Units 1 &2 Objective & Mastery SheetPeriod __________ Name ___________________________________________As you answer these questions, you should incorporate at least 100% of your Specific Factual Information (SFI) terms. This is preparation for your Unit 1& 2 test. ObjectiveDiscussion QuestionResponseTo explain how environmental factors shape the development of Native American societies before European contact.1. Describe the impact of maize agricultural on the rise of native American societies.2. Describe how two pre-Columbian peoples of the Americas interacted with the environment.To analyze how cultural interaction and conflict influenced native American and European societies.3. How did the Spanish exploit the cultural beliefs & relationships of native peoples? 4. Discuss what were the causes of the depletion of native populations in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean.5. What were the causes and effects of Pope’s Rebellion?6. What was the Columbian Exchange? Explain how it impacted native peoples (2 ex) and European societies (2 ex). (Answers should include negative and positive outcomes.)To analyze how competition between European nations led to the development of colonial societies in the Americas.7. It has often been said that European colonization of America was driven by “God, glory, and gold.” To what extent is this statement accurate? (This should take you about 250+ words to answer fully.)To identify the causes of migration to colonial North America and the Caribbean.8. Describe the various populations that colonized the British American colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Why did certain groups settle where they did?To analyze the causes of internal migration and the patterns of settlement in colonial America.9. Who was Roger Williams? How did his ideas lead to the formation of a secular society in colonial America?10. Why were most colonial settlements located near bodies of water? (rivers, bays, oceans) Give three examples.To identify how religious groups and ideas affected colonial society.11. Who was Anne Hutchinson? How did her ideas get her banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony?12. How did Puritan theology shape their society and political life?13. What is Quaker theology and how did it impact the early development of colonial Pennsylvania?14. What factors led to the rise of the Great Awakening? What was its impact on colonial religious and social life?15. Discuss the connection between education and Puritan/ Congregationalist beliefs in colonial America.To identify how different labor systems developed in colonial America & analyze the effects on workers’ lives16. How and why did slavery begin and develop in colonial America?17. What were the most common arguments for and against the institution of slavery?18. Explain the headright system and the development of indentured servitude in the Chesapeake.To explain how patterns of economic exchange, markets, and free enterprise developed.19. What was the Middle Passage? How was it part of the global trade network that developed in the Atlantic world?20. Compare and contrast the economies of the New England and the Chesapeake colonies. Why did each region develop as it did? How were social systems affected in those regions?21. What were the Restoration colonies? How did their economies differ based on their geographic location?To analyze the development of democratic ideals, freedom, and individualism in American cultural & political life.22. What do the causes of Bacon’s Rebellion suggest about colonial life in Virginia as of the 1670’s? What type of Virginian saw Bacon as a hero? To whom was he considered a traitor? What impact did the rebellion have on Virginia politics and slavery?23. How did the Salem Witch Trials lead to the demise of theocratic government in colonial New England?To explain how artistic, philosophical, and scientific ideas developed and impacted colonial American society.24. What is deism? 25. Why was Benjamin Franklin a leader in American society and well-respected by European elites?26. What were the purposes of early American colleges?27. What were the popular artistic forms of expression in colonial America? ................

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