Schools in Great Britain

Schools in Great Britain

1. When does the school year start in Great Britain?

2. Do British students wear a school uniform?

3. Do students in Britain learn foreign languages at school?

4. What school holidays do British pupils have?

5. What subjects do British pupils study?

You can use these words:

|uniform |Science |

|blue, grey, black, green |IT |

|French |Drama |

|German |PE |

|Summer holidays |Art |

|Easter holidays |Maths |

|Christmas holidays | |

Schools in Russia

1. What is your name? Are you in the 5th form?

2. When does the school year start in Russian schools?

3. Do Russian students wear a school uniform?

4. Do students in Russian schools learn foreign languages?

5. What subjects do Russian pupils study?

You can use these words:

|uniform |Science |

|blue, grey, black, green |IT |

|French |Drama |

|German |PE |

|Summer holidays |Art |

|Easter holidays |Maths |

|Christmas holidays | |

Last summer holidays

1. Where did you spend your last summer holidays?

2. Did you go abroad?

3. What was the weather like?

4. What did you do during your summer holidays?

5. Would you like to visit Great Britain next summer holidays?

You can use these words:

|in the country |swim |

|at the seaside |dive |

|sunny, windy, rainy, warm, cold |ride a bike |

|enjoy |make a fire |

|Summer holidays |sing songs |

|go abroad |help parents |

|pick berries |read |

|gather mushrooms | |

Christmas holidays

1. What are you going to do at the Christmas holidays?

2. What is your mother going to do at the Christmas holidays?

3. Is your granny going to visit you?

4. Are you going to go to the circus at the Christmas holidays?

5. What present would you like to get to the New Year?

You can use these words:

|enjoy |play computer games |

|have free time |go for a walk |

|ski |a book |

|skate |interesting |

|meet friends |dull |

|go to the country | |

|watch TV | |

|read | |


6. How would you describe ( описать) your family?

7. What do your parents do?

8. What are your parents main characteristics?

9. What are your main characteristics?

10. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

You can use these words:

|close |businessman |

|friendly |dentist |

|loving |driver |

|typical |engineer |

|caring |computer programmer |

|get on well |sociable |

|housewife |naughty |


6. What jobs do you know?

7. What characteristics are necessary ( необходимы ) for the doctor?

8. What dangerous jobs do you know?

9. Would you like to be a vet?

10. What are you going to be?

You can use these words:

|computer programmer |policeman |

|office worker |taxi driver |

|lawyer |kind |

|librarian |caring |

|nurse |responsible |

|bodyguard |loving |

|engineer |friendly |


6. What is the capital of Great Britain?

7. Is London a very old city?

8. What is London like ( выглядит) ?

9. What places can you visit in London?

10. Would you like to visit London?

You can use these words:

|found |favourite |

|interesting |buildings |

|famous |Big Ben |

|museums |Trafalgar Square |

|cinemas |Tower |

|theatres |Westminster Abbey |

|parks |The Houses of Parliament |

|galleries |Buckingham Palace |

Sights of London

1. Are going to visit London?

2. What interesting places do you know in London?

3. What places would you like to visit there ?

4. Would you like to visit Westminster Abbey or Big Ben ?

5. What can you say about the Queen of Great Britain, Elisabeth II ?

You can use these words:

|the river Thames |favourite |

|interesting |buildings |

|famous |Trafalgar Square |

|museums |Tower |

|cinemas |The Houses of Parliament |

|theatres |Buckingham Palace |

|parks |stay |

|galleries | |


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