Introduction - River School of Homeopathy

Helen JohnsonRiver School of homeopathy358140184150Base Chakra and SkinBase Chakra and SkinContents TOC \o 1-3 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc30862506 \h 5Endocrine Chakra Chart PAGEREF _Toc30862507 \h 5Endocrine Gland System PAGEREF _Toc30862508 \h 6Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862509 \h 7Positive Qualities of Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862510 \h 11Negative Qualities of Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862511 \h 11Saturn – Father Time PAGEREF _Toc30862512 \h 12Baptism PAGEREF _Toc30862513 \h 12Elephant PAGEREF _Toc30862514 \h 12Malkuth - the Kingdom PAGEREF _Toc30862515 \h 13Symbols PAGEREF _Toc30862516 \h 13Organs associated with the Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862517 \h 13Mento-Emotional states associated with the Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862518 \h 13Methods of Restoring the Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862519 \h 14Food PAGEREF _Toc30862520 \h 14Yoga Exercises PAGEREF _Toc30862521 \h 14Grounding Exercises PAGEREF _Toc30862522 \h 14Contact with Trees PAGEREF _Toc30862523 \h 14Resting PAGEREF _Toc30862524 \h 14Massage and Touch PAGEREF _Toc30862525 \h 14Sleeping PAGEREF _Toc30862526 \h 14Essential oils PAGEREF _Toc30862527 \h 14Crystals PAGEREF _Toc30862528 \h 15Australian Bush Flower Essences PAGEREF _Toc30862529 \h 15Homeopathic Remedies PAGEREF _Toc30862530 \h 15Questions Relating to the Base Chakra PAGEREF _Toc30862531 \h 18OAK - Quercus Robur PAGEREF _Toc30862532 \h 19Physical Symptoms PAGEREF _Toc30862533 \h 22The Adrenal Glands, The Base Chakra, Stress and Skin PAGEREF _Toc30862534 \h 24What are the Adrenal Glands? PAGEREF _Toc30862535 \h 25What does the Medulla do? PAGEREF _Toc30862536 \h 25What is Adrenal Fatigue? PAGEREF _Toc30862537 \h 26Signs of Adrenal Fatigue PAGEREF _Toc30862538 \h 26The many diverse manifestations of adrenal fatigue: PAGEREF _Toc30862539 \h 27The many diverse causes of Adrenal Fatigue PAGEREF _Toc30862540 \h 28The many diverse signs of Adrenal Fatigue PAGEREF _Toc30862541 \h 28Four Phases of Adrenal Fatigue PAGEREF _Toc30862542 \h 29Phase One: Beginning the ‘Alarm’ PAGEREF _Toc30862543 \h 29Phase Two: Continuing the ‘Alarm’ PAGEREF _Toc30862544 \h 29Phase Three: The ‘Resistance’ PAGEREF _Toc30862545 \h 29Phase Four: The ‘Burnout’ PAGEREF _Toc30862546 \h 30General Adaption Syndrome PAGEREF _Toc30862547 \h 30How Stress Affects Your Health PAGEREF _Toc30862548 \h 32Simple Stress Reducers PAGEREF _Toc30862549 \h 33Recommended therapeutics for Adrenal Exhaustion PAGEREF _Toc30862550 \h 34The Skin PAGEREF _Toc30862551 \h 35Functions of the Skin PAGEREF _Toc30862552 \h 36Treating the Skin PAGEREF _Toc30862553 \h 37Liver-Gallbladder PAGEREF _Toc30862554 \h 38Heart-Small Intestine PAGEREF _Toc30862555 \h 38Spleen/Pancreas - Stomach PAGEREF _Toc30862556 \h 38Lungs/Large Intestine PAGEREF _Toc30862557 \h 38Kidney/Bladder PAGEREF _Toc30862558 \h 39Muscle Testing!! PAGEREF _Toc30862559 \h 39Dairy Free PAGEREF _Toc30862560 \h 40Chinese Facial Analysis PAGEREF _Toc30862561 \h 42Chinese Medicine – 24-hour Circadian Clock PAGEREF _Toc30862562 \h 43The Meridians PAGEREF _Toc30862563 \h 44Histamine Foods PAGEREF _Toc30862564 \h 47Sugar Free Diet PAGEREF _Toc30862565 \h 48Sugar Alternatives PAGEREF _Toc30862566 \h 48Yeast Free Diet PAGEREF _Toc30862567 \h 49Wheat Free PAGEREF _Toc30862568 \h 50Formalin Sensitivity PAGEREF _Toc30862569 \h 51Skin Conditions and Treatments PAGEREF _Toc30862570 \h 52Skin Therapeutics (including Dr Ram’s favourite remedies) PAGEREF _Toc30862571 \h 52Acne PAGEREF _Toc30862572 \h 52Treatments for Acne PAGEREF _Toc30862573 \h 52Foods to cleanse the liver PAGEREF _Toc30862574 \h 53Acne Rosacea PAGEREF _Toc30862575 \h 55Common Remedies for Acne Rosacea PAGEREF _Toc30862576 \h 55Alopecia PAGEREF _Toc30862577 \h 56Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) PAGEREF _Toc30862578 \h 57Boils (Furuncle)/Abscess/Folliculitis/Carbuncle (mass of boils) PAGEREF _Toc30862579 \h 58Burns PAGEREF _Toc30862580 \h 58Candida PAGEREF _Toc30862581 \h 59Cellulite PAGEREF _Toc30862582 \h 59Cuts PAGEREF _Toc30862583 \h 59Eczema PAGEREF _Toc30862584 \h 59Treatments for Eczema PAGEREF _Toc30862585 \h 60How does Fish Oil work? PAGEREF _Toc30862586 \h 61Homeopathy for Eczema PAGEREF _Toc30862587 \h 61Erythema Nodosum PAGEREF _Toc30862588 \h 62Granuloma Annulare PAGEREF _Toc30862589 \h 62Herpes Simplex PAGEREF _Toc30862590 \h 62Herpes Zoster PAGEREF _Toc30862591 \h 63Shingles PAGEREF _Toc30862592 \h 63Herpes Genitalia PAGEREF _Toc30862593 \h 63Impetigo PAGEREF _Toc30862594 \h 64Lichen Planus PAGEREF _Toc30862595 \h 64Lichen Sclerosis PAGEREF _Toc30862596 \h 64Lipomas PAGEREF _Toc30862597 \h 65Lupus PAGEREF _Toc30862598 \h 65Moles/Warts/Skin Tags PAGEREF _Toc30862599 \h 65Molluscum Contagiosum PAGEREF _Toc30862600 \h 66Psoriasis PAGEREF _Toc30862601 \h 66Ringworm PAGEREF _Toc30862602 \h 67Scabies PAGEREF _Toc30862603 \h 67Scleroderma PAGEREF _Toc30862604 \h 67Seborrheic Dermatitis PAGEREF _Toc30862605 \h 68Urticaria PAGEREF _Toc30862606 \h 69Skin Cancers PAGEREF _Toc30862607 \h 70Rodent Ulcers - Basal Cell Carcinomas PAGEREF _Toc30862608 \h 70Squamous Cell Carcinoma PAGEREF _Toc30862609 \h 71Malignant Melanomas PAGEREF _Toc30862610 \h 71Skin Cancer Remedies PAGEREF _Toc30862611 \h 71IntroductionEndocrine Chakra ChartRemember each chakra has an associated Endocrine glandColourElementAnimalSenseNerve plexusOrgan system / connected area of the body Planet Trauma sensitivity e.g. base =security, heart=heart break/grief etc. Place on the cabalistic treeSacred sacramentBuddhist belief Qualities that hugely add to our lives, in terms of self-authenticity, happiness, ability, fulfilment and our relationship to our own beliefs, both worldly and spiritually. Endocrine Gland SystemBase ChakraColourRedSoul lessonServiceElementEarth, lead (Plumbum)SenseSmellSituationBase of the spine, just above the anusAnimalElephantEndocrine Gland-AdrenalsPlanetSaturnNerve plexus CoccygealDevelopsFrom birth to 7Areas of the bodyBack, joints, skin, musculo- skeletal, rectum, legs, feet, immune systemIssuesSurvival, money, security, structure, ability to adapt, Father, job, home, service, the tribe, group beliefs, social lawChristian sacramentBaptismKabbalahMalkuthThis centre develops between the ages of 0 and seven. It is about security and survival. It is about having what we need to exist comfortably i.e. food, a home, comfort from the rain, enough money. It is also about being part of a tribe or a family.Imbalance here is reflected in:Not being able to look after ourselves e.g. drug smokers find it hard to maintain healthy eating or living habits. People who are weak in their base chakra find it hard simply to take care of their day-to-day needsBeing obsessed with security, money, things, materialismFinding it impossible to be structured – living in chaos, always lateObsessed with routine – unable to adapt to change, inability to cope with the unexpectedIf the base chakra is balanced, we are able to have healthy routine and live easily, with regular eating and sleeping patterns and a healthy relationship with material objects. In other words, having enough but not too much, not being obsessed nor hoarding. As you may imagine most people have a poor relationship with their base chakra. In fact, the world we live in is pretty obsessed with security. Many people who do have plenty still believe that they need more to be happy. Also there are many different levels of this. Some of us have fear of lack of food, some lack of enough in general, some fears of disasters etc. The base is about learning how to organise ourselves in the material world - providing for ourselves with food, home, clothes. If we cannot function on this level, we don't get very far in life. We have to organise our physical selves in order to do what we need to do. Most of us are struggling to balance this and are trapped in survival mode.As we strengthen the base chakra we learn to make better use of our time.Many traumas affect the base chakra:A house move as a childA change of schoolParental divorce or separation – an unstable marriage – arguing and conflict in the homeBirthAny early trauma- i.e. being premature and being in an incubator, having a mother who is distressed and therefore in some way absent The birth of a sibling especially if handled badlyAdoptionAn absent parent or death or illness of parentConfusion over our parents – e.g. if you’re brought up believing somebody is your father, who is actually not your fatherA lack of contact with the parentsBeing educated too earlyNot being breast fedBeing vaccinatedAll drugs – allopathic and recreational – cannabis especially weakens the base chakraAny actual traumas, physical or emotion e.g. falling out of trees, road traffic accidents, bereavements of grandparents, pets etc.This list is endless The Father - for most of us is the provider of financial security, our discipline, and structure. When we heal the base chakra we particularly link with our relationship to our father, and all that he represents to us.Group beliefs - the base chakra is where we hold beliefs that are instilled within our group. An obvious example of this is if we are brought up as Christians and we remained structured by these teachings. Alternatively, we may live in fear of breaking the rules set down by the group we were brought up in. However, often these rules are outdated or simply don't apply to our lives. We therefore need to challenge them and create our own rules, for happy survival. The base chakra challenges us to examine rules and regulations that are so deeply embedded in us that we don't even realise how much they rule our lives.Also early trauma causing insecurities and fears that we have totally forgotten often underlie a weak base chakra. Years 0 – 7 - At this stage in our lives we are not really aware of the separateness we have from our family. We do not really develop our own individual consciousness or individual willpower. Identity comes later. We are absorbing tribal consciousness, collective willpower, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, superstitions, and fears of what is around us.As we develop, we learn to make our own rules that we need for survival. We develop our own sense of right and wrong. We learn to be our own master.As we develop the base chakra we are developing the foundations to grow. This really is the roots of the tree. Without a healthy base we are unstable and cannot really grow.The more we develop our base, the more we attain its qualities.From the understandings we learn from Gabor Mate and all the recent research on the attachment theory and on the effects of trauma on the human condition, we can see how fundamental the base chakra and its link with the adrenal glands is to our physical and emotional health. Early safety in relationship to our mother or primary care giver i.e. enough, love, touch and attunement, as well as sufficient nutrition, warmth, calm etc. all programme the baby’s adrenal glands and dictate to some extent their development. The base chakra is all about a sense of safety and security, having enough of all we need to survive. The more I understand this the more I realise this is fundamental in health and so many cases of allergies, cancers, auto immune diseases, ME etc. All the “modern day “ diseases are related partly to weak base/adrenals. In terms of health this really is the roots of the tree and until we heal early trauma we are susceptible to many diseases. There is also a strong link here to ancestral trauma.I believe this is becoming more and more important to consider. The base chakra pertains to the elements of Plumbum /lead - this is the origins of Alchemy. Alchemy is the process of transforming lead to gold. Gold is associated with the upper heart chakra.So Alchemy is the evolution of the self from being materially bound (stuck in the base) to becoming a fountain of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and others, knowing that how another person is exactly right for them, that any negative behaviours that they display are to do with their own injury/trauma/soul journey , and having truly loving acceptance of them. The same applies to oneself. We are all aiming for this, and by working with, clearing and connecting to our own chakra system we become closer to this - becoming the goddess. So the journey begins. EARTH - when we connect to Nature, we connect to our own Nature.At the moment we are fairly disconnected from our true Nature, and so we are treating ourselves with little real RESPECT - this is reflected in how we are treating the planet.For some reason human nature has a lack of understanding of how to respect itself and the Earth. If we begin by recognising this and start to listen to our body we will start to really understand the rhythms of Nature.The Body is full of Wisdom if we start to listen and respond to:When we are tiredWhen we are thirsty and what our cells cravesWhen we are hungry and what for What emotions are creating tensions or pains in our body etc. Then we will start to transform how we are in relation to the planet. TEACH OUR PATIENTS TO SEE THE BODY AS A PROFOUND SOURCE OF WISDOMLEARN TO LISTEN TO ITS WISDOM AND TREAT IT WITH RESPECT.When we start to understand this it totally changes our understanding of ill health.So why do we get ill?Disease is a manifestation of the body striving for balance, self-preservation, cleansing, and realignment.Survival of the fittest- natural population controlA cry for help- emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physicallyA natural cleansing process - particularly acute disease.A “punishment” for violation of natural law. I think it is a really powerful tool to realise that by listening to our body, we are more likely to start to resonate with Nature and it is a foundation to helping to return to nature’s laws and hopefully start to balance our relationship to the earth. Our health is hugely affected by the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we grow our food in, the food we feed the animals we eat, the water that fish live in etc. so obvious but we seem so separate from this in our behaviour, because , it seems to me, we are so disconnected from what health really is. Bringing people back to Naturopathic principles helps to realign them to their body. The body and mind are inseparable .. a healthy body feeds a healthy mind and vice versa. It is time to treat our body with the respect and reverence , and in doing so we will start to treat our planet and all its creatures in the same way. Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water.Interestingly in India the rivers are seen as goddesses and in ancient England and Greece the most highly sacred place was the spring. We know that water carries memory and we also know that water is highly sensitive to emotions - if we look at the work of Masuru Emoto He does experiments where we conveys words to water crystals.For example - Hope produces beautiful, symmetrical crystals, whilst War creates a disintegrating mess.So simply send your food, your water good thoughts before you consume them, cook with love and hope, think health and peace into what you consume and into your own body. The power of our minds is phenomenal. Positive Qualities of Base Chakra● Reverence● Striving for truth● Perseverance● Self-discipline● Striving for perfection● Refinement of character● Loyalty● Honour and respect and loyalty to your family and tribe● Ability to take responsibility for yourself and your actions● Ability to remain calm and clear● Ability to adapt to change● Ability to cope in a crisis● Patience and faithfulness● Sense of justice● Survival instinct - the ability to find food and shelter with our instinctive mind● Faith in our own ability to survive and have enough● A healthy relationship with money, food, possessionsNegative Qualities of Base Chakra● Lack of self-discipline, poor focus, laziness● Cunning● Stupidity● Weakness of character, easily led● Not taking responsibility for yourself, blaming others● Greed, hoarding, sense of poverty● Fear of change● Disorganisation, poor timekeeping● Financial difficulties● Material fixation● Overindulgence, overeating● Anxiety, restlessness● Poor boundariesFixed, inability to adapt, OCDFear of survivalLack of faith in the world and /or one’s own ability to surviveDependence on others.Saturn – Father TimeSaturn is the planet that governs the base chakra. He is the taskmaster, the judge. He determines if you have the ability, the will, and the stamina to continue.Saturn can cause stiffening and solidity. This, in balance, is wonderful to help us to create structure. However, too much of it makes us a rigid and inflexible.He is the planet of justice. He is always just.He presents tests and challenges.He presents us with what we need to learn and to know to grow.By opening the base and facing Saturn, we bring on a degree of suffering, but it is only through this that we can learn. He strips us of self-deception. He helps us to admit when we are wrong. He helps us to see what is true in ourselves, in our values, and in others. He gives us the quality of discernment.Saturn governs the law of crystallisation, ruling the calcium and lime deposits in our body. Therefore, hardening of the arteries, gallstones and kidney stones, as well as calcium in our joints can all be linked with the base chakra.He teaches us to release old habits and do things from our own thoughts. He teaches us not just to react, but to learn to respond to ourselves.BaptismWater on the head, Blessed with life and family.To be grateful for life, to be alive.To be aware of the connectedness of you to your family. That you chose your family to share your life with. That your family should give you structure, support, and the safety that you need to survive.Honouring your family and your tribe.ElephantRepresents the nature of the lifelong search for food for the body, mind and soul.The quality of the elephant in the base chakra enables us to walk with steadfastness, strength and an assured gait. He works with humility and a sense of service. He is very strong and stable. He can withstand many changes.Malkuth - the KingdomIn the Kabbalah, this represents the state of being. It is the stability, physical embodiment. In terms of the soul's journey it is the realm of direct physical experience, the place where senses interact with that which is real. Thought, emotion, memory and evocation have no place here - if you caress a piece of silk, Malkuth is the plain sensation of sheer softness, rather than any pleasure it evokes. It is sight, taste and touch devoid of context or analysis, experience without meaning. In Malkuth, existence happens from moment to moment, free of context or meaning. It allows us to interact freely with the world and each other, without dogma. Malkuth asks us to focus on operating within the real world.Ganesha- is the elephant god and rules the base chakra.He is the remover of obstacles. The Hindus pray to him for material and spiritual wealth. He represents the divine energy in all human beings. He symbolises the way and the goal. He represents foremost spiritual power. He is a teacher and teaches never to be proud of material wealth but to expand ourselves with the wealth of self-awareness.SymbolsIn general symbols help us go beyond the human mind. They work deeply on our sub conscious mind and resonate deeply with our collective consciousness, and our ans associated with the Base ChakraBones and teeth – including osteoporosis, back problemsSkin – skin is what separates us from the rest of the world.Rectum, anus, lumbar spineLegs, buttocks, feet.Immune system – tribally the group protects the individual from harm. In reflection the immune system protects the individual from invasion by foreign bodies.Adrenals – fear of survival, fight or flight, fear of poverty(Psoric), fear of abandonment by the group(pulsitilla), fear of death(Arsenicum album).Mento-Emotional states associated with the Base ChakraOCD- so disconnected from the base that they feel unsafe and are constantly having to check that everything is in order to enable them to cope. Basically feel very unsafe.Autism – as above.Eating disorders – not connected enough to their physical needs, so anorexia can develop.Alcoholism – as a way of anaesthetising the anxiety of the loss of base.Multiple personality disorders – lack of base and grounding mean that they are too easily caught up in the emotions and needs of others, or react without proper connection to the immediate thought or demand.PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder. Methods of Restoring the Base ChakraFoodBecause meat takes the longest to digest MEATS and PROTEINS are the most grounding of all the foods. However, meat is not essential, but proteins are. For vegetarians this could include beans, nuts, lentils, pulses, eggs and dairy foods.Eating- many people just eat to ground themselves. Being ungrounded can be a reason for overeating. Yoga ExercisesThe tree, the elephant, any that engage the legs and feet.Grounding ExercisesStampingJumping up and downKickingJoggingMost exercise especially if it is outsideContact with TreesTree energy has a hugely grounding effect.Go for a walk in the woodsHug a treeResting Sitting down to relax is very grounding.Massage and TouchAll physical touch helps to ground us. Massage is particularly good for reminding people of their bodies, as are all the other physical therapies e.g. osteopathy, chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, aromatherapy, shiatsu, Amatsu etc.Sleeping Sleeping is bringing the body to rest and stillness. It is the grounding at the end of each day that regenerates us the following day.Essential oils Patchouli, cypress, cedarwood, vetivert, sandalwood, myrrhCrystals Red jasper, Smokey Quartz, black tourmaline, Chalcancite, jet, black obsidian, tiger’s eye, iron pyrites, ruby, Citrine, calcite, petrified wood, hematite, magnetite, garnet. Australian Bush Flower EssencesBauhinia- resistance to change, rigidityBoab – letting go of negative preceding family patternsIsopogon - for a rigid, stubborn, controlling father Sundew – helps anyone to come into their physical bodyHomeopathic RemediesA weak base chakra means you are like a battery that can’t hold its charge. In terms of healing this means that remedies don’t hold, and whilst symptoms can temporarily improve, the effects are not long lasting. People with poor base chakras lack vitality, and perseverance. AconiteMost general remedy for shock and preparing people for shock i.e. give before surgery, exams, a trip to the dentist, witnessing an accident etc.ArnicaMost common and general remedy to give after physical shock - a fall, any surgery, concussion etc. However, it is also very much a remedy for mental distress following trauma, especially when the stress becomes chronic as in PTSD.Arsenicum album Fear of death, need to be in control.Sulphur Disconnected to base- disorganised, untidy, difficulty in surviving.Workaholic and addicted to money.Calc. Carb. Difficulty adapting to change Workaholic- overdeveloped sense of responsibility.Psorinum Fear of not having enough.TuberculinumFear of death, fear of wasting time.All nosodes can be used at the base but the others are much more associated with the sacral centre.ThujaAs it is a tree and also one of the remedies that most powerfully affects the coccyx which is the anchor of the whole system. Also with Nux vomica, Thuja is fantastic for the adrenal glands. Obviously it also has a very strong affinity with the sacral centre. ManganumTremendous over developed sense of duty.Hyoscyamus Trauma remedy, fear, and as a result go out of their bodies and becomeshameless and manic.OpiumTrauma remedy – totally disconnected, abnormally happy as well as excessively tired. Often a remedy needed after acute shock, and when someone has been prescribed a lot of opiate drugs, or been a heroin user. HydrogenFeel separated from the world, everything is strange and unreal, spaced out.CannabisHallucinatory, excessively happy, forgetful. Very useful to give cannabis users.BaptisiaPetroleumAll have a sense of separationPyrogenConiumIndifference, depression, lack of motivation. Weary of life. Too much trauma for too long. Plumbum Often those needing Plumbum are stuck in the base, obsessed by money.Baryta carb Fear of change, lack of energy, inability to decide. Very good for children going through puberty when they have a reluctance to grow up. MorganAvoids company but anxious if alone. Think of Morgan in teething infants with itchy, cracked skin. Very grounding.OakProbably the most used base remedy. It grounds and stabilises after any trauma from birth through all else. Strong symptom is an overdeveloped sense of duty. It is the right remedy to give anyone in a state of chronic stress and for anyone taking recreational drugs. Both of these situations will take the person repeatedly out of their base centre and this would mean that other remedies would not work well at all.ClayThink of this for anyone “stuck”- emotionally unable to cry, in a situation and unable to get out. They are obsessive over little things.ChalcanciteFragile, brittle, vulnerable people. Often damaged by a history of medical treatments, or bullying, or abuse. Very good for osteoporosis.Black obsidian Clears toxic effects of all kinds of drugs/vaccines/radiation . Protects the unborn foetus from Ultra Sound Scans. Yellow Fear from the beginning, children born full of fear, fear from past lives. Earthworm Over developed sense of responsibility, toil patiently for others, disconnected from their own needs.PlutoniumGreat sense of alienation. Very ungrounded with a sense of being very different from other people, a real feeling of not belonging. Inherited trauma from World War 2 .. ( Berlin Wall can also help this ) Lots of tree remedies work at the base - we will learn them all as we progress.The trees that have the greatest affinity with the base are:HornbeamCarpinus betulus - ironwood. It particularly good for the heart chakra, when weighed down with remorse, regret, shame, however, helps people to let go of these emotions and works on the base chakra to realign them to their path/truth. Sycamore SeedConnection between left and right, physical instability and tension. Huge remedy.White ChestnutHelps foster discipline to diet/exercise etc.Red ChestnutVery much helps with sexual identity HollyHeals rifts between fathers and their children. where the character has developed excessive pride and aloofness stemming from a difficult/authoritarian father. Prickly hard exterior, hiding vulnerability and hurt.Copper beechAnxiety and fear , leading to restlessness. Cracked WillowSalix fragilis - feeling stifled and crushed by circumstances, amazing remedy for back and neck pains. Restores focus. Very good remedy following an accident where there is joint injury e.g. whiplash. SequoiaThe Giant Redwood Tree - naivety. Sense of separation from family/friends. Homesick AshFor rigidity of thinking/way of life. lack of interest in life. Lack of discipline. Good for teenagers when disconnected from path and appearance. Very good for anyone with confusion over sexuality. Buddleia- Butterfly bush The plant can grow into a large bush just from a tiny crack in a rock.. it commonly grows where there is very little soil.. and it attracts butterflies.. hence it is an amazing, deep remedy for transformation through deprivation or trauma. This is a universal shock remedy. It is fantastic for fear/hatred towards father, or any kind of sexual abuse issues that in some way relate to a father or father figure or friend of . It is also an excellent remedy for people who don’t know who their father is, or have been brought up not knowing their real father, or have been lied to as children .. i.e. being brought up by a father that is not actually their birth father. It is a wonderful remedy for children who are brought up by single mothers and there is very little male energy around them. It is also a wonderful remedy for when you have never recovered from your father leaving home - i.e. if parent’s separate. It is also specifically good for the trauma of a forceps birth.It takes people into still point in cranial osteopathy. Very good after a RTA ( Road Traffic Accident ) Questions Relating to the Base ChakraWhat rules do you have that inhibits you? What belief patterns did you inherit from your parents? How do they serve you?What do you feel your duties? Are they?What are your superstitions?Are there any unfinished family issues?What blessings did you receive from your family?When raising a family, what would you like your children to learn from you?What traditions and you think are important to continue with?What fears have you inherited from your family and your culture?How are you like your parents? grandparents? Any family /ancestral traumas- i.e. war, holocaust, accidents etc. OAK - Quercus RoburDraw a tree Throughout the major cultures of Europe the oak tree has been held in high esteem. To the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs and Teutonic tribes the oak was foremost amongst venerated trees, and in each case associated with the supreme god in their pantheon, oak being sacred to Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun and Thor, respectively. Each of these gods also had dominion over rain, thunder and lightning, and it is surely no coincidence that oak trees appear to be more prone to lightning strikes than other trees, whether because of their wood's low electrical resistance or the fact that they were frequently the largest, tallest living things in the landscape.The Druids frequently worshipped and practised their rites in oak groves (the word Druid was probably a Gaelic derivation of their word for oak, Duir, and meant men of the oaks). Mistletoe, probably the Druids' most potent and magical plant, frequently grew on oak trees and its presence was believed to indicate the hand of God having placed it there in a lightning strike.Ancient kings presented themselves as the personifications of these gods, taking on the responsibility not only for success in battle but also the fertility of the land, which relied on rainfall. They wore crowns of oak leaves, as a symbol of the god they represented as kings on Earth. Similarly, successful Roman commanders were presented with crowns of oak leaves during their victory parades, and oak leaves have continued as decorative icons of military prowess to the present day. Oak was the first remedy to be proved as a meditative proving in 1992. It is the KING of remedies. Before the proving, many of the provers were supposed to take the remedy but didn’t bother as they felt it wouldn’t do much - this is a big indication for needing Oak.Reluctance to take a remedy due to the belief that it is of no use Probably the most important of all the new remedies Considered by the druids to be the king of the woods. It is a strong, deep, slow acting remedy that cannot be over prescribed. Unless the BASE chakra is strong the person will not develop, their health will remain fragile and their spiritual journey will not be followed. OAK ensures that the base is strong and heals many of the traumas associated with a damaged base chakra. It is the best remedy to earth people, bringing them back into their bodies, grounding them and also mending damage to the aura. Oak also realigns people to their purpose (like Saturn) It is a very good remedy to start any caseIt establishes, strengthens and purifies on many levels. If the base chakra is not strong, no homeopathic remedy will hold fully so the patient may get better but not permanently, partly because they are not sufficiently “with” themselves to stay on their path. This brings me to the point that so often ill health is the body expressing dis-ease on a deeper level i.e. that we are unhappy with where we are in life - a place that we know is not right for us be it a marriage , a job, a friendship, a belief system. etc.OAK is a rescue remedy - so it helps us cope with any trauma but it not only helps us cope, it helps us to see the lesson of the trauma.. and helps us acknowledge that the trauma occurred to help us realign to ourselves if we see the lesson ( Saturn at work again ) Hahnemann used Sulphur and Psorinum to open all his cases - both of these are phenomenal base chakra remedies. When someone’s base chakra is out of balance they are disorganised or unable to cope with any disorder.Spaced out or over regimented Hopeless with money or unable to spend money.Unable to concentrateUnable to really hear others - i.e. you tell them something important and they ignore you.Poor memory for day to day events, forget what you have told them. Unable to follow simple instructions.Totally undisciplined or unable to cope with even small change of plan. Anxious, insecure, romantic Think of a dope smoker and someone with Asperger’s. Oak as an acute remedy It has so many uses in the acute In cancer treatment when the patient is on high levels of medication/having surgery or taking chemotherapy - Oak repeatedly brings the person back to Earth and helps them stay connected to their truth enough to make good decisions around their right treatment path. It helps them cope with the repeated trauma of having the illness. It should be given daily at 30CIn cigarette smokers- when they take Oak 30c daily it makes them feel ill when they smoke so acts as a deterrent. Equally you can give the smoker some and they can take it every time they have the urge to Saturnian quality - and so can be used to help anyone who needs more self-control i.e. during a diet.When someone is lost and feels directionless - it puts you back on your path. It clears all the miasms and helps them to clear more deeply and gently, this includes the common miasms but also the petrochemical, radiation and vaccination miasms (Miasma =stain in Latin) Anyone on allopathic drugs or recreational drugs - it helps the person to stay grounded giving them the wherewithal to come off the drugs or at least listen to their bodies more readily. As well as balancing the Base Chakra.It also repairs and closes the Aura. Anyone in a traumatised state or on any kind of drugs has an open aura. This makes them much more susceptible to other people’s thoughts and feelings and therefore, much more likely to be negatively affected by the desires/needs/traumas of others. It strengthens BOUNDARIES. Drugs, cigarettes, trauma etc. all damages the aura. It rebalances our relationship to money particularly when people are overly materialistic. It PURIFIES - the lymph, blood, endocrine glands, kidneys, liver, spleenFor children with HYDROCEPHALUS - it helps the fluid balance on the brain. For anyone who feels that they are at the end of their tether - complete burn out from too much to deal with . They are often at a point where they have completely given up and feel life is a total drudge. People who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities. I use it all the time for people who are stuck in situations which are exhausting and difficult. It seems to give them the strength to survive. People who give up too easilyFollowing a splenectomy - it restores the ethereal quality of the spleen.Good for people who don’t learn from their mistakes so keep repeating the same mistakes. For people who have LOST faith in themselves and in Life ( COINUM ) For the dying - helps them to have faith that there is an afterlife and so reduces the fear of death.A new Nux Vomica, very good for weary businessmen overwhelmed with financial responsibility.Balances male - female energy . It is particularly brilliant for a women in a man’s world or role. Helps to restore her femininity. I use this remedy a lot with women who struggle with fertility when they have lost connection to their feminine through being in a masculine role for too long .. i.e. successful business women who decides to have a child at 40 and cannot conceive. Equally it is very good for women who have become like men through their working career or expectations in childhood. It brings back the “goddess”- the mother and the maiden, as well as the crone. Also good for mothers who lose their sexual energy because of the extreme sense of duty to having a family. Very good after the exhaustion of childbirth. For the elderly when they are fearful and debilitated by age. After a long period of study - helps to restore the student body and soul. Very good for all babies to help them incarnate, but also if they have had a forceps or caesarean delivery. Those sent to boarding school who have detached from themselves and become programmed into a father’s discipline, losing connection to their own soul’s journey. Gives us the stillness to make decisions and to trust them as it renews our faith in ourselves.It exposes grief and releases despair. Amazing remedy to give for anyone stuck in a very difficult situation i.e. waiting to hear about someone in an acute medical state, or a person lost, or someone stuck in a disaster . Oak as a constitutional remedy It is the vegetable equivalent of Calcarea carbonica. The Oak type is hardworking, dependable, responsible but works away at fruitless tasks that are unlikely to further their growth or improve their career. They take great strain and tend to have enormous patience and tolerance. However they become resigned to their fate and then they lose their spirit and end up exhausted and defeated. Oak gives vision to a situation that seems hopeless.They resist change by doing tasks that are time wasting or menial.Stuck.. so put in lots of effort but often in a way that just exhausts them but doesn’t better them. For instance, a very talented artist who gets stuck in work that prevents real expression. They may be stuck in the values of their parents and be programmed into seeing this as without choice, but have become depressed and unfulfilled. They fight on dutifully, but it gives them the courage to break away from their duties and be true to themselves. They are often obsessed by minor detail. (like autism or OCD) They may have become institutionalised by their education/upbringing. Guilt that they are not matching the idealism they were brought up with.Often they feel socially inadequate, as their sacral energy has not been awakened so they have little sense of fun or self-expression. They are duty and rule bound. They hold huge tension in their musculoskeletal system and diaphragm - resulting in low back pain, shoulder pain and breaking or digestive issues. Oak brings courage and self-belief to BE YOURSELF and to have FAITH in yourself.Restless yet exhausted - adrenal imbalance. Physical SymptomsTENSION - in neck leading to headaches, in spine causing back ache, in diaphragm leading to difficulty breathing, tachycardia, tension in the solar plexus, hiatus hernia.STONES - hard masses - like calc carb.. a tendency to gall stones/kidney stones/ fibroids /cystsCOCCYX - the anchor bone.. if the coccyx is misaligned the person is like a ship without an anchor. It helps to align the coccyx which is very important . Always give after coccyx injury. ALLERGIES - to wheat and dairy. FERTILITY - for men who are impotent and women in a male role. The Adrenal Glands, The Base Chakra, Stress and SkinThe adrenal glands are damaged by fear, fear of survival. If we do not feel safe, especially in our early years, or if we experience a situation in our lives that threatens our survival, such as job loss, accident, theft, sudden death of a loved one etc. then our adrenal glands become disturbed. The world we live in with threats of terrorism, stock market crashes, volcanic eruptions etc. also hugely plays into this.Skin - in terms of the chakra system relate to the base chakra which governs the adrenal glands. The base chakra relates to survival, security, safety, work, routine, relationship with our fathers and authority.The adrenal glands are disturbed by stress and shock, in varying degrees. It seems thatmost skin issues are stress related and cited as being so in medical texts.Psoriasis and Acne are both attributed to stress in medical thinking.Obviously, most illnesses may have an element of stress in its aetiology, but skin is particularly sensitive and here are some reasons why:Adrenal glands play an important role in allergic response. Allergic hypersensitivity is one of the earliest and most typical signs of an imbalanced immune system. And an overly sensitive immune system may be the result of weakened adrenal glands.According to adrenal health expert Dr James L. Wilson, author of Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, and Doctor of Chiropractic and naturopathic medicine, most allergies involve the release of histamine and other substances that produce inflammation.In his book, Dr Wilson writes that, "Cortisol is a strong anti-inflammatory. Your circulating level of cortisol is the key factor in the level of inflammatory reactions in your body. For this reason, your adrenal glands play an important role in mediating the histamine release and inflammatory reactions that produce the symptoms experienced with allergies. It is therefore not surprising that people with food and environmental allergies commonly have weak adrenal function.”The more histamine that is released, the more cortisol it takes to control the inflammatory response and the harder the adrenals must work to produce more cortisol. The harder the adrenals must work the more fatigued they become and the less cortisol they produce, allowing histamine to inflame the tissues more. The vicious circle can lead to progressively deeper adrenal fatigue as well as to larger allergic reactions.Anything that you can do to break this cycle will help your adrenal glands and reduce the effects of allergies. How do you break the cycle in order to help your adrenal glands and get relief from allergies? Give your adrenal glands the support they need to become strong, healthy, strong and resilient!What are the Adrenal Glands?The cortex and the medulla have very separate roles within the adrenal glands, although there is some interaction between them. There are three roles that the cortex typically performs:1. Production of DHEA and other sex hormones:Occurs in the innermost layer of the cortex, the zona reticularis. Hormones like DHEA, DHEA-S and androstenedione are produced and secreted as needed. In men, these hormones can be converted into testosterone within the testes (although in practice, the testes can produce testosterone directly from cholesterol without the adrenal glands). In women, the adrenal glands are the primary source of these androgens (‘male’ sex hormones), and so they play a much more important role. The adrenal glands also produce oestrogen so are especially important in women during menopause, and adrenal exhaustion is the main problem for women at menopause. 2. Production of corticosteroids:The middle section of the cortex (the zona fasciculate) controls our corticosteroid levels. Cortisol and its related compounds are vitally important hormones that we literally cannot live without. They control our sleep/waking cycle, they suppress inflammation, they help us generate energy from non-carbohydrate foods and they even regulate our blood pressure. When a women develops joint pain in menopause it is because she is lacking cortisol which normally acts on our joints all day every day to ease the constant inflammation of normal use. Many chronic pain conditions are related to lack of cortisol. Pain killers can suppress natural cortisol production, hence they ultimately can make pain worse with long term use. 3. Production of mineralocorticoids:The last role of the cortex is to produce mineralocorticoids like aldosterone, which regulates our fluid and mineral excretion. These are secreted by the outermost layer of the cortex, the zona glomerulosa. This has may effects on the system in particular raising blood pressure.What does the Medulla do?The medulla might only form 20% of the adrenal gland, but it is just as important as the larger cortex. Whereas the cortex is more concerned about regulating different levels in our bodies and keeping our bodies functioning efficiently, the medulla is all about managing our response to stress.The medulla secretes three different catecholamines, including epinephrine (adrenaline),norepinephrine, and dopamine. Also known as neurotransmitters, these stress hormones generate the primitive stress response that helps to keep us alive in moments of trauma or danger.When under stress, our brains send a signal to the adrenal glands which react instantly by releasing these stress hormones. Among other things, they slow down our digestion, increase our awareness and divert blood flow to important areas like our brain and muscles.No bigger than a walnut and weigh less than a grape. The adrenals sit like a pyramid on top of each kidney, in the back, near the bottom of the ribs on each side of the spine. According to Dr Wilson, "The hormones secreted by your adrenals influence all of the major physiological processes in your body. They closely affect the utilisation of carbohydrates and fats, the conversion of fats and proteins into energy, the distribution of stored fat (especially around your waist and at the sides of your face), normal blood sugar regulation, and proper cardiovascular and gastrointestinal function.” When people eat very little exercise plenty and still can’t lose weight it is usually an adrenal issue. ( and/or thyroid ) Healthy adrenal glands secrete very precise amounts of steroid hormones. The secretion of these hormones helps minimise negative and allergic reactions to drugs, alcohol, food and environmental allergens. But because the adrenals are so responsive to any change in your inner physical, emotional and psychological environment, it's easy for them to get out of balance. "This means that too much physical, emotional, environmental and/or psychological stress can deplete your adrenals, causing a decrease in the output of adrenal hormones, particularly cortisol," says Wilson. This decrease results in adrenal fatigue or hypoadrenia (hypo meaning lower and adrenia meaning related to the adrenals).In addition, Wilson says that if your adrenal glands have no opportunity to fully recover from chronic or simultaneously occurring stresses, usually the result is adrenal fatigue.What is Adrenal Fatigue?Adrenal fatigue is any decrease in the ability of the adrenal glands to carry out their normal functions. This happens when your body is overwhelmed, when stress overextends the capacity of your body to compensate and recover. Consequently, the adrenals become fatigued and are unable to continue responding adequately to further stress.Typically, what happens to many people is that they get into a vicious cycle of relying on coffee, tea, coke, cigarettes, red bull, sugars and other stimulants to keep them going throughout the day. Eventually, they get a second wind and end up working very late into the night. It becomes harder and harder for them to get going in the morning, so they drink more caffeine, perpetuating the cycle.Signs of Adrenal FatigueAdrenal Fatigue is a condition in which the adrenals, due to chronic over stimulation, begin to fail and produce lower levels of cortisol. Wilson makes a very strong case that adrenal fatigue is an increasingly prevalent yet unrecognised response to the hyper-stress characteristic of the 21st century. Stressors – physical, emotional, psychological, environmental, and infectious – all contribute to adrenal fatigue. The adrenals respond to all types of stress in the same way. And the load is cumulative – if many smaller stresses occur simultaneously, accumulate or become chronic, and the adrenals have no opportunity to recover, adrenal fatigue is all too often the result.Although adrenal fatigue (aka non-Addison’s or subclinical hypoadrenia) has been described in medical texts since the 1800s, few physicians have recognised the presence of this increasingly widespread problem. Why? Because the “normal” range for adrenal function on standard blood and urine tests includes all but the most severe cases of adrenal malfunction: Addison’s disease (extreme low cortisol and cortisone) and Cushing’s syndrome (extreme high cortisol and cortisone). And patients whose triggering complaint is adrenal fatigue typically present with a host of other diseases and syndromes, whose only apparent similarity is that fatigue is a primary symptom.This diversity is not surprising since the hormones secreted by the adrenals influence all major physiological processes in the body, closely affecting utilisation of carbohydrates and fats, conversion of fats and proteins into ATP, fluid and electrolyte balance, the distribution of fat (fat stored as visceral adipose tissue and along the sides of the face is an indication of dysfunctional adrenals), blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal function.In addition, some hormones secreted by the adrenals have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant protective activity and also help control allergic and other adverse reactions to alcohol, drugs, foods and environmental allergens. Furthermore, the adrenals become the major source of sex hormones after mid-life (in men as well as women, although andropause occurs a bit later and the decline in hormone production is more gradual).And, as every athlete knows, muscular strength and stamina are acutely affected by adrenal hormones, i.e. steroids. Lastly, susceptibility to certain types of diseases and ability to respond to chronic illness is significantly influenced by the adrenals. The more chronic the illness, the more critical adequate adrenal response becomes.The many diverse manifestations of adrenal fatigue:The diverse roles played by adrenal hormones explain why adrenal fatigue the underlying cause of such a wide range of symptoms and conditions can be, including:? Fatigue—the hallmark symptom? Decreased immunity? Functional hypoglycaemia? Weight gain – the temporary increase in cortisol levels produced by driving the adrenals with fast food and caffeine causes people with chronically low cortisol to put on weight since even a temporary excess of cortisol causes visceral fat deposition. There is a tendency to put weight on/around the middle whilst the legs may remain skinny, and around the sides of the face.? Food and environmental sensitivities and allergies? Rheumatoid arthritis? Premenstrual tension? Menopausal symptoms? Mental disturbances – increased anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, less acute memory recall, panic attacks.? Insomnia? Frequent respiratory infections – chronic and recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia and other chronic lung and bronchial diseases typically have an adrenal fatigue component. Adrenal fatigue is often precipitated by recurring bouts of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, or other respiratory infections. The more severe the infection, the more frequently it occurs or the longer it lasts, the more likely the adrenals are involved. If there are other concurrent stresses, like an unhappy marriage, poor diet or stressful job, the downhill slide is steeper and faster.? Extended recovery period - longer than normal recovery period with decreased staminaand excess fatigue is a strong indication of adrenal fatigue.? Asthma? Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - using recently developed polymerase chain reaction tests, infectious microorganisms have been identified as contributing factors. These pathogens exert a tremendous drain on adrenal resources.? Type 2 Diabetes? Auto-immune disorders? Alcoholism –the hypoglycaemia that results from adrenal fatigue predisposes to acompulsive desire for alcoholThe many diverse causes of Adrenal FatigueSome professions, notably the medical profession, are harder on the adrenal glands.Insurance company actuarial tables show that physicians, on average, die approximately 10 years earlier, have higher rates of alcoholism and several times the drug addiction rates of the “normal” population. Key lifestyle factors that promote adrenal fatigue –? Insufficient sleep? Using food and drink stimulants when tired? Staying up late when fatigued? Constantly driving yourself? Trying to be perfect? Lack of enjoyable and rejuvenating activities? Poor food choices? Staying in no-win situations over timeOther professionals at increased risk include the police, secretaries and teachers, and middle executives, all of whom live in the middle, taking the blame when things go wrong but lacking the control to make them go right. Those “in the middle” often present with Syndrome X (glucose intolerance, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, insulin resistance, hypertension, central obesity, accelerated atherosclerosis).All these symptoms reflect the effects of chronic stress that produces elevated cortisol levels. And there are also congenital differences in adrenal resiliency. Children born to mothers suffering from adrenal fatigue or who experience severe stress in the womb typically have lower adrenal function.The many diverse signs of Adrenal FatigueIf any of your patients are suffering from a chronic disease and morning fatigue is one of their symptoms, the adrenals are probably involved. If a patient presents with three or more of the following signs and symptoms, adrenal fatigue is highly likely:? Difficulty getting up in the morning? Continuing fatigue not relieved by sleep? Craving for salt or salty foods? Lethargy? Increased effort to do everyday tasks? Decreased sex drive? Decreased ability to handle stress? Increased time to recover from illness, injury or trauma? Light-headed when standing up quickly? Mild depression? Less enjoyment or happiness with life? Increased PMS? Symptoms increase if meals are skipped or inadequate? Rely on caffeine and sugar to keep going? Thoughts less focused, more fuzzy? Memory less accurate? Decreased tolerance? Don’t really wake up until 10am? Afternoon low between 3:00 and 4:00 pm? Feel better after evening meal? Decreased productivityFour Phases of Adrenal FatigueAs you will see, the gradual development of adrenal exhaustion is a complex process.Phase One: Beginning the ‘Alarm’This stage describes the body’s immediate reaction to a stressor. As mentioned elsewhere, this stressor can be an imminent physical threat, or something as simple as a job interview or hospital stay.During this first phase of the stress reaction, the body can make significant amounts of the hormones that you need to mount a response. If you get lab tests during this stage, they would show elevated levels of epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, cortisol, DHEA and insulin.In this phase you will likely benefit from a state of increased arousal and alertness. However, sleep patterns may begin to suffer, and you may feel intermittent tiredness. Individuals rarely report their symptoms during this phase, and in fact many of us go in and out of Stage One multiple times throughout our lives.Phase Two: Continuing the ‘Alarm’As the stress response continues, so does your body’s reaction to it. During this second stage, your endocrine system is still fairly well equipped to produce the hormones that you need, but your levels of DHEA and other sex hormones may start to drop. This is because the resources needed to produce the sex hormones are being diverted to production of stress hormones like cortisol.During this stage you will start to feel the effects of over-exertion of your adrenals. A common feeling is that of being “wired but tired”, where you are maintaining alertness when you need it during the day, but then crashing hard in the evening. Many Adrenal Fatigue sufferers begin to develop an unhealthy dependence on coffee during this stage.Phase Three: The ‘Resistance’During this stage, your endocrine system continues to focus on producing stress hormones at the expense of sex hormones. This means that you will start to see substantial drops in hormones like DHEA and testosterone, as hormone precursor material is diverted towards the cortisol production pathway. The key here is a hormone named pregnanolone, which is the precursor to both the sex hormones and cortisol.At this point, the individual is still able to function, hold a job and continue a pretty normal life. However, he is experiencing lower levels of many important hormones and this can make a significant difference to his quality of life. Typical symptoms might include regular tiredness, a lack of enthusiasm, regular infections and a lower sex drive. This phase might continue for several months or even years.Phase Four: The ‘Burnout’ After some time, the body simply runs out of ways to manufacture stress hormones, and cortisol levels finally begin to drop. Now, the levels of both the sex hormones and the stress hormones are low. Levels of neurotransmitters are often also low. This is what is sometimes called ‘burnout’ (a term coined by Dr Fredenberger), and it is what happens when we finally crash after a long period of coping with stress.During this final stage of Adrenal Fatigue, an individual can suffer from extreme tiredness, lack of sex drive, irritability, depression, anxiety, weight loss, apathy and disinterest in the world around him. In fact, this general hormonal insufficiency has important implications for almost every part of the body. To recover from Stage Four Adrenal Fatigue requires significant time, patience and often and complete change in lifestyle.The master and original writer on the health effects of stress was Hans Selye. Dr Selye discovered the triphasic (three-stage) role of hormones in the stress response. This is the same as the above except that Wilson added in a second Alarm phase.His findings formed the basis for what was named the General Adaptation SyndromeGeneral Adaption SyndromeStage 1: Alarm reactionThe immediate reaction to a stressor, the “flight or fight response”. The body perceives a stressor as a threat or danger and releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones enable the body to perform activities beyond the range of normal ability.Stage 2: ResistanceThis occurs after the body has responded to a stressor, and the stress level has been reduced or removed. The body’s defences become weaker, as it needs to divert energy to the damaged tissues and lower the production of stress hormones. Although the body has shifted to the second phase of the GAS response, the body remains vigilant, especially when the stressors persist, and the body is required to fight them continuously, although the response is weaker than the initial response.Stage 3: ExhaustionWith long-term exposure to a stressor, the body starts to lose the ability to combat the stressor and to reduce its harmful impact; the adaptive energy is drained. It leads to “burnout” or “stress overload,” the creation of a milieu in which the individual is vulnerable to health problems. Catastrophic disease may occur.Selye published more than 1600 articles and books about stress, including “The Stress of Life” and “Stress Without Distress”. With his more than 40 years dedicated to the study of stress, Selye concluded that health care must increasingly become the responsibility of the individual. He asserted that physicians must teach their patients to adopt habits that minimise stressful demands. Selye expressed his principles for healthy living as: find your own stress level, be an altruistic egoist and earn your neighbours’ love.As well as the adrenal symptoms mentioned above, stress also affects the body in the following ways:1. Musculoskeletal systemWhen the body is stressed, muscles become tense; it’s an automatic response, the body’s way of guarding against injury and pain. With the sudden onset of stress, the muscles tense all at once, then release their tension when the stress passes.Chronic stress causes the body to be in a constant state of guardedness. When muscles are tense over a long period of time, it may trigger other reactions of the body and promote stress-related disorders. Tension-type and migraine headaches are associated with chronic muscle tension in the area of the shoulders, neck, and head.Millions of individuals suffer from chronic, painful conditions due to musculoskeletal disorders. Often, but not always, there may be an injury that sets off a chronic painful state. What determines whether or not an injured person goes on to suffer from chronic pain is how they respond to the injury. Individuals who are fearful of pain and reinjury, and who seek only a physical cause and cure for the injury, generally have a worse recovery than individuals who maintain a certain level of moderate, physician-supervised activity. Muscle tension, and eventually muscle atrophy, due to disuse of the body, promote chronic, stress-related musculoskeletal conditions. Relaxation techniques have been shown to effectively reduce muscle tension, decrease the incidence of certain stress-related disorders, such as headache, and increase a sense of well-being.2. Respiratory systemStress can affect your breathing patterns and your respiratory system. For those with asthma or a lung disease such as emphysema, getting the oxygen needed to breathe can be difficult. Some studies show that an acute stress, such as the death of a loved one, can actually trigger asthma attacks, in which the airways constrict.Stress can cause rapid breathing or hyperventilation that can bring on a panic attack in some individuals.3. Cardiovascular systemThe heart and blood vessels work together to provide nourishment and oxygen throughout the body, and they play an important role in the stress response. Acute stress causes an increase in heart rate and stronger contractions of the heart muscle. The stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol and noradrenaline) mediate the response. Blood vessels to the large muscles and the heart dilate, increasing the amount of blood flow to those parts of the body and elevating blood pressure. Oncethe acute stress is removed, the body returns to its normal state.Chronic, long-term stress can contribute to problems of the heart and blood vessels. The consistent increase in blood pressure and heart rate, as well as the higher level of circulating stress hormones, take a toll on health. They increase the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), heart attack and stroke.Recurrent acute and persistent chronic stress can contribute to inflammation in the circulatory system, especially the coronary arteries. It is believed that it’s such inflammation that ties stress to heart attacks. Chronic stress can also elevate total cholesterol levels.The risk of heart disease associated with stress may differ with women in accordance with pre- or post-menopausal states. Levels of oestrogen in pre-menopausal women help blood vessels respond better during stress, having a protective effect against heart disease.Post-menopausal women lose the protective level of oestrogen, putting them at greater risk for the effects of stress in heart disease. (5)How Stress Affects Your HealthThe stress response is automatic, developed in our ancestors to protect them from predators. Faced with danger, stress hormones flood the body, boosting energy, and readying it to fight the problem. At one time, the threat we faced was being attacked by predators. That’s less likely now, but people still face multiple challenges every day, associated with work, family and finances. Regardless of the source of the stress, the body reacts in much the same way.Short-lived stress can have an impact: minor, such as a stomach-ache, or major, with acute stress such as a natural disaster. Sudden emotional distresses, especially anger, can trigger heart attacks, irregular heartbeats, even sudden death. Such reactions happen mostly in people with known heart disease, but some people don’t know they have a problem until acute stress causes a heart attack or worse.When stress interferes with daily life for an extended period, it gradually takes a greater and greater toll on the body and mind, leading to fatigue, inability to concentrate, and irritable mood. Chronic stress can cause disease, either because of changes in the body or because of the overeating, smoking, and other high-risk behaviours people employ to cope with stress. Job strain is associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease. Depression and low levels of social support increase risk for cardiovascular disease. When illness occurs, stress can make it harder to recover.Simple Stress ReducersSome simple methods for reducing stress include:Identify what is causing the stressBe aware of your state of mind throughout the day. If you feel stressed, write down the cause, your thoughts and mood. When you know what’s bothering you, you can develop a plan for coping. That may mean more realistic expectations of yourself and others, and perhaps asking for help with your job or your home. Determine your priorities and eliminate non-essential tasks. Make sure you have some time each day that is your own and nobody else’sBuild strong relationshipsRelationships can be a source of stress or serve as stress relievers. Reach out to family members and close friends. They can offer practical advice, emotional support and perhaps a different perspective on the stressor.3. Walk awayWhen you’re angry, walk away and reconsider before you react.4. ExercisePhysical activity can help you work off steam. It’s a natural stress-reliever and increases endorphins. Commit to a daily walk or other form of exercise.Rest your mindStress interferes with sleep. Practice good sleep hygiene and try to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Cut back on caffeine and stimulating activity. Eliminate the use of computers or television before bed; even better, take them out of the bedroom entirely. Yoga and relaxation exercises will help to reduce stress and boost the immune system.Get help from a professionalIt is important to look at and treat SHOCK!!!And recognise why we develop stress patterns of behaviourRecommended therapeutics for Adrenal ExhaustionDr Wilson’s Adrenal support mixAshwaghandaBio-identical Hormone Replacement TherapyBlack CohoshCoenzyme Q-10Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)Dong QuaiEchinaceaGinger ExtractGinkgo BilobaGinsengGreen TeaLiquorice Extract or teaMagnesiumMelatoninMulti-VitaminsPregnenoloneProbioticsRhodiola RoseaSt. John's WortUbiquinol.The SkinOf all the body’s organs, none is more exposed to infection, disease and injury than the skin.Because of its visibility, skin is a reflection of emotions as evidenced by blushing and perspiring.Skin is the first contact with the outside world, so an expression of our “ease” or disease with that. It is also our protection and first line of defence. It is also what separates us from each other.It is what contains our whole system.It is the biggest organ of the body.Diseases of the internal organs are often revealed by changes in the skin, such as colour changes - paleness, redness, yellowness or blueness or abnormal eruptions or rashes – chicken pox, cold sores, measles, allergic reactions etc.The skin is also subject to a number of disorders that involve just itself such as warts, pimples, age spots, skin cancers.The skin’s exposure to the environment makes it susceptible to damage from:● Trauma● Sunlight● Infection from microbesMany related factors may affect both the appearance and the health of the skin including:● Nutrition● Hygiene● Circulation● Age● Immunity● Genetic factors● Psychological stateFunctions of the SkinThere are six functions of the skin:SensationThe nerve endings in the skin identify touch, heat, cold, pain and light pressure.Heat RegulationThe skin helps regulate the body temperature by sweating to cool the body down when it overheats and shivering creating ‘goose bumps’ when it is cold. Shivering closes the pores. The tiny hair that stands on end traps warm air and thus helps keep the body warm.AbsorptionAbsorption of ultraviolet rays from the sun helps to form Vitamin D in the body, which is vital for bone formation. Some creams, essential oils and medicines (e.g. HRT, anti-smoking patches can also be absorbed through the skin into the blood stream.ProtectionThe skin protects the body from ultraviolet light – too much of it is harmful to the body - by producing a pigment called melanin. It also protects us from the invasion of bacteria and germs by forming an acid mantle (formed by the skin sebum and sweat). This barrier also prevents moisture loss.ExcretionWaste products and toxins are eliminated from the body through the sweat glands. It is a very important function which helps to keep the body ‘clean’ from the inside.SecretionSebum and sweat are secreted onto the skin surface. The sebum keeps the skin lubricated and soft, and the sweat combines with the sebum to form an acid mantle which creates the right pH balance for the skin to fight off infection.Treating the SkinFor us the most important thing to ascertain is what is the CAUSE or causes as with all disease there may be several factors involved before the body manifests a symptom.My old naturopath always said that eczema was a sign that you’re were boiling over.Others say that itching is a sign that you are irritated.Some say that a skin condition is a way of keeping others at a distance - a need for your ownspace.To me it could be an expression of something that you find difficult to express!!But remember no 2 cases are the same.As skin is a major organ of elimination and excretion through the sweat glands, one of the best ways to look at many skin conditions is to try to understand which one of the internal organs is under-functioning or overwhelmed and why.For example - many severe case of eczema are actually a result of food intolerances - so the internal digestive organs are unable to break down the food, the food then is indigestible and therefore toxic to the body, which overloads the eliminatory system - be it the liver/kidneys/bowel and so the skin has to aid in elimination. This becomes a vicious cycle as the high levels of histamine then overwhelm the adrenal response …so the cortisol levels become depleted and the inflammation becomes chronic. The treatment here is to identify the foods and understand why the body is unable to tolerate them.If we know the person’s constitution and miasmatic state we can often work out their intolerances without needing to allergy test. Sometimes this is just a constitutional weakness.Sometimes this is the result of dietary imbalance.Sometimes the digestive processes have been disturbed by infection, medication, trauma etcNow we have to come to the famous:N.B.W.S. (Never been well since)When did the disease begin?What changed around that time or maybe a few months before?Any new foods in the diet?New medications?New stresses?New behaviour?Change of routine?Change of lifestyle?Babies commonly get it following vaccination, or when they are first weaned. If it starts when they are weaning think of the foods that may have triggered it. By starting with skin, we are having to look at so much of the fundamentals of health as so many things result in a skin issue.Once we have identified the cause then we can treat… it may be that a change in lifestyle or a medication has tipped the balance of a body that already had poor energy of one of the major organ pairs.Think of the Chinese 5 element system and try to see if there is good evidence. Try to identify if there is one particular organ that is struggling then it is easier to see how to treat the situation.Look at the timings of a person’s symptoms and compare it to the Chinese wheel, and at the distribution of markings on the face.You can also look if the symptoms follow meridian lines. This is something I have often seen with boils, pimples etc.Liver-GallbladderIs your patient:impatient/angry/frustrated/resentful/arrogant/impulsive/nervous, are there any associated symptoms such as visual problems, itchy eyes, intolerance of fats, joint problems, digestive symptoms such as wind and bloating, fatigue at 1pm, sleep disturbance between 1-3am, frontal headaches, heat, yellow complexion, yellow tonguesHeart-Small IntestineIs your patient scattered and confused of mind, with excessive or lack of laughter, with a ruddy or pale face, with stuttering or confused speech, with loss of memory, poor circulation, aversion to the heat, weak in spirit, possibly struggling with insomnia, palpitations, circulatory issues?Spleen/Pancreas - StomachIs your patient worn out (possibly through giving), ruminating, sallow and flaccid, possibly overweight, suffering with digestive problems, prolapse, haemorrhoids, lack of tone? In terms of skin, there is lack of absorption of nutrition and so the patient may become deficient in zinc or vitamins affecting the health of the skin. Also, insufficient pancreatic activity causes lack of enzymes which causes food intolerance.Lungs/Large IntestineIs your patient possibly struggling to let go of emotions, especially grief, any sinus issues, mucous, susceptibility to colds, coughs, asthma, allergies? In terms of skin - the bowel becomes toxic and the skin eliminatory.Kidney/Bladder The kidneys govern also the adrenals and the reproductive organs. A sign that the kidneys are weak are issues with the bones especially the knees, low back and teeth.Hearing loss, ear infections and ear problems in general also kidney problems. Hair problems such as hair loss, split ends and premature greying also relate to kidneys. Any urinary, sexual or reproductive imbalances all relate to the kidneys. Excessive fear and insecurity. The patient may have obvious imbalance of water in the body with some areas being swollen, and other areas being dry.Once you determine which is the weakest organ have the courage to suggest to the patient what the emotion may be that they are struggling to express. Help them to make the body -mind connection. Help them to start to understand themselves.As food intolerances are common in relation to skin conditions and often provide dramaticresults - we need to look at simple methods of food testing:Muscle Testing!!Look at wheat, dairy, yeast, soya, sugar, citrus, salicylate, egg. (Case of lady covered and gave up tomatoes)Foods High in Salicylic Acid:Dried Fruit PeanutsApricotsOrangesCourgettesPlumsGrapesPineapplesAvocadoApplesGrapefruitMelonAuberginePeachesLiquoriceLycheesNectarinesWatercressStrong MintsTomatoesAsparagusCucumberBroad BeansPeppersTinned SweetcornRadishesWater ChestnutsMany spicesAlmondsCoffeeAll berriesCurrantsStrawberriesCherriesTeaDairy FreeA boy with severe allergy to dairy and the doctor said a coincidence!AvoidAlternativeMilkGoat’s MilkSheep’s MilkRice MilkAlmond MilkOat MilkSoya MilkCoconut MilkGoat’s and Sheep’s MilkCheeseFetaHalloumiRocquefort ButterGoat’s ButterMargarine such as OlivioFlora etcMilk ChocolatePlain ChocolateCreamElmleaOatley CreamIce CreamSoya Ice CreamSorbetYoghurtSoya YoghurtGoat’s and Sheep’s yoghurtAlso consider the followingWheatYeastSugarCitrusEggSoyaIf no food intolerance can be detected and no one internal organ can be seen to be in overload, then the best way to start a skin case is to gently start a detoxification process.For the liver use dietary changes, milk thistle and a homeopathic remedy like Nux Vomica orChelidonium. Apples, greens, cider vinegar, beetroot, onions, etc. all aid cleansing of the liver. For the kidneys, diet (increase Blue berries/kidney shaped beans etc.), cranberry juice, Berberis as a homeopathic cleanser.For the bowel use a probiotic, a colon cleansing preparation and at some point, a bowel nosode(we will look at these when we do the bowel).Put the patient on a healthier diet, and increase right fluid intake such as herbal teas and water,cutting down on tea/coffee/alcohol/sugary drinks.In a sense, babies are being born with inherited toxicity as we are now third generation of pill users, drug use in general has increased exponentially over the last 50 years, and toxicity in food and water from chemicals used in farming has made all food, to some extent polluted.More and more drug intervention is used in pregnancy and at birth, mothers are being frightened into vaccinating during pregnancy, babies are being given multiple vaccinations in the first few weeks of life (the ingredients in the vaccine base are highly toxic) it is all challenging to the body.Chinese Facial AnalysisChinese Medicine – 24-hour Circadian ClockThe MeridiansHistamine FoodsSome popular foods that are very high in histamine, or that trigger histamine-release in bodies, include:BananasRed meats e.g. beef & porkGame meats like rabbit or grousePoultry e.g. chicken, duck & gooseCharcuterie like sausages or hamFish, including Shellfish and other seafoodVegetarian meat alternatives derived from soybeans, such as tofu; or from the mycoprotein,Quorn?Mushrooms and trufflesFermented cheeses, e.g. Brie, Camembert, Gruyere, Cheddar, Roquefort & ParmesanYogurt, especially the pro-biotic kindPotatoes & TomatoesSpinachSoft fruits, like strawberries, raspberries & blackcurrantsCitrus fruits, like oranges, limes and grapefruitDried fruits, such as raisins and sultanasPineappleChocolate & VanillaAll nuts except almondsAnything made with vinegar, such as ketchup, pickles, vinaigrette and mayonnaiseFermented products, like soy sauce or sauerkrautAnything made with bakers’ yeast such as bread, or brewers’ yeast like Marmite, Vegemite.Most alcoholic beverages, especially red wine & beerCoffee and teaCola and other soda drinksSugar Free DietCancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarised in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” (Otto H. Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner).Anything containing cane sugar, beet sugar, molasses, treacle, golden syrup, sucrose, glucose,dextrose:SweetsChocolateCakeBiscuitsTinned FruitFizzy DrinksSquashesSome AlcoholSome sauces, pickles and chutneysSome cerealsIce CreamJams and MarmaladesSugar AlternativesFructoseHoneyMaple SyrupAgaveSteviaXylitolDate SyrupBrown Rice SugarCoconut SugarStevia is a very sweet plant - there is evidence that it is medicinal. It reduces cholesterol andhypertension, aids in insulin sensitivity (and so helps with type 2 Diabetes).Yeast Free DietAvoidAlternativeYeastBreadRollsCroissantsCrumpets etc.WrapsCrackers (Ryvita, Oak Cakes)Soda BreadSourdough BreadBreaded FoodsRice CakesMatzosSausagesYeasted Pastries incl. buns and doughnutsMushrooms, truffles, fungiAll Fermented CheeseHalloumi, Feta, Mozzarella, Cream or CottageVinegarBalsamicPicklesSoy SauceTamariWine, Beer, Cider3-year-old wine, sparkling wine, spiritsDried FruitWash wellMarmite, Yeast ExtractSupplements made with yeastMaltWheat FreeAvoidAlternativeWheatWheat FlourWheatgermBreadCrackersRyeCornRicePotatoOatsSpeltBuckwheatBiscuitsCakesCrumbleFlapjacksMacaroonsRice Crispy CakesCornflake CakesPastaWheat free pasta including speltNoodlesRice NoodlesPastryWheat-based alcohol e.g. whiskey, gin, vodka, lager, beerWineGrape-based alcohol RumPancakesPizzaCerealsWeetabixAlpenShreddiesCornflakesRice CrispiesMaizeOatibixPorridgeFormalin SensitivityTraffic fumesGlue and cementMatchesFoam rubberAll aerosols, disinfectants, antiseptics, mouthwash, nail polish, toothpasteTan lotion, detergents, shampoosFabric softenerSurgical fluidVitamin A and E - artificialTextile dyes, new fabrics, water repellent treatment on clothingNewspaper printPhotographic fluidBuilding materials, concrete, plasterboard, plaster, resin, wood veneers, cavity wallinsulationAlternativesNon-biological washing powderSimple or Dove products for shampoos etcSkin Conditions and TreatmentsSkin Therapeutics (including Dr Ram’s favourite remedies)AcneMainly affects teenagersPuberty-Hormonal, psychological, zinc deficiencyDietary – excess sugar, fatty and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, lack of zinc and lack of B6, general lack of vitamins and minerals due to poor diet and increased requirement due to growth and menarche. Food allergies.Poor Elimination - bowel/liver/kidneyIn Chinese 5 element system the LIVER energy especially relates to Acne to do with the breaking down of excessive hormones mixed with the development of the Will in teenagers, and the poor diet. When the liver energy is stagnant the blood becomes impure and so the face and back erupt. Treating the liver in teenagers also hugely helps them to find themselves, as the liver is the seat of “WHO AM I “in the chakra system - it also helps to balance the anger and when the liver is strong the person feels calm and decisive, confident and focused, in fact, a strong liver makes a leader.The FACE represents how we face the world, so if we are in conflict about who we are, or if we fear rejection/lack of acceptance then the face may manifest eruptions.From here we create the impression of who we are, by our expressions, smiles, etc.Braces/neck lesions etc affecting lymph drainage to faceCongestion due to cosmetics, lack of exercise, anaemiaFamily History - syphilitic and sycotic miasmPoor liver functionStressTreatments for AcneMay be necessary to take a food diary Homeopathic gems:Ars.BromKali.bromRad.bromCalc.arsBerberis (Dr Ram)In my experience Medorrhinum (hormonal), baryta carb (self-image), merc. sol (who am I?)Other good remedies for Acne are:Ars.albCalc carbCalc.silPsorinumSepiaSilicaSulphurThujaTuberculinumA simple liver cleansing programme homoeopathically is:Nux vomica 6c -9amSulphur 6c - 12 noonNux vomica 6c - 3pmSulphur 6c - 6pmThis can be done in conjunction with a detoxifying diet.A 7-day vegetable juice diet is a good kick start to cleanse and aid elimination.Correct cleansing, general facial massage and neck lymph drainage massage.Change of diet (avoidance of the above or specific foods) and supplementation - Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and selenium.It is usually particularly important to reduce fats (especially saturated fats) and sugars. However even too much good fat- i.e. nuts/seeds/olive oil etc can be an issue.All drugs are harsh on the liver energy even painkillers and obviously recreational drugs too.Alcohol may be the ical - Root and Flower - Blemish balm, Witch hazel, Calendula, lavender oil, tea tree oil.Careful cleansingFor Scarring - Rose hip oil, 32,000I.U. Vitamin E oilFoods to cleanse the liverBeetroot, carrots, apples, all greensWatercressOnionsBasilFennelDillMustardTurmericBay LeafCuminFennelGingerHorseradishMintBrassicas(Cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, broccoli)Some sweet foods such as whole cane sugar, date syrup, molasses are also beneficial to the in moderation.Honey and apple cider vinegarDandelion root (Taraxacum officinalis)Milk thistleChamomileLiquorice rootHydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) - detoxifies the liver and increases the immune system Many people with acne will have been treated with antibiotics and so may well have Candida Albicans (see later notes)Some people are given Roaccutane - this is a drug that works very well on acne but can have a very serious effect on the liver so if a patient has used this it is well worth giving them a liver cleansing programme.See the Fragrant Pharmacy by Valerie Wormwood for a detailed programme on using essential oils to help acne, but very simply:Chamomile oil - calms the skin and reduces redness and inflammationLavender oil - is antibacterial and helps to heal the eruptionsRosehip oil - to heal scars32,000 IU vitamin E oil works like magic for getting rid of scarring from acne.Acne Rosacea 3:1 women/men around 30-50 years of ageReddening of the face associated with alcoholism, menopause, gut disorders, B vitamin deficiency and local infection.Triggers for reddening:Extremes of temperature (in particular, excessive heat)Alcoholic drinksStrenuous exerciseStressful situationsSunlightSpicy foodHot drinksCommonly caused by a food intolerance and B vitamin deficiency.In the Chinese 5 element system this is often linked with the LIVER energy so the cure can be to change diet, but also to look at emotional issues as the liver is so connected with how we are in the world, and is constantly affected by people we come into contact with and sensitive to relationships we are mon Remedies for Acne RosaceaArs.albCalc.phosCalc.silCarbo veg.CausticumLachesisMedorrhinumPsorinumRadium BromatumRhus ToxSepiaSilicaTuberculinumNew Remedies: Moonstone and RedI had a case this week of Acne Rosacea and I prescribed Medorrhinum. The lady had very, very poor kidney energy and she aggravated terribly. Her skin and her whole demeanour are now transformed but I should have treated kidneys first!!AlopeciaPatches of hair loss. Typically stress related. Too much thinking!!My favourite treatment is Calc carb which seems to work nearly always.Remedies for AlopeciaArs.albCalc.carbCalc.phosFl-acGraphitesPhosphorusPsorinumSepiaNew Remedies: Blue, Japanese Red Oleander, Leprosinum, Lotus Corniculatus (Bird’s foottrefoil) and Winchelsea sea salt (WSS)Lambert’s - 01892 554312 - Florisene. This is an amazing product for hair thinning/loss ingeneral.It is also worth giving a general mineral supplement.Treated best in my opinion by looking at the constitution and helping the client to understand their stress and give advice on stress management.Consult the Fragrant Pharmacy for essential oils that help - Rosemary and thyme are particularly good and can be added to a base oil and massaged in to the bald patches. The act of massaging is also important as it stimulates blood flow to the area and therefore stimulates hair growth.Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)A Fungal infectionOften caused by too much exercise, causes excessive sweating and minor injury, very common in swimmer’s and athlete’s, and very difficult to cure in these cases as this is a maintaining cause.Also caused by tight shoes, sweaty feet.Emotionally it can be an indication of having a fear of moving forward, or a symptom that you are not accepted.The most effective treatment is change of habit- regularly washing feet and exposing them to fresh air. Washing in vinegar seems to help. Tea tree oil/ creams are helpful. Homeopathic remedies - Silica, Thuja and Sulphur are also very helpful.Other remedies - Bacillinum, Carcinosin (often precedes Cancer), Graphites, Syphilinum,Leprosinum.Often presents when the whole system has become out of balance, and i have seen itprecede cancer in a few cases.It often helps to cut SUGAR and YEAST out of the diet as well Tea tree oil Lavender oil Both of these are natural anti fungals and can be applied as a cream or added to the bath.The body is more prone to fungal infections if the Kidney orSpleen energy is low Boils (Furuncle)/Abscess/Folliculitis/Carbuncle (mass of boils)Can merely be a symptom of toxicity in the system, especially indicating blocked lymphatics, or blocking hair follicles with creams or wrong shaving methods.Sometimes they occur as a result of an underlying disease like Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Nephritis, blood disorders and other chronic disease.Recurrent boils can indicate a depressed immune system, nutritional deficiency, foodintolerances.Emotionally can indicate an accumulation of fermenting feelings - hurt/resentment/anger.Carbuncles can indicate deep anger over injustice.Herbal - goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) is a powerful antimicrobial agent and is a great remedy for boils etc. It is also useful in cancer treatment especially digestive cancer.A poultice with Goldenseal powder will cure a boil within 2-3 days. Mix 1 tablespoon of the powder with water … cover the boil or abscess with absorbent cloth. If you can’t get hold of Goldenseal you can do the same with Epsom salts.Vitamin A and zinc would be the most likely nutritional deficienciesGunpowder 6x several times a day will clear most boils/abscesses, but you should definitelylook for the cause if they are multiple or reoccurring.Other remedies:CalendulaCalc.sulphHepar sulphLachesisLycopodiumSilicaAgain cause could be blocked thoracic inlet affecting the lymph in general, Or poor elimination due to liver/bowels/kidneys etc - you will come to learn and understand all this. BurnsImmediately bathe in hot water (law of cure), neat lavender oil is amazing Ruta, cantharis - both great homoeopathicallyWhat are you punishing yourself for???!!CandidaA yeast infection (Candida Albicans) characterised by a thick white discharge.It is often symptomatic of systemic candida which we will be discussed later.Main homeopathic remedies:BoraxCalc.carbMedorrhinumPulsitillaSepiaThujaCellulite A symptom of toxicity both physically and emotionally. Reflects that you are holding on to toxins/to the past.This opens a whole range of treatments but a good place to start is a cleaner diet, avoidance of tea, coffee etc., skin brushing, lymphatic drainage massage, detoxifying teas, homeopathy.As with all these conditions/symptoms - work out what is going on with the individual, determine their weaknesses in terms of the Chinese system, dietary poisons, emotional-mental state.CutsIf you notice you are cutting yourself or have a nasty cut - Slow down! You are not taking care of yourself - you may well be going in the wrong direction.TRAUMEEL - a product made by a German company (see Google) is INCREDIBLE for mending the deepest cuts.Calendula heels cuts as does Lavender oil.Eczema Skin dry and thickened, usually itchy, may crack and bleed, tends to occur on face and in the elbow and knee creases, but can occur monly caused by food intolerances, internal overload of eliminatory system, often triggered by vaccination in children, linked to generalised allergic state with individual. Very hereditary, so often we need to treat the miasm.Stress is linked, and anxious types are more susceptible. Eczema can be an emotional release of whatever the unexpressed emotion is - it has built up and the person is now “boiling over “Eczema is a disease that requires detective work to understand the cause and then treat.Looking at the most stressed organ in the Chinese 5 element system is a good place to start, determining the state of the adrenal glands and the thymus gland is also important (i.e. if the eczema was aggravated by vaccination and if there are multiple food/ external intolerances), if hormonal changes affect it, any drugs that may cause it or emotional reactions.When you determine which of the 5 organs of TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ) is weak then you have a clue as to any emotional connection to the situation. If the skin problems follow meridians, or certain areas of the face , this also helps hugely to understand the organ weakness and potential emotional state.Treatments for EczemaNutritional supplements- there is lots of evidence that taking fish oils or evening primrose oil can help, so I have included a bit of information on fish oils.Vitamins A, C, E, Selenium and zinc are generally considered useful in skin conditions especially eczema.Fish oil can be obtained from eating fish or by taking supplements. Fish that are especially rich in the beneficial oils known as omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, cod liver, whale blubber, and seal blubber. Two of the most important omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Make sure to see separate listings on EPA and DHA, as well as Cod Liver Oil, and Shark Liver Oil.Fish oil is FDA approved to lower triglycerides levels, but it is also used for many other conditions.It is most often used for conditions related to the heart and blood system. Some people use fish oil to lower blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Fish oil has also been used for preventing heart disease or stroke, as well as for clogged arteries, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, bypass surgery, heart failure, rapid heartbeat, preventing blood clots, and high blood pressure after a heart transplant.Fish oil is also used to for many kidney-related problems including kidney disease, kidney failure, and kidney complications related to diabetes, cirrhosis, Berger's disease (IgA nephropathy), heart transplantation, or using the drug called cyclosporine.Fish oil may have earned its reputation as "brain food" because some people eat fish to help with depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer's disease, developmental coordination disorder, migraine headache, epilepsy, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and mental impairment.Some people use fish oil for dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a very common condition in older people that can lead to serious sight problems.Fish oil is taken by mouth for stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, an inherited disorder called phenylketonuria, allergy to salicylate, Crohn's disease, Bechet’s syndrome, and Raynaud's syndrome.Women sometimes take fish oil to prevent painful periods; breast pain; and complications associated with pregnancy such as miscarriage (including that caused by a condition called antiphospholipid syndrome), high blood pressure late in pregnancy, early delivery, slow infant growth, and to promote infant development. Fish oil is also taken by mouth for weight loss, exercise performance and muscle strength, muscle soreness after exercise, pneumonia, cancer, lung disease, seasonal allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, and for preventing blood vessels from re-narrowing after surgery to widen them.Fish oil is also used for diabetes, prediabetes, asthma, a movement and coordination disorder called dyspraxia, dyslexia, eczema, autism, obesity, weak bones (osteoporosis), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis, psoriasis, an autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, cystic fibrosis, gum disease, Lyme disease, sickle cell disease and preventing weight loss caused by some cancer drugs.Fish oil is used intravenously (by IV) for scaly and itchy skin (psoriasis), blood infection, cystic fibrosis, pressure ulcers, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Fish oil is applied to the skin for psoriasis.How does Fish Oil work?A lot of the benefit of fish oil seems to come from the omega-3 fatty acids that it contains.Interestingly, the body does not produce its own omega-3 fatty acids. Nor can the body make omega-3 fatty acids from omega-6 fatty acids, which are common in the Western diet. A lot of research has been done on EPA and DHA, two types of omega-3 acids that are often included in fish oil supplements.Omega-3 fatty acids reduce pain and swelling. This may explain why fish oil is likely effective for psoriasis and dry eyes. These fatty acids also prevent the blood from clotting easily. This might explain why fish oil is helpful for some heart conditions.Dietary - clean up the diet and avoid the offending foods. In many cases the eczema will not clear without some dietary change. Homeopathy for EczemaI find treating constitutionally the best and very often miasmatic prescribing is required. If there are multiple allergies it is good to start with Carcinosin. If the patient is in a very toxic state it is often worth generally detoxifying the system first as previously prescribed.Dr Ram’s favourite eczema treatment NAT.MUR, and I have seen this remedy do amazing work.If you think that Nat Mur is strongly linked with anxiety around lack of connection with mother then you can see the link with childhood eczema being linked with emotional issues in a baby/child around feeling absence of mother. A mother can be physically present but emotionally absent due to their own stresses. If you identify Nat Mur as the remedy it is usually advisable for WHEAT to be eliminated from the diet too. Nat Mur also works well on the thymus which is one of the main causes of allergy, and is the part of the body most damaged by vaccination and pollution. Th thymus is also weakened by lack of breast feeding. The remedies are the same as dermatitis, but also consider:Calc.sulphGraphitesLycopodiumPetroleumPsorinumSyphilinumThujaTuberculinumGood cases- a lady covered in serious eczema- only needed to give up tomatoes/strawberries.A little girl, lost her mother - nat.mur cured the caseA baby looked as if it had been dipped in acid - avoidance of milk cured the case and calc carb cured the dairy intolerance.Erythema NodosumTender nodules which can be red but not monly occur on the lower legs and can change in colour from pink to brown. Hard to identify the cause- can be sarcoidosis or a streptococcal infection.Need to look at the thymus/adrenals to cure. Often associated food intolerances.Granuloma Annulare Unknown causeSkin lesions that appear like faded burns with raised red edges. They can be quite large.Sometimes water or sun can precipitate these.No known treatments, but I have seen 3 cases who have all had food intolerances.Herpes Simplex Cold soresAll forms of Herpes are viral, and all present as vesicles(blisters) filled with clear fluid.Triggered by sun, sex, menses, stress, food allergy, drugs and certain foods.Treating the thymus and lysine rich/arginine poor diet is very beneficial.Lysine-rich/arginine poor dietInclude these foods in the diet to build up the lysine:Beans (mung)BeefCheeseChickenHalibutPrawnsSalmonSardinesTunaTurkeyYeastAvoid:All nutsPeanutsChocolateCoconutSeedsChickpeasOne can also take a supplement of lysine, and also zinc and beta carotene. Sometimes vitamin C is also required.Dr Ram’s gem – Rhus Tox, Nat.mur., Thuja, Causticum.indication of sycotic and/or syphilitic miasmIf you put a granule of dried coffee onto a cold sore lesion it will disappear much more quickly. Herpes Zoster ShinglesShingles occurs when you are stressed but seems to particularly occur when you are doing something self-destructive. I had a case yesterday of a girl whose shingles had come on after doing cocaine.Another case when the girl’s brother disappeared and has not been found.Another of a man who had neighbours doing noisy building work for months and the noise disturbed him badly etc. Dr Ram’s Gem - Ranunculus bulbus., Nat.Mur.For Post- herpetic neuralgia- MezerumOther remedies - Ars.alb, Causticum, Iris, Morgan, Rhus Tox.- indication of syphilitic miasm- if shingles occurs in children then they need CarcinosinHerpes GenitaliaOften an expression of self-reproach in your sexual relationship, a conflict or self-punishment. A sense of shame or guilt.Dr Ram’s gems - Rhus Tox, Thuja, Causticum, Nit.acAll forms of herpes can be an expression of guilt/shame/self-denial.ImpetigoStaphylococcal infection of the face /body. Very common in children and very contagious.Homeopathic treatments- Sulphur/ Silica/PsorinumEssential oils - clean with lavender oil in water, and then add diluted myrrh to heal the lesions.Lichen PlanusDefinition Lichen planus is characterised by the formation of flat topped, polygonal, greyish white, purple/lilac eruptionAetiologyUnknownBacterial or viral infectionImmunologic factorsFollowing bone marrow transplantation or graft versus host reactionGenetically predisposedExposure to paraphenylenediamine salts (used in photography, hair dyes, substitute for Henna)Clinical featuresMiddle age peopleSkin lesionFlat topped, polygonal, greyish white purple/lilac eruptionsMucosal surfacesBuccal, tongue, lips, gums, palate, conjunctive, larynx, genitalia and gastrointestinal tractNailsThinning of the nailLongitudinal ridging and splittingRemedies for Lichen PlanusNat.MurSepiaLilium Tig.Ars.albCan be a precursor of cancerLichen SclerosisCommonly occurs vaginally and is very uncomfortable, where the vaginal wall cracks and bleeds.Arsen. AlbStaphysagriaSepiaLipomasFatty lumps - hard lumps usually on the torso.All hard tumours/cysts/stones etc. are symptomatic of avoidance / holding onto emotions /outsystems of belief.Treating the liver is the best approach.LupusThis is an auto-immune disease, so we will look at treatment when we study these. However, there is a specific facial presentation of a raised, red butterfly shape across the face. Lupus means wolf.Moles/Warts/Skin TagsWarts are viral so a sign that the immune system is weakened. They can be an expression offeeling ugly and untouchable.Homeopathic gems:AurumBaryta carbCalc.carbCalc.sulphCarcinosinNat.SulphThujaMedorrhinumNat. murSilicaSulphAnt. Crud - neck and – hands and face – bleedingCausticum- feet and legDulcamara – faceVerruca - Dr Ram recommends Aur.Ars 30c twice dailyOther verruca remedies:Med.amPlutoniumAnt. crudCarcinosinCausticumNat Mur,PulsitillaSyphilinumThuja Topical treatment- Thuja creamMultiple moles are often an indication for Carcinosin. However, you must warn the patients with Thuja and Carcinosin that the moles may change before they disappear.CASE. Female patient in her 70s covered in thousands of skin tags which were very unsightly - with over a year of applying Thuja cream and taking Thuja 30c they have nearly all dropped off.Molluscum ContagiosumA viral condition affecting the skinHomeopathic gems:Arsenicum AlbumBacillinumMalaria OffininalisIn my experience I find Medorrhinum very effective, as well as constitutional treatment.PsoriasisTends to occur on the extensor surfaces, joints and nails. Building up of skin cells, thickening but not clearing - very psychological. It is an auto-immune disease and is also heavily miasmatic. It can be very stubborn to treat. Occurs commonly with psoriatic arthritis (an autoimmune condition)Causes - trauma, some medical drugs (Salicylates, Chloroquine and other anti-malarial drugs, iodides, nystatin, B-blockers- Inderal, indomethacin, lithium), stress, genetics, post infection, poor protein digestion.It is usually better for sunlight and is medically treated with PUVA (light treatment).As with other skin issues look at diet and toxicity. Food intolerances can be relevant and often reducing protein in the diet helps. It is sometimes helped by increasing fish oils.STRESS is a strong contributing factor, so it is important to understand this. Again, an expression of unexpressed and confused emotions. Often psoriasis sufferers are very sensitive, but circumstances mean they are needing to be thick skinned!Dr Ram’s Gems:Ars.alb.Ars. IodCorallium RubensGraphitesPsorinumNat.murThujaTub.bovOther good remedies:Calc.carbBoraxCalc.sulphCausticumIrisKali-sulphLycopodiumMorganStaphysagriaSulphurAll miasmatic remediesI had a case that cleared miraculously with LEPROSINUM., which is the leprosy miasm.Ringworm Tinea Corporis- a fungal infection that forms rings on the skin.Remedies:BacillinumLeprosinumSilicaThujaTuberculinum Every case I have seen of this has responded immediately and completely to Tuberculinum. ScabiesParasite (Sarcoptes Scabiei) burrows under the skin forming lines of redness.Remedies:SulphurPsorinumSclerodermaThickening and tightening of the skin - part of a progressive, chronic disease which affects many organs with generalised thickening of the tissues. Another auto immune disease. We will look at this much more later on when we get to the thymus gland. Remedies:LeprosinumAnt.crudGraphitesCausticumLycopodiumPetroleumThujaSeborrheic DermatitisSeborrheic dermatitis common chronic skin inflammation characterised by greasy scalingAetiologyGenetically determined increased seborrheic tendencyOrganism- often fungalCandidaHormonal – commonly starts at puberty and menstrual flare ups support this theorySebaceous gland dysfunctionImmunological abnormalities -? AutoimmunityTrigger factorsAlcoholEmotional stressRespiratory infectionsClinical featuresAdultsAdolescent & middle agePredisposing factorsObesityFat rich dietAndrogensLesionsScalp: erythematous, itchy papules and plagues with yellow, thin greasy scales covering the whole scalp, hair loss present.It may extend to the upper part of forehead to form an erythematous scaly band (coronaseborrhoea).Face: malar prominences, nasolabial folds, eyebrows, beard & moustache regionMarginal blepharitisErythematous oily skin with greasy scales may be associated with burning sensationTrunk: presternal, intrascapular & pubic regionsCentral scaling with dull red border (circinate pattern), follicular papules & annular lesionsIntertriginous areas: sub mammary regions, axillae, umbilicus, groin, perineum. Moist erythematous tissues: scaling usually absent due to constant moisture.Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin and is a broad term that also can be anothername for eczema.All skin conditions are an external expression of emotions that are spilling over and expressions of what you are trying to contain, be it grief, anger, fear, humiliation, frustration, inadequacy etc. The site of the skin eruption is often a clue to what the feelings are, especially if we use the Chinese system for clues. Skin issues can create a barrier between you and the world, so this can be a way of keeping others at a distance.Dandruff is also called seborrheic dermatitis, which can also spread to behind the ears, around the jawline, etc. - it is a sign of mental tension and is often fungal.Treat the whole person, but also use tea tree-based treatments, and reduce sugar andyeast in the diet.Best homeopathic remedies:AnacardiumArs.alb.AurCalc. carbMercPulsitillaRhus ToxSulphurSilicaStaphysagriaThujaMedorrhinumPsorinumTub.bovUrticariaAetiologyAllergic – results from a type 1 hypersensitivity reactionFoods: fish, shell-fish, eggs, strawberries, eggs, preservative, wheat, tartrazine, colourants, nuts, eggs, milk, salicylate, etcDrugs: penicillin, aspirin, NSAIDs, vaccines, sulphonamides, tetracycline etc. many drugs have a side effect of urticaria.Inhalants: pollens, feather, dust, dander, intestinal parasites, flea, lice, formalin etc.Physical agents: light, cold, pressure, sun, exercise, sand, seaInfections: tonsillitis, malaria, urticaria This type presents as a series of explosive attacks each lasting a few days to a week and occurring at irregular intervalsToxic: insect bites, jelly fish stingsContact urticaria: cobalt salts and balsams (in animal handlers)Psychogenic systemic disease: vasculitis, S.L.E., carcinoma of colon, carcinoma of lung etc.Infections - streptococcal tonsillitis, dental infections, Hepatitis B, Glandular fever, Candida AlbicansTreatment: to treat the underlying immunological problem - commonly caused by liver toxicity causing a build-up of histamines in the system. It can also be related to the adrenal and thymus glands.Obviously important to detect and avoid the triggers.Homeopathic remedies:ApisArs.albNat.mur.ProteusPulsitillaRhus ToxUrticaNew Remedies - Oak, hollyVitiligo - an auto-immune conditionGenetic predisposition, Emotional crisis, Physical trauma (Koebner’s phenomenon), Exposure to sunlight, Pregnancy.Nat.murSaniculaTuberculinumBovArs. SulphFlavBerberisPhosphorusLeprosinumSepiaThujaCase Study: female in 30s presented with severe asthma, didn’t mention Vitiligo.Phosphorus 200c cleared asthma and Vitiligo! My first successful case - I tend to treat constitutionallyand use syphillinum or Carcinosin.Skin CancersRodent Ulcers - Basal Cell Carcinomas Small shiny nodules that ulcerate and become crusty. Often starts with a small shiny patch, which crusts and may bleed.They do not metastasise (spread) but may invade local tissues.Treatment is by excision, radiation.Squamous Cell CarcinomaRed, scaly and usually in sun exposed areasSame treatment as aboveMalignant MelanomasTend to affect skin, mucous membranes, eyes.These are nasty because they metastasise - they mainly arise from moles which then change in shape, size, colour. Pigmentation may occur around the site, bleeding, ulceration or changes in the edges are all red flags.Biopsy is necessaryMedical treatment requiredSkin Cancer RemediesArsenicum albumArsenicum iodCarcinosinKali-sulphLycopodiumRadium BromSolSyphilinumThujaTuberculinum ................

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