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Text: Genesis 45:16-46:27

Title: Jacob’s fears, God’s presence

Americans are a fearful people:

*N.I.M.H. study from August 2012

*this list is not getting any shorter

*untold millions will never be diagnosed but will nonetheless struggle with all kinds of fears, some of them life-dominating and life-altering.

*Common fears: death and dying, life and living, what is known and what is unknown, sickness, rejection, disease, future, other people etc…

*if left unchecked, these fears can lead to some destructive, unbiblical actions

The Bible is not silent on the issue of fear:

*300 (or more) times in Scripture God says “Do not be afraid.”

*Gen. 15:1; Joshua 1:9; Jer. 1:8; Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:30; Acts 18:19.

*Our text this morning gives us yet another example: Jacob

*Did Jacob have good reasons to fear or be afraid? Yes.

Thesis: Jacob experiences the comforting presence of God in the middle of his fears.

*Jacob’s God comes near to those who fear.

*Jacob’s God is not removed or aloof from the fears of His people.

*We must learn not to embrace our fears but to embrace our God!

Context of Jacob’s fears:

*Genesis 45: Joseph is alive and ruling in Egypt!

*v18: Pharaoh lavishly blesses Joseph’s family with “the best of Egypt.”

*Joseph’s stern warning in v 24: Do not quarrel on the way!

*The brothers return to retrieve Jacob and the rest of their family.

*Jacob’s response to this news: His heart became numb (v26)

*Can you appreciate receiving this kind of earth-shattering, life-changing news?

Why might Jacob be fearful to leave Canaan and go to Egypt? Five reasons…

1. His age. He is 130 years old.

2. His hard life. (Gen. 47:9)

3. Could he really trust his sons?

4. Could he really trust Pharaoh?

5. He was going to Egypt to die.

Jacob had many reasons to be afraid. Notice what he does in Genesis 46:1.

*In the middle of his fears, Jacob worships God at Beersheba.

*Jacob’s fears drove him to worship his God.

*Our fears will either drive us to God or they will keep us from God.

Though Jacob had many reasons to fear and be afraid, God gave him better reasons NOT to fear. Jacob was about to experience the comforting presence of God right in the middle of his fears.

Better Reason #1: “I am God, the God of your Father.” (v3)

*God reminds Jacob of who He is.

*God re-affirming to Jacob the covenant promises He established with Abraham and then Isaac.

*Jacob is not a rudderless, propulsion-less boat adrift on the sea being tossed by the waves here and there.

*God is at work and God is always faithful to keep His covenant promises.

In the face of our fears, we all want a full explanation from God of our problems and challenges.

*Too often, our focus is only on the present and the future.

*Scripture has always been concerned about the past.

*Learn important lessons to apply to our lives today.

*In the midst of his fears, God’s comfort to Jacob was His very presence.

*God would be Jacob’s comfort.

Puritan John Flavel: “It is the duty of the saints, especially in times of difficulties, to reflect upon the performance of providence for them in all the states and through all the stages of their lives.” Don’t waste your memory!

Better Reason #2: “I will make you into a great nation.” (v3)

*Same promise God gave to Abraham in Gen. 12:2 and Isaac in Gen. 17

*God’s plan for His people would not be thwarted, not even by Egyptians.

*What God promised by grace, He delivered by His good providence.

Better Reason #3: “I myself will go down with you and I will bring you up.” (v4)

*ANE belief in localized deities.

*Jacob’s God is the sovereign ruler of the universe.

*God is near to His people who fear.

God does not tell Jacob to embrace his fears or even confront them. God does something far greater: God gives Jacob better reasons Not to fear, the comfort of His very presence.

*Jacob sets out from Beersheba (v5)

*All his offspring all with him. (v7)

*Jacob has no contingency plan or back-up plan.

*Plan A: Trust God. Plan B: Trust God. Plan C: Trust God.

There are probably as many fears here as people this morning.

*If you are not a Christian, I can give you no hope apart from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

*If you are not a Christian, you have good reasons to fear and be afraid for you are still dead in your sins.

*Good news of the gospel: God has made a way for sinners to live in His presence.

*Turn from your sins, trust in Christ and experience the gospel comfort of God’s presence in your life.

For the people of God, there is a greater, deeper reality than our fears: we can know and experience the comfort of God’s presence right in the middle of our fears.


1. In Christ, you are never alone.

*You may feel alone but if you are in Christ, God is at work in your life.

*Hebrews 13:6-7

*In the middle of our fears, we worship God.

*Even your worst fear on your worst day cannot separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

2. God is glorified when sinners turn to Him and trust Him with their fears.

*Ps. 56:3: “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.”

*Our fears reveal what/who we are really trusting.

*Even our fearful struggles can be used by God to wean us off our self-reliance and self-dependence.

3. Rather than embracing your fears, behold your God!

*The bigger your fears, the smaller your vision of God.

*Instead of focusing on your fears, fix your eyes on Christ.

*Spend more time loving God and less time loving your fears.


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