Green Cleaning Solutions

Green Cleaning Solutions - 4/10

Products to Avoid: Alcohol, Ammonia, Chlorine, Formaldehyde, Acids, Lye, Propellants. Buy pure Cellulose Sponges

|Ammonia Alternative |Use vinegar, salt & water mixture to clean surfaces, baking soda and water for bathroom. |

|Appliance Cleaner |Dry baking soda shines small appliances & even removes bread wrappers burned on toasters. Rub on with clean flannel cloth. |

|Bleach Clothes |Add ¼ cup lemon juice to the wash or rinse cycle. |

| |Add ½ cup washing soda to detergent. (Pink & Green) |

|Burner Pan Cleanup |In large pot, place burner pans, cover with water. Boil & add 1/4 cup automatic dishwasher detergent. After 10 minutes, use tongs to |

| |remove. Most grime can be removed with swipe of sponge. |

|Candles |Clean using nylons wrapped into a loop (figure 8) with rubber band. Run cloth along candle in 1 direction a few times. Nat Home, 11-12/08|

|Carpet Cleaner |Light stains – mix equal parts white vinegar & water in spray bottle, apply directly to stain. Let sit, then clean gently with brush or |

| |sponge using warm, soapy water. Heavy-duty: Combine ¼ cup salt, ¼ cup borax & ¼ cup vinegar. Rub paste into carpet, leave a few hours, then|

| |vacuum. DL 3/10 |

|All-Purpose Cleaning |Dilute one part Dr. Bonner soaps to 40 parts water for light cleaning. Use 50-50 or full strength for heavy cleaning. |

|Solutions |Use ½ tsp. washing soda, a dab of liquid soap & 2 cups hot tap water. |

| |Mix 1 cup white vinegar & 1 cup water. For tough grime, heat 15 seconds in microwave until almost hot, then spray & let stand 15-20 |

| |minutes. Can add 20-30 drops essential oil. |

| |Mix 1 qt. warm water, 1 teas. liquid soap, 1 teas. borax & ¼ cup undiluted white vinegar |

| |Put ½ tsp. washing soda, ½ tsp. borax, ½ tsp. vegetable based soap, 2 tbs. vinegar & 2 cups hot water in spray bottle. Shake well until |

| |all solid bits dissolve. Increase borax to 1 tsp for extra power. Spray, wipe clean with cloth or sponge. |

| |For an herbal spray, combine 8 drops essential oils, ½ teas. liquid dishwashing soap, ½ teas. distilled white vinegar & 16 oz warm water in|

| |spray bottle. |

| |Lemon Fresh Cleaner: Mix 1 cup liquid soap blend*, ¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice, ¼ eyedropper of tea tree extract & 6 cups warm water.|

| |Mix & shake well. Put in plastic spray bottle, spray on, wipe off. Store in cool dark place. Shelf life approximately 9-10 months. |

| |*Liquid Soap Blend: ¼ cup glycerin soap flakes (use cheese grater to grate gentle castile or glycerin non-foaming soap) and ¾ cup boiling |

| |water. Mix flakes & water until flakes dissolve. Pour into bottle, label Gentle Liquid Soap Base. Shelf life 4-6 mos. |

| |No-Rinse Green Clean (Nat Home 5-6/08) Mix 1 cup white distilled vinegar, 2 cups hot water & 5-10 drops lavender essential oil. Mix & |

| |stir or shake thoroughly. (can also add 2 tsp. baking soda) |

| |Rub area with ½ lemon dipped in borax, then rinse. (Abrasive) |

| |Non-abrasive Cleaner – ¼ cup borax, castile soap, ½ teas. lemon essential oil. Combine to form thick paste. Scrub & rinse. NH 7-8/09 |

| | |

| | |

|Clothes |Replace mothballs with cedar chips or sachet made from lavender flowers, rosemary, mint or white peppercorns. (Gaiam) |

|Countertops |1 cup citrus oil in 1 gallon hot water |

| |Mix baking soda & water to desired consistency, apply, let sit overnight, rinse. |

| |Cover with paste of baking soda & water. Let set 2 minutes, wipe. Or, create paste of cream of tartar & lemon juice. Rub in, let soak, |

| |rinse. |

|Countertops, Granite |Put 2 tbs. biodegradable liquid soap & 3-¾ cups water in 32 oz. spray bottle. Shake. Keeps indefinitely. Avoid abrasive materials & take|

| |care with acids like vinegar, citrus, tomatoes. Sealants can’t totally protect granite long term (& they don’t claim to.) If you seal, |

| |use water-based, low odor sealer () |

|Crayon-Wall |Spritz with WD40. Let sit, wipe with cloth, wash. |

|Disinfectant |Mix 20 drops of oil & 1 cup water in spray bottle. (Lavender, tea tree & thyme are proven disinfectants) |

| |1 cup white distilled vinegar, 10 drops essential oil of tea tree, 8 drops each essential oil of lavender, rosemary, oregano, thyme and 5 |

| |drops essential oil of peppermint Organic Spa 11-12/09 |

| |Combine ¾ cup baking soda, ¼ cup borax, 3 tbs. liquid castile soap, 1 tlb. white vinegar & 35 drops eucalyptus essential oil (or 20 |

| |eucalyptus & 15 lemon oil) to form a paste. Store in a sealed container. Dab paste on dampened sponge & apply to tub, sink, etc. Rinse |

| |with fresh water or wipe with clean damp sponge. Body & Soul |

| |Vinegar alone is a great disinfectant. () |

| |2 teas. borax, ¼ cup vinegar and 3-4 cups hot water. For extra power, add ¼ teas. liquid soap |

|Dishwasher |Run cycle with 1 cup white vinegar to clean up |

| |Prevent mineral buildup from staining inside. 1x per month, pour 1 cup of white vinegar into detergent holder after dishwasher fills with |

| |water for 1st cycle. Also dissolves existing deposits. |

| |Put baking soda in bottom |

| |Dishwasher Rinse Agent: Vinegar (NH 1-2/10) |

|Drains |Each week, pour ½ cup baking soda, then 1 (or ½) cup white vinegar after, a bit at a time. Follow with hottest tap water (or boiling |

| |water) or |

| |Pour 1 cup baking soda into drain, followed by 1 cup white vinegar. Let sit overnight. Flush with kettle of boiling water & plunge a few |

| |times. |

| |Hair–2 cup washing soda (pour in drain), followed by a gallon of boiling water. Nat. Home 7-8/06 |

| |For drain cleaner, pour a cup of washing soda down drain. Allow to sit 30 minutes, flush with 3 cups hot water. Once a month. – Del Liv |

| |3/10 |

|Dusting |Use old stockings over hand. Dust clings like glue. |

|Fabric Softener |Add ½ cup white vinegar to rinse cycle – reduce skin irritation, soften clothes, remove static electricity. |

|Floor |Mix 1/8 cup plant-based liquid soap, 1/8 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 gallon water and 10 drops essential oil. Mop as usual. For ceramic|

| |or stone floors, eliminate soap & use ¼ cup vinegar (no film). Don’t use on un-scaled floors. |

| |Wood Floors: Add 1 cup citrus oil to 1 gallon hot water. Mop with sponge. |

| |Wood Floors: Steep black tea, cool to room temperature. Dip a mop or soft cloth into mixture, ring well before using. |

| |Hardwood Floor: Add ¼ cup distilled white vinegar to 1 gallon of warm water. Mop & rinse. Don’t leave a pool of water on floor. |

|Flowers |Add 2 tbs. vinegar & 1 teas. sugar per quart of water |

|Furniture Polish |Mix ½ teas. oil (olive, jojoba, etc.) and ¼ cup vinegar or fresh lemon juice in a glass jar. Mix. Use with soft rag. Cover & store |

|(see wood polish, |indefinitely. |

|also) |Mix 1 cup olive oil and ½ cup lemon juice (or ¼ cup olive oil & 1 tsp. lemon juice or vinegar). Spray on cloth, spread evenly on |

| |furniture. Turn cloth to dry side & polish dry. |

| |Mix ¼ cup vinegar & ½ cup olive oil, distribute evenly & buff. Can add 25 drops orange essential oil. Pink & Green |

| |1 part lemon juice, 2 parts olive or vegetable oil |

| |¼ cup olive oil & ¼ cup white distilled vinegar, 20-30 drops lemon essential oil (Publix Greenwise) |

| |Use 1 part lemon juice & 1 part oil, then rub with soft cloth |

|Scratches |Use a teaspoon of instant coffee dissolved in a teaspoon of water – MEN, 8-9/09 |

|Garbage Disposal |Mix 1 cup vinegar with enough water to fill an ice cube tray, freeze, then put cubes down the disposal. Rinse with cold water for 1 |

| |minute. VT 4/06 |

| |Drop in a few ice cubes, some lemon slices & start |

|Glass |Vinegar & water—2 tbs. cornstarch, ½ cup white vinegar & 1 gal. warm water-use microfiber cloth |

|Grease Stain |Kitchen – sprinkle salt on stain & wipe with sponge (except wine – it sets wine stains) |

|Hairspray Residue |On mirror or glass: pour solution of 1/3 liquid fabric softener & 2/3 water into spray bottle. Spray & wipe off immediately. |

|Heel Marks |Use baking soda & damp sponge or |

|WD |Lightly rub scuff mark with typewriter eraser or |

| |Dip soft cloth in silver polish and wipe spot until it disappears. Wipe off remaining polish with clean cloth. |

| |Use pencil eraser on linoleum WD 8/6/02 |

|Humidifier |Use a couple of tablespoons of common bleach twice a week in humidifier to clean slime and scale & kill bacteria. |

|Iron |To clean, mix ½ cup white vinegar & ½ cup water. Plug iron in, set to steam, hold in the air horizontally & let steam evaporate completely|

| |or fill with 1/4 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup water. Adjust to steam setting & heat 3-5 minutes. Unplug and place flat on a cake rack in the |

| |sink. Allow solution to drip for half an hour, then rinse several times. |

| |Clean faceplate: Cool, wipe with wet sponge & sprinkle of baking soda or dishwashing liquid. |

|Laundry |Use ¼ to 1/3 cup Dr. Bronner soap for one regular load. Dash of baking soda makes it even better. |

| |All Purpose Laundry Soap – Mix ½ cup baking soda, ½ cup powdered castile soap (or ¾ cup unpacked soap flakes from glycerin or castile |

| |soap), ¼ cup washing soda and ¼ cup Borax. Use like commercial detergent – ½ cup per full load. The finer the flakes, the longer the |

| |shelf life. Air dry before mixing for longer shelf life. 4 months to more than 1 year. |

| |Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent (courtesy of ) |

| |Ingredients: |

| |3 pints water |

| |1/3 bar Fels Naptha Soap, grated |

| |1/2 cup Washing Soda (not baking soda, please!) |

| |1/2 cup 20 Mule Team Borax |

| |2-gallon bucket to mix it in |

| |Additional hot water |

| |Directions: |

| |Mix Fels Naptha in a saucepan with 3 pints hot water. Heat on low until dissolved. Stir in washing soda & borax. Stir until thickened, |

| |remove from heat. Add 1 quart hot water to a two-gallon bucket. Add soap mixture, mix well. Fill bucket to about 3 inches from the top with|

| |additional hot water, mix well. Set aside for 24 hours, or until mixture thickens. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load. Note: This detergent |

| |will not make suds, which makes it perfect for front-loading HE washers |

| |For really dirty clothes (or if they look tired), add ½ cup Borax to wash water, or soak 30 minutes. Positively Green, Winter 2008 |

| |Disinfect laundry by adding 1 teas. of tea tree oil. Prevents bacterial & fungal infections. NatHome |

| |Clothes Softener: |

| |Add a ¼ cup white vinegar to rinse cycle. Real Green Summer 2009 |

| |Add 2 new tennis balls to the dryer to remove static electricity (WD 3/3/09) |

|Laundry Safeguards |Don’t put clothes in the dryer that have been in contact with paint, oil or flammables - can ignite fabric. Dry on line. |

| |When washing dark clothes for the 1st time, use cold water and add salt to set color. Will also brighten dark clothes washed several |

| |times. |

| |To restore black color (which can look brown after awhile), add coffee or strong tea to rinse water. |

|Metal Cleaners & |Brass & Copper: |

|Polishes |Use lemon juice & add salt for tough jobs. |

| |Polish tarnished brass by sprinkling baking soda on item. Take half a lemon and squeeze juice over baking soda, then scrub with the lemon |

| |or |

| |Dip cut side of half lemon in salt & rub. Rinse with cold water and buff or |

| |Polish with paste made of equal parts salt, four and vinegar. Rinse, buff with soft dry cloth. Remove corrosion by rubbing with lemon |

| |wedge dipped in vinegar and salt (FC 11/89) |

| |Gold: |

| |Mix ¼ cup liquid castile soap, 2 cups warm water & 1 teas. ammonia. Store in glass bottle. Wash gold, dry, polish with soft cloth. 6 mos.|

| |shelf life. |

| |Use toothpaste. Can use brush. Rinse. |

| |Copper: |

| |Mix equal parts ketchup & water. Apply to copper, wipe off. |

| |Pour 1 cup kosher salt in open dish. Dip cut side of a lemon in salt (1/8” crust) & scrub copper. Squeeze lemon when surface is dry. |

| |Rinse, wash & dry. Nat Home 9-10/08 |

| |Silver |

| |Soak in lemon juice, then rinse with hot water & polish dry. Can also use aluminum foil. Fill pan with water, add 1 tbs. salt, baking |

| |soda & a few sheets of aluminum foil. Leave 1 hour, then rinse with hot water & polish dry or |

| |Wash silver in mild soapy water to remove dirt. Place sheet of aluminum foil in bottom of large pot & put silver pieces on top. In separate|

| |pot, mix a quart of boiling water with ¼ cup baking soda & 2 tbs. salt (Double or triple to cover larger pieces) b& s 3/10 |

| |Store with aluminum foil to keep tarnish free. |

| |Make a paste of baking soda & water. Put in clean damp sponge & rub into silver. Rinse with hot water and polish. For badly tarnished |

| |silver, leave baking soda paste on for an hour or so. |

| |Toothpaste Rub, use traditional, not gel. Rinse with warm water & dry with cloth. Be cautious. |

| |Tarnish: Place cut lemons & water in tarnished pan & add tarnished utensils. Stew on low for 1 hour or so, until stains are gone. |

|Microwave |Mix ½ cup distilled white vinegar & ½ cup water in microwave-safe bowl & bring to rolling boil in microwave. Dissolves odors & baked-on |

| |food. Finish with sponge soaked in pure vinegar. Nat Hom |

|Mildew, Mold |Scrub dirty surface with borax or baking soda |

| |Use full-strength vinegar. To control mold, spray with diluted vinegar on a regular basis. |

| |Mix 2 teas. tea tree oil & 2 cups water. Combine in spray bottle. Shake to blend & spray on problem areas. Don’t rinse. Indefinite |

| |shelf life. (can add to steam cleaner for carpets – 2 teas. to ½ gal water) Body & Soul |

| |1 teas. Borax, 3 tbs. Vinegar, 2 cups hot tap water, spray. |

|Mineral Deposits |(Glass or Stainless) Mix equal parts of white vinegar & water. |

|Mirrors |Scrub obvious streaks & staining with sponge, not a cloth. Dip crumpled newspaper in a solution of 1 part white vinegar & 5 parts warm |

| |water. Wipe in big circles, moving left to right, top to bottom. Switch newspaper pages as needed. Wipe with dry piece of newspaper. wd |

| |3-10 |

|Odor |Remove odors from hands - rubbing vinegar & salt together (removes garlic, spice smell) WD 2/1/09 |

|Oven or Drain Cleaner|Mix 1/4 cup baking soda and ¼ cup white vinegar. Mix into paste & use scrub pad to clean oven. |

| |Stubborn oven cleaner: Add ¼ cup ammonia to above. Preheat oven to lowest setting. Put ammonia in bowl or pan & let sit in oven 4-6 |

| |hours. Remove ammonia, add other 2 ingredients to form paste. Scrub oven. Mist with water & wipe clean. |

| |1 cup baking soda, ¼ cup washing soda. Add water to make paste. Apply, leave overnight. |

|Oven Spills |Sprinkle with salt while warm, wait until oven cools, wipe up. |

| |5 parts salt to 1 cinnamon – pour on spill immediately after turning oven off. Remove when cool. |

|Pans |Fill pan with warm water. Add fabric softener sheet. Leave one hour. FC 10-17-06 *WORKS |

|Dirty |Scrape off burned food, cover bottom with layer of baking soda. Add 2 cups hot water & squirt of dish detergent. Let stand overnight. |

| |Fill pan ¼ full of water, add 5 tbs. baking soda & bring to boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, let soak a few hours or overnight. |

| |Stain should easily wash away. |

| Aluminum |Clean darkened aluminum pans by boiling in them 2 tsp. of cream of tartar mixed in a quart of water for 10 minutes. |

| |Anodized Aluminum – For discoloration, boil 2 tbs. cream of tartar & 1 qt. water. Let sit 10-25 minutes. For exterior, apply with sponge. |

| |RS 11/08 |

| Cast Iron | Scouring with salt won’t remove seasoning (Also try salt & vegetable oil.) Nat Home |

| Copper |Rub with equal combination or vinegar & salt or |

|Bottom |Cut lemon in half, dip in salt & rub over copper. Wash with soapy water & drip dry. |

| |Use sour milk in shallow dish pan. Set copper pan inside or |

| |Clean brass & copper using vinegar & lemon, add salt if needed |

| Stainless |To brighten, rub with soft cloth moistened with white vinegar. (RS 11/08) |

|Pest Repellents |Minty Pest Repellent – Drop 3-4 drops peppermint essential oil each organic cotton balls. Allow to dry. Tuck into corners where insects |

| |hide. Re-scent weekly. Body & Soul |

| |Ants – Soapy water eliminates trails. Prevention 8/05 |

| |Ants – Mix 8 oz. water with 1 teas. peppermint essential oil in spritz bottle. Shake well. Spray countertops, baseboards, etc. Body & |

| |Soul |

| |Mix 3 tb. cinnamon & 1 cup diatomaceous earth or ground-up grapefruit & orange peels. Scatter. |

| |Ants & Cockroaches – Mix borax with water & a little sugar. (Keep Borax away from pets) |

| |Moths in clothes – Freeze clothes at beginning & end of season. Prevention 8/05 |

| |Slugs & Snails – sprinkle used coffee grounds on soil. WD 8/1/06 |

| |Termites – avoid whole house fumigation. Usually only around porches. Try Bora-Care. Prevention 8/05 |

|Pet Accident on Rug |Blot up as much moisture as possible, then rub with white vinegar or lemon juice mixed with warm, sudsy water. Blot and blot some more, |

| |then pour club soda over the spot. Place a dry towel over the area & put a heavy book on top. Once towel is soggy, replace with clean, |

| |dry one. Also - Urine Out () |

|Plastic Containers |Fill with warm water & few teas. of salt. Let sit for 1 hour. Wash with soap/warm water. |

| |Tomato Stains – set in sunlight, rub lemon juice or baking soda on stubborn spots 1st. |

|Refrigerator |Secure an old sock around one end of a yardstick, use to dust under refrigerator |

|Rug Cleaner |Dry cornstarch sprinkled on, then vacuumed |

|Scuff Marks |On Linoleum - use pencil eraser WD 8/6/02 |

|Scouring Powder |Mix 3 parts baking soda & 1 part Borax or baking soda with enough liquid soap to make a paste. |

|Shoes |To clean white patent, etc, use baking soda. |

| |Salt-stained Shoes-wipe gently with soft clean cloth dipped in solution of 1 tlb. white vinegar & 1 cup water. |

| |Canvas sneakers: Clean with same cleanser as suede (Lincoln E-Z Cleaner). Scrub & apply with soft cotton cloth. Scrub again to work into |

| |fabric, then let sneakers dry. Living 10/07 |

| |For suede, rub stains with a pencil eraser. |

|Showers |Prevent soap scum by using liquid, glycerin or all natural soaps. |

| |Wipe with solution of white vinegar & warm water. |

| |For fiberglass shower tub, heat vinegar until hot (not too hot), pour into spray bottle. Spray, wait 10-15 minutes, scrub with sponge |

| |dipped in more hot vinegar & a little borax. Rinse well, dry. |

| |Remove mineral deposits from metal showerheads - boil 5 minutes in ½ cup white vinegar & 1 qt. water. Can put in plastic bag & attach |

| |without removing. Soak |

| |Mix ½ cup vinegar & ¼ cup baking soda in ½ gallon water. Removes water deposit stains on shower panels, chrome, windows, mirrors, etc. |

| |(Animal Wellness) |

| |Rub dull, filmy glass doors with soft cloth saturated with distilled white vinegar. Shine with soft, dry cloth WD 2/1/97 |

|Sink Cleaner |Use 1 teas. organic essential oil (like lavender) to 1 cup filtered water. |

| |Cover with paper towels saturated in bleach for 30 minutes, rinse. |

| |Porcelain – try denture cleaning tablets |

| |Stainless-rub with olive oil |

|Stainless Steel |Apply light layer of olive oil with soft cloth in circular motion |

|Polish | |

|Straw Hat |Use a sticky kneadable eraser & dab gently along the grain to clean. Turn the eraser to keep the surface clean. GH 8/09 |

|Toilet |Put ¼ cup Borax in toilet, let sit 30 min. or longer, then scrub. (add ¼ cup vinegar for extra strength) |

| |Borax mixed with lemon juice removes toilet bowl stains. |

| |Pour in undiluted white vinegar & brush. |

| |Sprinkle bowl with ¼ cup baking soda, then drizzle ¼ cup white vinegar. Scour. |

|Towels-Sour Smell |Wash separately in small loads with hottest water & non-bleach detergent. Add 1 cup ammonia or vinegar during rinse. Dry immediately. WD |

| |7/10/07 |

|Tub/Tile Cleaners |Make paste of baking soda & warm water, apply to grout with old toothbrush. Let sit until dry, wipe. If stain persists, rub with cotton |

| |ball soaked in bleach, rinse well. (for mildew) |

| |For stains, make paste of 3 parts baking soda & 1 part bleach. Scrub. |

| |Peroxide Tile Whitener & Spray – Combine ½ cup 3% hydrogen peroxide & 1 cup water in spray bottle. Spray on problem areas. Let dry, wipe |

| |down. Discard. No shelf life. Body & Soul |

| |1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar & ½ cup hydrogen peroxide. Spray shower & curtain & leave on. Can add 30 drops tea tree oil and/or 30 drops |

| |peppermint essential oil. |

| |Creamy Soft Scrubber – Pour ½ cup baking soda into bowl & add enough liquid detergent to make a texture like frosting. Scoop onto sponge &|

| |wash surface. Perfect for bathtub. Can add 1 teas. vegetable glycerin to keep moist, otherwise, just make what you need. |

| |Tub Cleaner – Mix 1 teas. liquid soap & several drops of anti-bacterial essential oil (tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary or peppermint) to 1 |

| |cup baking soda. Add enough water to make a paste. Use with sponge. |

| |Silly Scrub – Mix 1 cup castile liquid soap and 5-10 drops lavender, tea tree or rosemary oil (optional). Add soap to baking soda small |

| |amount at a time. Stop when it resembles frosting. Keep in airtight container up to 1 year. |

| |Sprinkle baking soda, then spray with white vinegar & scrub. |

| |Fume Free Tile & Grout Magic – thickened spray gel that cleans without offensive odors. Doesn’t use ammonia or phosphoric acid. Removes |

| |calcium & line deposits, rust stains & soap scum from most hard surfaces, including ceramic tile, grout, chrome, glass, fiberglass & |

| |porcelain. $5.99 for 32 oz. trigger spray gel. Home Depot |

|Upholstery |Dry Cleaner: Combine ½ cup baking soda & ½ cup cornstarch in shake-top container. Shake onto fabric. Don’t over-apply. Leave for 30 |

| |minutes. If fabric is napped, gently brush into fabric. Vacuum thoroughly. |

|Veggie Wash |Submerge veggies in water, agitate to loosen dirt & debris. For waxed skin, add 1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar per cup of water. |

| |Scrub gently with brush. 9-10/09 NH |

|Washer – Cleaning |Fill with hot water, add cup of distilled white vinegar, run through cycle. Gets rid of mildew, etc. |

|Weed Killer |Mix 1 oz. orange oil with 1 teas. liquid soap (like Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint), then add to 1 gallon of 10% white vinegar. Shake well & |

|Organic |spot spray weeds. WD – 8/1/06 |

| |Bacterial spot, powdery mildew & leaf blight solution: AgraQuest’s Serenade Garden Disease Control. EPA approved organic fungicide. |

| |(Amazon) |

|Window Cleaner |Place 1/3 tsp. liquid castile or other liquid vegetable soap, 3 tbs. cider vinegar or white vinegar and 2 cups water in a spritz bottle. |

| |Shake well. (soap helps cut wax residue from previous use of commercial brands.) |

| |2 cups water, 1 cup vinegar & 1 tsp. liquid detergent – no streak. (Can add 30 drops peppermint and/or 40 drops lemon essential oil. (Pink|

| |& Green) |

| |Put 4 tbs. lemon juice in 1 gallon water. |

| |Add ¼ cup white vinegar to 1 qt. warm water |

| |Use Club Soda. |

| |Remove stubborn streak on freshly washed windows with bit of alcohol. |

| |Window Washing Tips: Put 2 tbs. white distilled vinegar in 1 qt. water. Get another bucket of clean water. Need squeegee & clean |

| |lint-free cloths. Clear bucket is for rinse. Use same cloth to apply cleaning water. Start at top, clean side to side, let stand a few |

| |seconds. Rinse with clean water. Immediately use squeegee to remove water. Wipe blade clean after every pass. |

| |Never wash on bright day or when window is already warm. |

| |Clean corners with toothbrush or cotton swab. |

| |In winter, a few drops of rubbing alcohol prevents freeze. Natural Home 5-6/06 |

|Window Screens, |You need old towels, 2 spray bottles, white vinegar & a soft brush or non-abrasive sponge. Fill 1 spray bottle with equal parts vinegar & |

|Cleaning |water. Fill the other bottle with clear water. Set aside |

|Nat. Home |Remove screen from window & vacuum gently (or wipe both sides with microfiber cloth.) |

|3-4/07 |Lay screen flat on a towel. Spray thoroughly with vinegar cleaner, then rub gently with brush or sponge. Flip screen & repeat. |

| |Spray screen with clear water & blot dry with fresh towel. Can reinstall while slightly damp. |

| |Repeat if they don’t seem clean. If very dirty, add some mild, biodegradable dish soap. |

|Wood Cleaner |Basic Wood Cleaner: Combine ¼ cup white distilled vinegar, ¼ cup water, ½ teas. liquid soap or detergent and a few drops of jojoba or |

| |olive oil in a bowl. Saturate a sponge, squeeze out excess water & wash surfaces. Store indefinitely in glass jar with screw top. |

|Wood Polish |Mix 1 cup olive oil & ¼ cup vinegar in plastic spray bottle. Shake & spray onto flannel cloth. Vinegar cuts dirt & cleans wood, oil |

| |lubricates & prevents it from drying. |


Household Products Database: Health & Safety Information - HouseholdProducts.NLM.

Care2’s Healthy Home Section: Nontoxic Cleaning Information - channels/lifestyle/home

Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living, by Anne Berthold-Bond

Green Clean by Linda Mason Hunter & Mikki Halpin

Home Safe Home: Protecting Yourself & Your Family From everyday Toxics & Harmful Household Products, Dodd

Naturally Clean: The 7th Generation Guide to Safe & Health Non-Toxic Cleaning, by Jeffrey Hollender

The Naturally Clean Home: 100 Safe & Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers. Karyn Siegel-Maier

Organic Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck.

, , , (Nature Clean) from Animal Wellness

dfe /pubs/garment/gcrg/cleanguide.htm, or



Commercial Products:

• Method Good, Biokleen better, Ecos – best – entire product cycle is clean.

• Seventh Generation Natural Laundry Detergent - Powerful (Positively Green, Winter 2008)

• Seventh Generation Sensitive Care – all types

• Toilet Cleaners (Positively Green, Winter 2008)

o 7th Generation Natural Tub & Tile Cleaner

o Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Surface Scrub

o Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 Hemp Peppermint Pure Castile Soap

o Method Tub & Tile

o Ecover Natural Toilet bowl Cleaner


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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