Desert Hills Christian Homeschoolers

Family’s Last Name _____________________________________________________________________

Husband/Father’s First Name ____________________ Wife/Mother’s First Name ____________________

Street Address _________________________________________________________________________

City _________________________________________ State _________________ ZIP _______________

If you use a private mailbox, please tell us the area in which you live: _______________________________

Phone _________________________ E-Mail _________________________________________________

Child's Name Birth Date

________________ _________

________________ _________

________________ _________

Child's Name Birth Date

________________ _________

________________ _________

________________ _________

Child's Name Birth Date ________________ _________

________________ _________

________________ _________

May we publish all of the above information in our members-only directory? YES NO

Church Affiliation ________________________ How did you hear about us? ________________________

How many years have you been homeschooling? Not yet Less than 1 year 1-4 5-9 10-14 15+

Would you be willing to volunteer? YES__ NO__ MAYBE__ (Please circle areas of interest) Leader/Co-Leader Secretary Treasurer Hospitality Area Representative Membership Directory Mentor Mom Event Coordinator Fundraising Photographer Reporter/Publicity Newsletter Editor Library Liaison Yahoo Moderator Webmaster Other

Please list any special talents, professional training, skills, hobbies, etc. that may be useful to the group:


Waiver of Liability

I hereby consent to participation of my child(ren) in Desert Hills Christian Homeschoolers activities and agree to assume all risks involved. I will be present and supervise my child(ren) at all DHCH recreational and educational activities that my child(ren) participate(s) in unless I have authorized another parent to act on my behalf. I understand that DHCH is not responsible for supervising children or guests.

I am aware that DHCH does not provide insurance relative to accidents or injuries sustained during DHCH activities, and that I am solely responsible for the health/medical care of my child(ren) in the result of any such injury or accident. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the Desert Hills Christian Homeschoolers group and its officers, for any injuries sustained while participating in DHCH-sponsored activities.

By signing this form our family is stating that we have read and understand the above DHCH Waiver of Liability and will abide by its requirements.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date_______________


Membership is FREE - No Dues!

Includes a 75-page Homeschool Resource booklet.

Print and mail this application to the address below; or scan and e-mail a copy to dhch@

(A download link for the Members Resource booklet is e-mailed upon receipt of your registration.)

Rich & Teri Olsen, 807 E. Wild Field Drive, New River AZ 85087-7965

Questions? Log on to , e-mail dhch@ or call 623-465-7561 (please leave a message)

If you are joining DHCH, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. All of the questions are optional, but any answers you provide will help us understand your needs so we may better serve you. (Rest assured, your information is safe with us; it will not be shared, sold, or used for any other purpose.)


1. Why did you decide to homeschool? (check one or more) __academic reasons __religious convictions __social/moral issues __safety concerns __health problems __special needs/challenges __flexibility of family schedules __ dissatisfied with public school __ less expensive than private school __other reasons

2. How did you first learn about DHCH? __I don’t remember __Local newspaper __AFHE convention

__ AFHE website __Other website __Web keyword search __Friend/Neighbor __Other (please tell us)

3. What are your reasons for joining? __ Fellowship/Friendship __ Group Field Trips __Advice/Mentoring __Information/resources __Classes/Workshops __Christian Statement of Faith __Volunteer Opportunities __Social contacts/networking __Encouragement/Support __To give my children special “school” memories

4. Are you a member of Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE)? YES NO

5. Are you a member of Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)? YES NO

6. Are you a member of any other homeschool support groups? (please list)

7. Are you interested in combined activities with other groups? (please circle) YES NO

If yes, which one(s)?

8. In what format would you prefer to receive announcements, event notices, and other info? (please circle)

E-mail Snail Mail Phone Website Other:

9. Please check any programs/activities/events that you would be interested in:

_Beginning Homeschooling


_Learning Disorders/ADHD

_Gifted Children

_Parenting/Family Issues

_High School/College/Career

_Teen Group

_Co-op Courses


_Standardized Testing


_Home Organizing

_Bible Study/Christian Living

_Creation Science

_Science Fair

_Spelling Bee

_Geography Bee

_History Fair

_Math Competitions



_Fall Festival

_Movie Day Out

_Valentine’s Day Party

_Field Trips

_Mom’s Night Out

_Dads Get-Together

_Promotion Ceremony

_Guest Speakers/Seminars

_Field Day/End of Year Party

_Used Curriculum Sale

_Homeschool Information Night

_Elementary Arithmetic


_Advanced Mathematics

_Computer Skills

_High Tech Kids/Mad Science


_Arizona History/Geography

_American History

_World History



_Science Experiments

_Earth Science/Geology




_Physical Fitness/Sports

_Classical Education

_Literature/Great Books

_Creative Writing


_Phonics/Reading Readiness

_Arts & Crafts

_Art History/Appreciation

_Music History/Appreciation

_Vocal/Instrumental Lessons

_Foreign Language (_________)

_Sign Language

_Drama/Performing Arts

_Speech & Debate

_Other (___________________)

10. What is your greatest area of need in regard to homeschooling? (Please explain)

Please write any additional comments and suggestions in the space below. Thank you!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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