Chapter 3 -- The Creation of New Worlds

Chapter 3A MEETING OF CULTURESChapter SummaryThis chapter introduces the student to the nature and impact of contact among Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans in the New World. The topics emphasized include relations between Native Americans and the French, Spanish, and British colonists, the development of the institution of slavery in America and the emerging African American community within that system, other institutions of unfree labor in America, and late colonial patterns of European immigration.I.Indians and EuropeansA.Indian Workers in the Spanish BorderlandsB.The Web of Trade Displacing Native Americans in the English ColoniesLand use and property rightsColonial land acquisition Bringing Christianity to Native PeoplesCatholic missionaries in Spanish coloniesFrench Jesuits in CanadaMissionaries in English coloniesAfter the First Hundred Years: Conflict and WarKing Philip’s WarBacon’s RebellionThe Pueblo RevoltResumption of the Beaver WarsII.Africans and EuropeansA.Labor Needs and the Turn to Slavery B.The Shock of Enslavement African Slaves in the New WorldSlavery in the southern coloniesSlavery in the northern coloniesChanging race relations in the coloniesRepressive laws and slave codesAfrican American Families and CommunitiesThe rise of the creole slave populationWork and family lifeCommunity life and religionE.Resistance and Rebellion III.European Laborers in Early AmericaA.A Spectrum of Control B.New European Immigrants IV.Conclusion Learning ObjectivesAfter a careful reading of Chapter 3, students should be able to answer the following:1.What were the consequences of trade between the Indians and Europeans?2.How and why did race-based slavery develop in British North America?3.What methods did Europeans employ to acquire and manage labor in colonial America?CHAPTER 3: A MEETING OF CULTURES Multiple ChoiceINDIANS AND EUROPEANSMore than any other European colonists, which group sought direct control over Indians who labored in their One of the Spaniards’ most important methods of labor control was the ________, which was designed for the collection of tribute.Repartimiento refers to the Spanish policy of:This group was among the most successful in adapting to the Native American understanding of trade, for they knew that good relations were essential to maintaining and increasing their business.The Beaver Wars were fought between the Hurons and the:The Dutch supplied which group with guns during the Beaver Wars?Which tribe moved often to take advantage of the land’s diversity?Disputes between Europeans and Indians frequently arose from misunderstandings about:Where did settlers come with the intention of farming, thus competing directly and immediately with Indians for land?Property rights among the Indians were held:Spain’s religious missionaries to America represented which religion?Franciscan missionaries insisted that Indian converts:Protestant missionaries were most active in __________ colonies.King Philip’s War took place in:King Philip:Bacon’s Rebellion took place in:The Pueblo Revolt took place in:The English called which Indian leader King Philip?William Berkeley was governor of:Counterattacks by these Indians prompted Bacon to lead attacks against all Indians.Rebels led by Nathaniel Bacon burned what colonial city?Popé was a leader within which Indian tribe?AFRICANS AND EUROPEANSMost Africans came to America as:Which of the following regions received the smallest number of African slaves between 1451 and 1810?Labor costs in America were:Land costs in America were:Slavery ended first in:The majority of slaves traded by Arabs in southern Europe and the Middle East were:The first people forced into slavery in America by the Europeans were:Arab traders looked where for slaves who were neither Christian nor Muslim?Which groups first brought African slaves to America?Most enslaved Africans came from ________ Africa.Slaves who could not escape while still in Africa suffered through a lengthy voyage called:In 1750, the smallest number of Africans lived in:Georgia was founded as a refuge for:The laws governing slavery were called the:The first generation of slaves in America is referred to as:Of the following, which is NOT one of the developments that had to occur in order for slaves to make close ties with other slaves in America?Slaves were far more numerous in which colonies?Which slave population lived longer than African immigrants?By the late eighteenth century, what percentage of Chesapeake and Carolina slaves lived in family groups?Slaves: Family ties for slaves made life more tolerable, but hindered:What was the rarest form of slave resistance?Which of these was the largest slave uprising?In 1712, in New York City, black people made up what percentage of the population?EUROPEAN LABORERS IN EARLY AMERICAIn 1750, indentured servitude was most common in:Chesapeake planters relied heavily on this unfree labor source in the eighteenth century: Which group used the redemptioner system most often?German immigrants were most likely to immigrate to:Merchants often paid fishermen in New England on a:By the late eighteenth century, most non-Indian inhabitants of the mainland colonies were:Northern farmers primarily relied upon ________ for labor.Which group, numbering 100,000, came from continental Europe to avoid war, economic hardship, and religious persecution?Emigrants flowed to places where:ChronologyWhich event happened first?a.establishment of Georgiab.first Africans arrive in the North American coloniesc.King Philip’s Ward.Tuscarora WarWhich event happened last?a.Pequot Warb.Bacon’s Rebellionc.Pueblo Revoltd.peak of African immigration to English coloniesThe first Africans arrived in Virginia in:Georgia was established in:The Pequot War in New England took place in:The Stono Rebellion in South Carolina took place in:The Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico occurred in:Short EssaysDescribe how and why most slaves were brought to America.How were the lives of slaves and indentured servants similar? Different?Describe how the lives of slaves differed with respect to where they lived.How did settlers use trade as a means to control Indians?Extended EssaysAnalyze the evolution of the black family unit in America.Was indentured servitude beneficial to those who entered into that servitude?In what ways did the colonists fear their slave labor force? Describe specific instances where their fears came true.In what ways did geography and economics affect each colonial region’s choice of labor supply?Analyze the different attempts at conversion made by Protestants and Catholics in the New World. Which group was more successful and why? ................

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