IES Albujaira Bilingual School

Read the text and do the exercises that follow.

| |“What do you want to do when you grow up?” How many times have you heard that question? Many professions such as |

| |doctors, lawyers and teachers will continue to exist in the future. In the United States, for example, there are many |

| |jobs for doctors, nurses and other health-service workers because there are more old people now than in the past. And |

| |when you become adults, there will be even more professions to choose from. |

|5 |Many professions have been changing because of progress in science and technology. First, almost all working people |

| |today need computer skills. Doctors and company directors use computers. Cashiers and shop assistants use them too. |

| |Nothing is written down on paper any more. You can’t send someone a message in an office without a computer. Second, |

| |because of the Internet, some jobs have become less important than they once were. For example, in recent years, more |

| |and more people have been planning their holidays online so they don’t need travel agents. Technological changes have |

|10 |also created new professions like video game development and website management. A company in the United States has |

| |been selling flights to space, so we may soon need travel agents again as space tourism becomes more popular. |

| |How can you prepare for your future career? First, you should study hard and receive a university degree. The jobs of |

| |the future will require both a high level of education, skill and ability. Second, you should do research on the |

| |Internet and talk to professionals and teachers about different jobs. So, when you choose a job, think about what |

|15 |interests you, what you are good at, and most of all, what you have got a passion for. |

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1. Tick the sentences T (true), F (false) or DK (don’t know). (4 x 1 = 4 points)


1. There is a need for more health-service workers in Europe. …… …… ……

2. Children will have more job opportunities when they grow up. …… …… ……

3. The Internet has created new jobs. …… …… ……

4. A high level of education won’t be so important for future jobs. …… …… ……

2. Complete the sentences. (3 x 2 = 6 points)

1. You need a computer to ……………………… to someone in an office.

2. Before computers, we didn’t have professions like ……………………… and ……………………… .

3. According to the writer, travel agents may sell ……………………… in the future.

3. Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Why are there fewer jobs in some professions? Give an example.

2. What things does the writer suggest doing in order to find a future job?

4. Find synonyms in the text for the words below. (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. grown-ups (lines 1-5)

2. abilities (lines 6-15)

3. get (lines 16-20)

4. experts (lines 16-20)


Reading >> 20 points


Name: ………………………. Mark: …………


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