Minutes for organization meeting (short form)

Cedar River Village Condominium Association 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2014

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|Location: Cedar River Lodge | |

|Boardman Room | |

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Cedar River Village President Report: Jack Harmon

Jack reviewed the proposed agenda and asked for other agenda items:

Jack noted a quorum was required to conduct the official business for the annual meeting. (Note: A quorum is 25% of those qualified to vote. There were 20 lots not qualified to vote, due to nonpayment of dues ). The required Quorum was = 53. Jack noted that between those owners present and Proxies, there were sufficient votes to allow for the required annual meeting business to be completed. Total Proxie votes are 28, and total votes present are 37 = 65 votes representing a quorum.

Pete Bigford, Resort Operation’s Manager, and the CRV Board members were introduced: Jack Harmon President, Gary Matlas Vice President, Mike Card Secretary, Preston Murray Architectural, Chuck Anderson Treasurer.

Jack entertained a motion to eliminate the spring informational meeting as few members attend and no official business is conducted at the meeting. Jack informed the members that the requirement to hold a spring meeting was contained in the operational bylaws. The operational Bylaws do not have the same voting requirements. The operational bylaws may be changed based on a vote of the majority present at the meeting. A motion was made to eliminate the spring meeting by Chris Bostater, and seconded by Herschel Gober. Considerable discussion followed on the benefits and issues of holding a spring meeting. A vote on the motion to eliminate the spring meeting was taken. Those is favor = 23, opposed = 14, thus the Spring Meeting was voted to cancel.

Election of the CRV Board; Jack noted that Gary Matlas was resigning from the board and thanked Gary for his service. Jack asked for nominations to fill the open Board position. Barb Tranberg volunteered and a motion was made and approved by the group, 100% voted for.

Treasurer report: Chuck Anderson

A budget worksheet was passed out. Discussed the 2014 estimate and 2015 budget. Chuck indicated increases for snow removal and highlighted the fluctuation for the gas revenue. Discussed the not collectable dues, from the 15 lots owned by the county. Reviewed the use of: a collection agency, attorney, and liens for collection. Explained that the operating expenses were pretty much status quo. It was noted that some additional expenses surrounding pool improvements were identified, refinish spa, enlarging pool area and additional pool furniture. An update on the road escrow was provided. Ken Salo had met with Reith Riley and Ken had prepared an update on expected road life and cost to resurface. The road was still in pretty good condition. The main road is estimated to last another 8 to 10 years. Special thanks to Ken for all of his work. The Slopeside Association was caught up on funding the road reserve. Noted that the 2015 expenses exceeded expected revenues. CRV has substantial reserves, due to the past O.I. L. settlement. No dues increase was required at this time. An issue about traffic at the Del Mason traffic area was brought up as a problem. Vehicles are going the wrong way at the circles causing safety problems. Discussed installing additional one way signs.. Mike Card to investigate and speak to Pete and other vendors. The paper vendor also appears to be a violator. The 2015 budget was then further reviewed and a motion was made to approve the budget by Hershel Gober, and seconded by Pat Dubois. The 2015 budget was approved by 100%.

Vice President Report Gary Matlas: An update on the “” website was given. It was discussed that we would like to place as much information on the site as possible, with the possibility of eventually eliminating most of the mailing. It was noted that not all the owners access the CRV website. Approximately 50% of the association owners to not provide an email address. We will continue to improve and update, but for now Mailings will remain. In order for you to obtain the most current communications: PLEASE provide your email address to: Donna Grill, “sdgrill66@”

Roads and Grounds & Secretary Report: Mike Card

New 3 year contracts have been signed with Ron Robinson. A flat rate for mowing continues, while the snow removal increases by $2k this year and 2% for year 2 and 3. It was noted that this year we watered the 2nd circle only 2 times. At the 1st circle we planted 5 bushes, mulch and added 2 retaining walls. It was identified and noted that we still have a lot of dead ash trees in the area and that it is the responsibility of the home owners to take care of them.. Trees that fall on road right away shall be removed by the association and the owner will be billed for said work. This year the flowers were purchased from the Blossom shop and have done well, this will continue for next year’s flower purchase. A special Thank you to Chris Bostater and all of the volunteers that do a great job on the flowers.

Architectural Report- Preston Murray

Preston passed out an updated version of the CRV architectural documents for review and comment. Preston noted to: Please get with him or other Architectural member if planning any changes or improvements to their property.

TCE Plume update – Jack Harmon

Noted Pete Bigford provided information at the resort meeting. Jack provided update of work being done to resolve. Jack noted that; Steve Grill, Pete Bigford and many others at the state level and in the local level were working together to resolve. It was indicated that it would cost approximately $5.7 million for the current total plan. Phase 1 requires $1.25 million to move forward and this issue hopes to be resolved by the state, around the October 2nd timeframe. Those people interested in receiving updates on the plume should send their email addresses to Jack. They can also lookup the Mancelona TCE plume on the web for information.

Open discussion

A problem occurred this summer with a couple of the association members and homes. Excessive noise and fireworks occurred. An official letter and complaint has been submitted to the board members and in review. A Board letter will be sent to the offending homeowners. There was discussion on a proposal for a 10 o’clock noise curfew and higher fines for non- compliance of bylaws. The CRV Board is to review and take action deemed required.

Big Special Thank you to: Judy Card, Donna & Steve Grill, and others for all of their help.

Meeting adjourned


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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