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RIT Student Isolation (off campus) Information Sheet updated 4/6/20Reason for IsolationIsolation is a public health measure designed to reduce the spread of infectious disease by keeping people who have illness possibly due to nCo-V separated from the general population for a period of time.How Long in IsolationStudents who live on or off campus who have fever, cough or shortness of breath and possible exposure to NCoV should self-isolate (home or in room) and contact the Student Health Center, their local provider or hospital for testing. If a test is positive or if symptoms are determined to be most likely COVID19, isolation will last a minimum of 7 days AND requires 72 hours without fever not taking any fever reducing medicines. Please do take those medicines while you are feeling ill to help control your symptoms. SHC staff will be the team to give you guidance that isolation is complete.It is strongly recommended that students return home for the duration of their isolation unless that is not possible.Medical CareThe Student Health Center a reporting form with instructions for self-monitoring by students in the isolation location. Staff will call you once or twice daily to check on your symptoms. Telehealth visits are available if needed. Transportation to a community health care facility may be necessary. Supplies to Have on HandDisposable tissuesHand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) Fluids such as tea, water, packets of Gatorade, packets of ramen noodles or chicken soup and juice.A disposable or digital thermometerSalt for salt water gargling for sore throatHoney—alone or mixed in tea for sore throat and coughsAcetaminophen (paracetamol, Tylenol) for fever and aches. Follow dosing guidelines carefully to avoid excessive amounts. Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed—the kind you have to ask for at the pharmacy counter, not Sudafed PE) for nasal congestionTWO WEEK SUPPLY OF ANY CHRONIC MEDICATIONSFood sufficient for 2 weeks if living off campus. Packing ListIf the isolation area is other than your own room, pack like you would if you were going on a 2 week vacation. You should take no more than one suitcase along with a carry-on sized bag (back pack). This does not include your laptop (if you have one) or purse. Suggested items are:Toilet Articles – toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, mouthwash, dental floss, razor, shaving cream, feminine hygiene products, soap, shampoo, conditionerTowel – 3Washcloth – 3Under and Outer Garments – sufficient for 10 daysSleep WearSocks – sufficient for 10 daysStudy Materials – books, notebooks, laptop, etc.See also handout for Quarantine Shared Space, which fully applies and needs to be more strictly adhered to because now we know you are ill. ................

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