Twin Island Community

Twin Island Community FAQFirst lets answer the question “Why are we getting this information?”. Many community members have been under the impression that our governing documents expired years ago and are non existent. Much of the information is in need of updating, HOWEVER, they are still in force and your new board is committed to and entrusted with amending them to fit the needs of Twin Island community. This is a HUGE job, and we need your input and we need your help, and most of all we need your patience with this process. These documents, and therefore the board, represent our community – THAT MEANS YOU. It’s imperative that we have community involvement in any process of change…. And the first step in that is a process of education… so here we go…. Hopefully this will spur your interest, more questions, creative thinking and community involvement. This is YOUR HOME1…Are we a homeowners association?Twin Island Community Association is a form of homeowners association called a planned community. We are technically a Non-Profit Corporation, filed with the state of Oregon.We are governed by several official documents. They are as follows:Twin Island Community Association articles of Incorporation. Our Community was first incorporated (as are most community associations) in 1964 and has undergone a few changes since. The latest amendment to the Articles of Incorporation was filed on December 4, 1989. This is public information easily accessible. Google “Oregon Business Registry lookup”. You can search by title (typing in Twin Island Community Association”, or by registry number, which is 073097-19.) Click on the Twin Island Community Association box and it will bring up every amendment since inception. Very interesting history! This document is posted to the TICA website as well.Declaration of Conditions and Restriction of Twin Island Community Association (aka CCR’s)What? We have CCR’s? I thought they expired!! Though many items in the CCR’s have not been enforced for decades, the document, and therefore the rules, automatically renew every 10 years. This document is filed with the State of Oregon, and is posted to the Twin Island Community website for your reading pleasure. The CCR’s help goven the community outlining the rights and responsibilities of the community members and the overall desired “feel” of the community.By-Laws of Twin Island Community.This document was last amended November 3, 1989. It is also filed with the state of Oregon. The Bi-laws help govern the corporation and is one of the documents that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the Twin Island Community board. These are also posted on the website. Oregon Planned Community Act ORS Chapter 94 550-783.This is a collection of Oregon State Statutes regarding planned communities (Which we fall under as a community association). They govern the actions of the board and the members of any community in Oregon. So that’s a start….but wait, what about the Rules and Enforcements document we all got in the mail????The Rules and Enforcements is a resolution document, as opposed to a governing document. When articles or rules need expansion, the board can write a resolution (or in this case obtain legal counsel to do so) that outlines the desired change, or clarifies a protocol. This document is NOT filed with the state.2…..ARE THERE MORE DOCUMENTS???? (as if those aren’t enough!)We are also governed by state and federal law regarding non-profit corporations, and federal regulations such as the Fair housing act, American disabilities act, etc. The “FAIR HOUSING GUIDE” is easily downloaded and very interesting !3…. Can any of these documents be changed? YES! However, your input and vote is needed to officially change the community CCR’s and Bi-laws. State and Federal law can only be changed on a state and federal level, and supersedes our documents.4…. How do you keep this all straight?????That’s a good question. Your board members are not lawyers, they are volunteers from your community. They do the best they can. If you would like to see changes in the community or have expertise and would like to help us increase community awareness around anything in the community, we would really appreciate your input!!5…..Do I HAVE to be a member of the community association????If you own property (your name is on the deed of trust) in Twin Island Community, you are AUTOMACIALLY part of the association and have a vote.6….I’m on the shared well….. is that part of the association?Yes, but it is a subset as not all residents are on the well. Your board is still responsible for the maintenance of the well and water lines. Only those homeowners on the system are responsible for making payments for water and repairs. 7…. Do we have a website?YES WE DO! Meeting minutes ,governing documents, and this FAQ sheet are posted for your reading pleasure. ................

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