Course Title

3. Credit Hours

Course outline

: AGRO 303

: Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture

: 2 (1+1)

4. General Objective 5. Specific Objectives

: (i) To impart knowledge to the students on the fundamentals of farming systems and sustainable agriculture

(ii) To study the various components of organic agriculture

a) Theory By the end of the course, the students will be able to

i. learn the fundamental principles of farming systems and sustainable agriculture and how to improve the economic condition of the farmer

b) Practical By the end of the practical exercises, the students will be able to

i. learn skills involved in vermiculture, sericulture, dairying, poultry, composting and biocontrol of pests

ii. learn the methods involved in preparation of cropping pattern and farming system to be adopted by the farmer

A) Theory Lecture Outlines

1. Sustainable agriculture ? introduction ? adverse effects of modern agriculture ? definition ? concept ? goals ? elements and current status of sustainable agriculture in India.

2. Factors effecting ecological balance and sustainability of agricultural resources ? introduction ? land / soil related problems ? soil degradation, deforestation, accelerated soil erosion, siltation of reservoirs etc. ? causes and extent of these problems in India and ameliorative measures.

3. Rise in water table ? water logging ? salinization and alkalization in command areas ? extent of these problems in India and Andhra Pradesh ? prevention, control and reclamation measures ? sea water inundation and sand casting during cyclonic storms and their effects on agriculture.

4. Ground water development ? resource availability in India and Andhra Pradesh ? Groundwater development scenario ? over exploitation problems and safe yield concept ? artificial recharge methods

5. Environmental pollution ? Introduction ? greenhouse effect and potential effects on agriculture ? depletion of ozone layer, methane emissions from rice fields and mitigation options

6. Fertilizers as a source of pollution and control measures ? introduction ? nitrate pollution in soil and ground water and eutrophication ? management factors to reduce fertilizer pollution

7. Pesticides as source of pollution and control measures ? biopesticides and bio-herbicides

8. Management of natural resources ? introduction ? land ? water ? irrigation problems ? Impact on Low External Input Agriculture (ILEIA) and Low External Inputs for Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) ? vegetative cover ? present scenario and management practices

9. Conjunctive use of water ? definition ? objectives ? types ? advantages and limitations ? wasteland and their management ? definition ? classification ? distribution in India and Andhra Pradesh ? need for development and regenerative measures

10. Organic farming ? definition ? principles ? relevance to modern agriculture and components of organic farming ? integrated nutrient management

11. Organic farming ? practices ? weed management ? pest management ?

12. Farming systems ? system and systems approach ? farming system ? determinants of farming system ? cropping systems and related terminology

13. Study of allied enterprises ? significance of integrating crop and livestock ? dairying and sheep and goat rearing ? breeds ? housing ? feed and fodder requirements ? biogas plant

14. Study of allied enterprises ? poultry farming ? breeds ? housing ?


and fodder requirements ? apiculture ? species and


15. Study of allied enterprises ? sericulture ? moriculture and silkworm rearing ? agro-forestry systems suitable for dryland farming

16. Biodiversity ? importance ? agricultural intensification and biodiversity ? adverse impacts of genetic erosion ? conservation of natural resources

B) Practical Class Outlines

1. Preparation of cropping scheme to suit different irrigated and garden land situations

2. Preparation of farming systems to suit to dryland situation 3. Compost making 4. Vermicompost 5. Preparation of enriched farmyard manure 6. Recycling of urban waste 7. Use of bio-pesticides 8. Preparation of project proposals for land development 9. Management of problematic soils 10. Management practices to prevent environmental deterioration for

sustainable agriculture 11. Visit to wetland farm ? observation on resource allocation, recycling

of inputs and economics 12. Visit to garden land farm ? observation on resource allocation,

recycling of inputs and economics 13. Visit to dry land farm ? observation on resource allocation, recycling

of inputs and economics 14. Methods of profitable utilization of agricultural wastes 15. Methods of profitable utilization of agricultural by-products 16. Methods of profitable utilization of agro-industry wastes References

Arun, K. Sharma. 2006. A Hand Book of Organic Farming. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur.

Dahama, A.K. 2007. Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur.

Dalela, R.C. and Mani, U.H. 1985. Assessment of Environmental Pollution. Academy of Environmental Biology, Muzaffarnagar.

Deb, D.L. 1994. Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. Angkor publishers Ltd., New Delhi.

Purohit, S.S. 2006. Trends in Organic Farming in India. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur.

Ruthenburg, H. 1971. Farming Systems in Tropics. Clarendon Press, London.

Saroja Raman. 2006. Agricultural Sustainability ? Principles, Processes and Prospects. Food Products Press, New York.

Subramaniyan, S. 2004. Globalization of Sustainable Agriculture. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.

Thampan, P.K. 1993. Organics in Soil Health and Crop Production. Peekay Tree Crops Development Foundation, Cochin.


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