The Crucible - Loudoun County Public Schools

Name: __________________________________ Date:______ Block: _____

Devine Eng 11H

The Crucible: Act IV Reading Questions

Please answer in complete sentences. Please write legibly.

1. How much time has passed between Acts III and IV?

2. What changes do we see in Reverend Parris?

3. What problems are occurring in Salem now that so many people are in the jails?

4. What do we learn about Abby and Mercy?

5. What does Parris say has happened in Andover?

6. Hathorne states, “At every execution I have seen naught but high satisfaction in the town.” What is your reaction to this statement?

7. Why does Parris think there may be a riot in Salem? What does he ask Danforth to do to prevent this?

8. Why does Danforth say no to this request?

9. What is Hale’s reason for returning to Salem?

10. Hale says to Elizabeth, “Life is God’s most precious gift; no principal, however glorious, may justify the taking of it.” Explain what he means by this.

11. Do you agree with Hale in the above statement?

12. Miller describes the atmosphere when John and Elizabeth see one another: “The emotion flowing between them prevents anyone from speaking for an instant.” How is this a change from the couple that we saw in Act II?

13. How many people have now confessed?

14. What happened to Giles Corey and why? (What did he say as he died?)

15. Proctor tells Elizabeth he is considering confessing. Why is he considering this?

16. What does Elizabeth mean when she says “I have sins of my own to count”?

17. How does Proctor feel when he sees Rebecca Nurse? What is it about Rebecca’s character that prompts him to feel this way?

18. In the midst of John’s confession, he refuses to name other people. Explain why he refuses to do this. What does this say about his character?

19. Proctor says “God sees my name; God knows how black my sins are!” Explain how this line has two different meanings: what Proctor means by it versus what Danforth takes it to mean.

20. Why does Proctor refuse to give the signed paper to Danforth? Explain why this is so difficult for Proctor.

21. Explain what Elizabeth means when she says “He have his goodness now.”


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