Fluoric Acid

Of the halogens, fluorine is the most reactive. It is so reactive that it is not found free in nature, but in a combined state. It is a pale yellow, corrosive gas, which reacts with practically all organic and inorganic substances. Contact of liquid fluorine with skin causes irritation and burns. In the body it causes progressive skeletal changes, called skeletal fluorosis. In addition, fluorine binds calcium in the body, causing ionic calcium to decrease; this, in turn, causes secondary hyperparathyroidism.


|Social climbers in the worst sense. Attracted to “shiny” things (jewelry, cars,| |Over-study … abuse of tea, coffee, mercury … over-use of SILICA … X-RAYS |

|glamorous women, etc.) and money. Materialistic, domineering, and preoccupied | | |

|with the fulfillment of his sexual cravings. Seems uncaring or indifferent | |AFFINITIES |

|toward loved ones or family. Internally feels isolated and often anxious. | |FIBROUS TISSUES (VEINS, skin) ... bones … mastoid |

| | | |


|- Focused on MATERIAL world, not deeply interested in spiritual development | |: COLD (washing, applications, room) … open air ... rapid motion … short sleep |

|looking at women as they pass by, so great is his lust” | | |

|- DOMINEERING (tend to take over the interview) … opinionated … strong-minded | |SENSATIONS |

|- HURRIED (rapid speech; rapid eating) | |As of a cold wind blowing through the eyes |

|- No real or deep contact with other people ... superficial relationships (jump | | |

|from one relationship to another in search of connection) … isolated from | |PAINS |

|others … indifferent to loved ones … aversion to his own family | |Burning … in small spots … pulsating |

| | | |


|- Extremely WARM-BLOODED (one of the hottest remedies) | |Offensive … acrid … burning |

|- Cannot bear the extremes of heat and cold in summer and winter; < COLD and | | |

|HEAT (only remedy in bold type) | |NOTES |

|- A lot of ENERGY … increased ability to exercise without fatigue … impulse to | |- Fl-ac acts on the lower tissues of the body much like Silica, which it follows|

|walk fast, necessity to be always on the move | |and precedes well. It is useful after the abuse of Silica. |

| | |- "A constant, irresistible desire to walk in the open air, its does not |

| | |fatigue," is characteristics of Fl-ac. |

| | |- Like all halogens, Fl-ac tends to breaks bonds, so will often get married and |

| | |divorced multiple times. Hurriedness applies to relationships as well, e.g., |

| | |met yesterday, move in today. |

| | | |

| | | |


|Head: HA from retention of urine, > urination … coryza; copious, watery | | |

|discharge ("runs like a faucet") … falling of hair … HA along the suture lines …| | |

|discolored or breaking teeth … easy caries of teeth … brittle hair … sore | | |

|throat, < from inspiring cold air | | |

|Face: heat in face, wants to wash it in cold water | | |

|GI: desire for pungent, spicy, highly seasoned food, alcohol … crave cold water | |PRIME INDICATIONS |

|… hungry | |1. Love of liberty. Self-satisfied, dominant, frivolous, materialistic. |

|Extremities: varicose veins (often painful) … distortion or weakness of the | |2. Warm-blooded. |

|nails … feet hot and must be uncovered at night … offensive feet … osteomyelitis| |3. Very energetic. Short sleep better. |

|… caries of bones | |4. Strong sexual desire. |

|Urinary & Sexual Organs: excess libido, promiscuity … erections frequent and | |5. Desire for pungent and spicy food. |

|excessive ... impotence … | |6. Destruction and caries; acrid discharges. |

|prostatic hypertrophy and frequent or even involuntary urination … uterine or | | |

|rectal prolapse … copious and excoriating leucorrhea … swollen scrotum | |DIFFERENTIALS |

|Skin: dry, harsh, itching, cracked skin … varicose veins, esp. when they follow | |The close resemblance of Fluoric acid to Silica is evident. But sweat symptoms |

|pregnancy … itching esp. of the orifices and in spots, < warmth … profuse and | |and modalities as to heat and cold will be quite sufficient to differentiate. |

|sour offensive perspiration | |Fl-ac and Sil are complementary. Fl-ac follows Sil when the latter has improved |

| | |the general health and tone of the patient but has failed to complete the cure, |

| | |and aggravation from cold changes to aggravation from heat. Fl-ac is also |

| | |antidotal when suppuration and destruction of tissue has been increased by the |

| | |too frequent repetition of Silica in a low potency. In patients of the Silica or|

| | |Fl-ac type, the earlier symptoms may call for Pulsatilla or Thuja. Then the |

| | |sequence will be Pulsatilla (or Thuja), SIlica and Fluoric acid. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |SOURCES |

| | |Farrington H., Homeopathy |

| | |Morrison, Desktop Guide |

| | |Murphy, Homeopathic Remedy Guide |

| | |Vermeulen, Synoptic |


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