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Y4 Spring Non-Fiction: Recounts: Little Mouse's Big Book of Fears Route Map: Unit 1 (4 days) Introduction to recounts and discussion of fears and phobias This?Route Map?is for teachers planning to provide home learning for this unit.Resources Children will need access to the following materials which are all provided in the home pack:DayExtracts / TextsTask materialsDay 1Title PageDay 2Ablutophobia PagesDay 3Recount Features PosterDay 4Pages from Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fear Main teaching – lesson 1 Could be delivered via video conferencing or posted on YouTube or via Dropbox* Show Emily Gravett’s Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears. Talk about what an unusual book it is, particularly in the creative way it is put together. Flick through and discuss features: a hole in the front cover, crossings out, scribblings, pages/maps that unfold, etc. Tell children they will be making a page, that looks a bit like Gravett’s book, at the end of this unit. Read the book, focusing on main text (leave cuttings for another time). Explain that there are many fears, and they are very real to those who experience them: fear is part of being human! Introduce Task 1 by modelling some sentences about your own childhood fears, e.g. write ‘When I was five, I was frightened of going in lifts.’ Use to model different synonyms for fear.You will need to provide a reading of Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears so that children can access this. You can either read it yourself (best) or check and use this link. this link for the end of Task 1 which shows how Gravett drew Little Mouse. Children then do Tasks 1 and 2 (this is 2 days’ worth of work)Task 1: Children read the Title Page from the book and then write a list of fears that they had when they were younger in full sentences. They can interview people at home and record those fears too. They then write a couple of sentences about a fear they have overcome. They end by watching a clip of how Emily Gravett drew Little Mouse.Task 2: Children watch a reading of the book by Gravett. They look at Ablutophobia Pages to remind them about Little Mouse’s fear of washing. They speculate how this fear developed and write a paragraph to recount the events. They could record themselves reading this aloud and share in an agreed way.Main teaching – lesson 2 Could be delivered via video conferencing or posted on YouTube or via Dropbox* Show Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears and remind children of their writing in Task 2. These were recounts. Use Recount Features Poster to revise these. Explain that children are going to write a recount in Task 3, but this time about themselves, about a fear they had and what happened. Suggest that children write three paragraphs, explaining (1) how the fear started, (2) a time when it caused a problem, and (3) when they overcame their fear. Model this verbally with a childhood fear of your own so they can hear the three-paragraph pattern. Explain that they will write a first draft in Task 3 and then create a polished and illustrated version in Task 4. Children then do Tasks 3 and 4Task 3: Children reread Recount Features Poster to remind them of the features of recounts. They then write a recount on lined paper about a fear and what happened in a three-paragraph recount.Task 4: Children look at Pages from Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears and explore how they are constructed. They write a neat version of their recounts and use collage techniques to present it like a page from Little Mouse’s book. They can be as ambitious with their illustration as their resources allow.All the above are included in the home pack.*The teaching is best provided as online video or group-chat live teaching. Keep it short but focussed! To give children access to the book, one easy answer is to use a phone to video yourself reading it as you turn the pages. ................

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