Hi, is Applicant Name there


Worth Door Knocking Script

Homeowner opens door…

Worth Agent: Hi, how are you?

Homeowner: Good

Worth Agent: Glad to hear it! My name is Agent Name, and first let me tell you, I’m not here asking you pull your wallet out, or anything like that right now, ok.

I work with a company called Worth Unlimited, that assists homeowners with a program that rapidly pay’s off their debt. Here’s my card. (Give them your Business Card)

Worth Unlimited is a company who’s sole focus is to help people eliminate their debt and get ahead financially, without requiring you to refinance or change your lifestyle.

Worth has helped many thousands of people across the nation to save hundreds of millions of dollars in interest, and get out of debt in about 1/3rd to ½ the time.

So, the reason I am here is:

First, to help make consumers more aware that this type of service is available,

And second, we offer homeowners, by invitation only, a free no obligation analysis that shows you mainly 3 things:

1. If your eligible for the program

2. How much time it will save you in paying off your debts

And 3. How much money it will save you in interest, including your mortgage

Now keep in mind, this isn’t a refinance, and when we run your Savings Analysis, we don’t ask you for anything like social security numbers, account numbers or anything like that. We simply go through a short questionnaire and ask you some basic questions. You know, like what are your loan balances, payments and income, which helps us to determine your savings under the program.

Now again, this program does not require you to:


Increase your minimum monthly payments

Or modify your mortgage

The Free Savings Analysis takes about 10 minutes, and every person who I have helped to get their free Savings analysis has been blown away at how much time and money this service saves them.

When would be a good time to get your Free Savings Analysis run? Again, it only takes about 10 minutes for them to complete your questionnaire. And once they have the info they need, they can usually have your Savings results back to you within about 24 hours. So, again, what day and time works good for you? (Note: If homeowner will not set an appointment time, BE SURE to encourage them to call the Analysis Department phone number on your Business Card, and to present the “Reference ID” number on your card).

Homeowner: (probably Day, at Time)

Worth Agent: Ok great. Can I please get your email address and phone number that you would like to be contacted at?

Homeowner: Its: Email and my number is Number

Worth Agent: All right! I have you down for Day at Time. Now, please keep in mind, the Free analysis is by invitation only, so please be sure to be available when we call you on Day at Time.

Worth Agent: Ok, if you have any questions between now and Day, my name and phone number are on my card, and I would be happy to help you in any way I can.

Ok thanks. We hope we can help you to save a lot of money!


Note 1:

If Homeowner agrees to a day and time for their Free Analysis Appointment, be sure to take down their Name, Phone Number and Email Address. Then once you are done knocking doors for the day, call the Analysis Department and give them the contact info and appointment time you have collected for each Homeowner.

Note 2:

If homeowner will not set an appointment time, BE SURE to encourage them to call the Analysis Department phone number on your Business Card, and to present the “Reference ID” number on your card when they call.

Note 3:

If the homeowner asks: “How does the program work?” Just respond: “The program works great! It’s a lot easier for me to use, than it is for me to explain. But, when they get your analysis results back, they can go through and give you a crystal clear explanation of how the program works.”

Remember: This is a numbers game. The more doors you knock, the more cards you pass out, and the more people you talk to, the more success you will experience. Don’t get discouraged; just remember that each “No” leads you that much closer to your next “Yes”!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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