FBCmel Homeschool Support Group



Organization, Bylaws and Goals

Article 1


Section 1:1 Vision

The vision of SPLASH is to unify and nurture homeschool families within the church and in the community so as to enhance their academic and spiritual growth. The ultimate goal being to have a group of believers committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, answering the call to educate their children at home, glorifying God by uplifting each other, strengthening the church, and actively participating in evangelistic ministry in their community.

Section 1:2 Mission

The mission of SPLASH is to provide support, encouragement, resources, information and activities for academic, social and spiritual growth to member families.

Section 1:3 Statement of Faith

As a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL, SPLASH conducts itself under the truth and authority of the Statement of Faith.

Article 2


Section 2:1 Directors

a. During conception of SPLASH, the panel of directors will be appointed based on membership to First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL, availability, willingness and spiritual gifts. Beginning in the summer of 2010, the panel of directors will be elected annually by the members of the group.

b. Any person seeking a director’s position must be committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, active members of the First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL and weekly participants in its Sunday school programs. They must also have the support of their family, and must understand they will be subjected to a professional background check upon election. Any person who does not meet these requirements will be disqualified from the election process.

c. A secret ballot will be circulated to members by May 1st and ballots must be returned to the sitting panel of directors by May 15th. The newly elected panel of directors will be notified and will assume their position no later than June 1st, after they have completed the paperwork for the background check. If the church holds a current background check on a newly elected director, the paperwork will not be necessary.

d. The panel of directors will consist of the following positions:

1. Director of Administration – responsible for members, schedule, advertising, organization and primary liaison between the pastors and support staff of the First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL.

2. Director of Corporate Education – responsible for the creation and organization of field trips, classes, and other corporate academic activities.

3. Director of Internal Ministries – responsible for organizing monthly activities for moms and teens, seasonal activities for the whole family, and organizing a mentoring program (Moms Lifting Moms) for newly homeschooling parents.

4. Director of External Ministries – responsible for the creation and organization of ministry days within the community of Melbourne, FL.

5. Director of Information and Finances – responsible for the newsletter, administrator of the website, and keeps a record of expenses.

e. Directors shall operate on a volunteer basis, with the exception of the Director of Information and Finance who will be compensated for the management of financial transactions at 13.33% of each annual family membership fee.

f. The Minister to Preschoolers and Children holds a standing invitation to attend and participate in all directors meetings.

Section 2:2 Accountability

a. The Director of Administration shall ensure that the membership, meetings, and all activities of SPLASH be held under the accountability of the pastors of First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL.

b. Copies of all membership applications, membership terminations, panel of director’s ballots and outcomes as well as all newsletters and schedules will be given to the senior and supporting pastors of the church. The pastors may even request an annual assessment meeting with the panel of directors.

Section 2:3 Membership

a. SPLASH members must be operating their homeschool in compliance to Fla. Stat. Ann. Sections 1002.41 and 1002.43.

b. SPLASH is an inclusive group and will not discriminate membership on the basis of race, nationality or religious beliefs. Members are expected to keep in mind that SPLASH is a ministry of FBC Melbourne and is run under the leadership of its pastoral staff. Respect for the Statement of Faith and Bylaws including Code of Conduct and Dress Code is expected upon application of membership. The leadership of First Baptist Church and the panel of directors reserve the right to expel from the group any member family who repeatedly resists these authorities. The process for rectifying such a conflict will be as follows:

1. A meeting with two or more directors and the party involved will be held and a warning given after the first offense.

2. The second offense will warrant a meeting with a pastor of FBC, two or more directors and the party involved.

3. The third offense shall be cause for dismissal. 

c. Upon admission, members must complete and submit the information form provided, familiarize themselves with the Statement of Faith and the Bylaws which include a Code of Conduct and a Dress Code and sign the acknowledgement form.

d. Any member who will be officially teaching a class under the direction of the directors for the homeschool group will be subjected to a background check.

e. Any member may not take on more than two simultaneous responsibilities in service to SPLASH.

Section 2:4 Meetings

a. An official meeting of SPLASH is any meeting or activity advertised by a director and attended by two or more member families.

b. Members are expected to behave in accordance with the Code of Conduct at all meetings.

c. Meetings will be held either at the First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL or any other venue as the director in charge has advertised.

d. Members are expected to use good judgment about coming to SPLASH activities if your child/children are unwell. Do not come if your children have had an obvious cold, fever, vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours of an event.

Article 3


Section 3:1

a. Moms Lifting Moms – a mentoring program for new homeschool moms. The purpose is to encourage, establish friendships, provide prayer and share ideas.

b. Fieldtrips and Learn-Together Days – to provide educational opportunities in a corporate setting as well as offer field trips at group rates.

c. Service Days – opportunities to serve and love in the church as well as the secular community with an evangelistic purpose.

d. Email and website information sources.

e. Family Fellowship events.

f. Teen Fellowship events.

g. Moms’ Nights Out.

Article 4

Code of Conduct

Section 4:1 All Members

a. Show proper respect to other members at all times. This includes conversation as well as respect to personal property and space.

b. Be respectful and uphold the guidelines set forth by facilities management at each facility used for SPLASH meetings. Leave meeting places neat and returned to order.

c. Practice self control, not giving over to complaining, gossip, malice, profanity or other hurtful speech including the use of God’s name in vain.

Section 4:2 Parents

a. Do your best to be on time for SPLASH meetings and activities.

b. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their own children to insure safety and proper cooperative behavior from their children.

c. Any conflict unable to be resolved quietly between parties should be brought to the attention of the panel of directors.

Section 4:3 Children

a. Children should show special respect to adults, addressing them as Mr. or Mrs. followed by the adult’s preference of their first or surname.

b. Any conflict unable to be resolved quietly between parties should be brought to the attention of their parents.

Section 4:4 Classroom Behavior

a. Students are expected to show utmost respect to their teachers/instructors. They should be attentive and self-controlled and come prepared for their lesson or activity.

b. In the event of misbehavior, the teacher/instructor of the class will adhere to the following correctional procedures.

1. At the first offense, the teacher/instructor will speak calmly to the student and point out the offense. The parent will be notified of the situation.

2. At the second offense, the student will have to sit out of the activity for 10 minutes. The parent and a SPLASH director will be notified of the situation.

3. At the third offense, the parent will be expected to stay with the child during the remaining classes.

Article 5

Dress Code

Section 5:1

a. All members are to keep mindful that our bodies are meant to glorify God and we should treat one another with respect in regard to what we wear. If there is any hesitation or doubt about whether an article of clothing is appropriate, please do not wear it.

b. The following will not be tolerated:

1. Any clothing with profanity, lewdness or violent images.

2. Very short shorts or skirts (no shorter than the finger-tips when the arms are at rest at your sides.)

3. No tank tops or cropped tops (arms raised above head should not pull up shirt to reveal skin.)

4. Provocative clothing intending to reveal.

5. Any specific item that is cause of concern to a director.

c. This dress code applies to every meeting of SPLASH as defined in Section 2:4a

Article 6


Section 6:1

a. Establish a solid support group under the authority of the First Baptist Church of Melbourne, FL.

b. Encourage and support homeschool families with fellowship, teaching, resources and information.

c. Serve the church and community through regular activities and projects.

d. Carry out the commands the Lord Jesus Christ gave in Matthew 28:19-20 first in our homes, our church, and then our community.


Students Playing, Learning, and Serving Him

The Homeschool Ministry of FBC of Melbourne


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