Reading and Note Taking Study Guide


World War I and the Russian Revolution

Lesson 7.2 Fighting the Great War


Key Terms






T. E. Lawrence

Academic Vocabulary



Lesson Objectives

1. Understand how trench warfare led to a stalemate on the Western Front.

2. Identify and describe the impact of modern military technology on the fighting.

3. Outline the course of the war on multiple European fronts.

4. Explain how the war was a global conflict.

A New Kind of War: p.374

1. Draw Conclusions Why did both sides dig trenches on the Western Front?

2. Make Inferences Why did trenches cause a stalemate on the Western Front?

3. Analyze Style and Rhetoric Re-read the quote from the text below. Why do you think Schmieder contrasted the noise of war with bird-song? What does the passage tell us about the people who fought the war?

“The blue French cloth mingled with the German grey upon the ground, and in some places the bodies were piled so high that one could take cover from shell-fire behind them. The noise was so terrific that orders had to be shouted by each man into the ear of the next. And whenever there was a momentary lull in the tumult of battle and the groans of the wounded, one heard, high up in the blue sky, the joyful song of birds! Birds singing just as they do at home in spring-time! It was enough to tear the heart out of one's body!”

—German soldier, Richard Schmieder writing from the trenches in France

Modern Military Technology: p.376

4. Summarize Using the concept web graphic organizer, summarize the key technologies used in the war and their effects.


5. Draw Conclusions Rank the new technologies from most important to least, and provide the reasoning for each ranking.

Other European Fronts: p.377

6. Make Inferences Why were there such high casualties on the Eastern Front?

7. Hypothesize Did the battles in Italy and the Balkans have an impact on the outcome of the war? Why or why not?

A Global Conflict: p.378

8. Use Visual Information Using the map in this lesson for reference, describe why the Dardanelles were important and what happened there.

9. Cite Evidence Why might some Turkish Armenians have helped the Russians during World War I? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

10. Synthesize What influence did the war in the Middle East have on the war as a whole?

11. Hypothesize Why did some people from the European colonies think that fighting in World War I might lead to citizenship or independence?


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