

Thursday, October 18, 2018

*****6:00 pm *****


NOTE: Please Enter at Door #8


1) Chair Calls Meeting to Order

a) Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

2) Roll Call (In person, phone, video) – Present were Lori Zaimi (LZ), Evan Trad (ET), Geri Baumgarten (GB), Gina Eshu (GE), Shelton Jackson (SJ), John Azpeitia (JA), Carl Coates (CC), Eilene Edejer (EE), Joe Dunne (JD), Ariadna Ginez (AG), Bill Kennedy (BK) and Aisha Noble (AN).

a) Approval of the Order of the Agenda

i) JD motions, CC seconds, motion passes unanimously.

3) Items Needing Council Approval

a) Minutes of the September 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

i) GE motions, ET seconds, all in favor except for AN and BK (abstain), motion passes.

b) Minutes of the September 28, 2018 Special Meeting

i) GE motions, CC seconds, all in favor except for AG and BK (abstain), motion passes.

4) Student Council Report

a) ET: First meeting was today 10/18, installation ceremony is next Tuesday at 5pm, there will be a student council report next month.

5) Public Participation

a) Not sure if bonus $300k has been accounted for, but putting in a request for another 5th grade teacher.

b) Matt Pryor: Is it more relevant to save public participation for later? Question for how the administration solicited input from parents?

i) GB – survey sent to teachers in parents.

ii) LZ – survey sent in September and October again in the newsletters.

iii) Matt Pryor – suggestion to include e-mails like this as their own e-mail. Other parents also did not receive this information.

iv) LZ – we got 30 responses, that is pretty typical.

v) Matt Pryor – could parent reps be notified in the future? Other ways to increase involvement and get the word out there more.

vi) JD – parent reps could be a way to increase participation

6) Old Business – none.

7) New Business

a) State of the School Presentation

i) LZ – CPS has not released SQRP data. We cannot do the state of the school until we have that data.

8) Committee Reports

a) BAC

i) JA – organizational meeting happened, Lori presented, and officers were nominated and elected to serve. It was a good turnout. Next steps are deciding when meetings are, will be making sure to have a rep go to CPS meetings and bring back info to group.

b) PAC

i) JA – organizational meeting, a lot of information re: goals and workshops. Push to make committees within PAC to identify parental concerns. Restorative justice workshop happened.

c) FOP

i) JD – Harbor night is on 10/19, 200 tickets sold, over 15k raised.

ii) EE – Metropolis coffee fundraiser has started, will be going school-wide soon. Looks like Girl Scouts cookie sheets but is for coffee. There is a Peirce blend and a Panther blend.

iii) JD - $5 of every bag goes to MYP trip. Kids are doing babysitting night, etc. to raise money as well. There is an effort to consolidate some groups to streamline efforts to make orgs more effective.


i) GB – PPLC meeting was on 10/10, went over budget.

1) PYP Math – math journals and how they’re used at Peirce and created a share doc for teachers

2) Literacy – workaround balance literacy and guided reading, people have had chance to observe different classrooms.

3) MYP – first cross-partnership meeting with Senn.

4) MTSS – no report.

5) PBS – planning unity week in November and bully prevention speaker and units.

6) Wellness – 4 components for wellness, reiterated that Halloween is a healthy holiday, not food related.

7) Talked about principal evaluation and survey.

8) First Flex day is in November and there are 7 different PLC sessions that are all teacher-led.

ii) BK – can you talk more about trans-disciplinary unit plans?

iii) GB – talked a lot about specials being aligned to what is happening in the classroom. Having a more cohesive communication/planning with specials teachers.

e) PSO

i) Meets on 10/19.

f) Principal Evaluation

i) JD – planning to send out survey to everyone next week, will be sent out as a link, also in flyers in backpacks for everyone. Will be open for two weeks for responses and we’ll do repeated outreach to make sure it gets out there to everyone. We will then tally those responses after Halloween. We can’t share them with everyone but we will discuss them in Executive Session.

ii) CC – can we follow up with Parent Reps?

iii) JD – yes, we are working on this.

iv) EE – we really want to feedback from parents and teachers, we will be sending out lots of communications.

v) JD – by Feb. 2nd LSC has to vote to extend contract. We are on a compressed timeline which is why we are pushing this out now and giving two weeks for people to complete the survey. At this time, we are waiting for data from CPS to complete LZ’s ’17-’18 evaluation.

vi) JA – are you suggesting we push via parent reps?

vii) GB – yes, we can give to teachers and parent reps, some teachers might be better about putting it out there on websites/apps.

viii) ET – staff will be getting the survey to personal e-mails since a concern was anonymity. We will also have paper copies for staff.

ix) JD – will ET and GB aggregate data from paper surveys?

x) GB – yes, likely won’t get many paper but will do. Is there a way to make sure people can only submit once while ensure anonymity?

xi) BK – yes, that is something that can be done in Google Docs.

g) Safety & Security

i) GB – haven’t had many issues with people coming up to her. Alley way is used as a thru-way, could it be blocked up before school and after? Parents put their cars there to pick up and creates a block.

ii) LZ – it should be blocked off in the morning? Gregory is not blocked off.

iii) GB – this is a concern, the teachers’ parking lot gets blocked.

iv) AN – attending ward safety meetings, is anyone attending?

v) LZ & GB – no one has yet, anyone from the council could.

h) Others

9) Principal’s Report – please see Appendix A.

a) AN – Section E, how have you engaged in courageous conversations re: diversity/equity?

b) LZ – they have been on a 1:1 basis as issues come up.

c) JA – have issues with supplies been resolved?

d) LZ – some issues continued and LZ escalated issue to CPS and Aramark to ensure that classrooms are clean and all supplies needed are here. Aramark has approved overtime for subs in the building to get things as closed to being clean as possible. There was a shortage in supplies but it has now been resolved, the concern is more ensuring that the cleaning gets done and we’ve now been good for 2 days in a row since new system has gone into place.

e) Least Restrictive Environment

i) JD – throughout the year we are identifying more students and as we increase more resources, where is the intersection? Peirce is becoming a destination for diverse learners, as this happens, are we able to continue to provide the services we need to.

ii) LZ – we have seen an increase in # of students entering Peirce with an IEP and of parents expressing concerns about their students. There is an increase in total # of students with IEPs in the building. We have 13 SPED teachers and 13 SPED classroom assistants; it is supportive of students with special needs.

iii) BK – seems like the increase is in 504’s, is that accurate?

iv) LZ – these are students that may have more physical conditions (diabetes, food allergies, etc) but may not need instruction from a SPED teacher. We have a nurse that comes in a few times a week because there is a student that requires those supports.

10) Public Participation

a) If there is a cap per classroom, how does it work?

b) LZ – it’s done by the percentage of students per different type of classroom.

11) Fundraising

a) UNICEF fundraiser

i) LZ motion to approve, GE seconds, passes unanimously

b) School Pictures

i) GE – can we put add future pictures to the agenda for next month?

ii) LZ motion to approve, JD seconds, all in favor, GE abstains.

c) Scholastic Book Fair

i) LZ motion to approve, JD seconds, motion passes unanimously.

1) Discussion – GB – can we have a true book fair without the toys, etc? GE – toys will only be available on one day, parent day. GB – we usually go as a class, some kids feel bad because they can’t buy anything. GE – there will be a table where any kid can pick up a book, money or not. JD – If you’d like to request some help from FOP, feel free to submit. GB – if a lump sum was given as a class, the teacher could help figure out how to get stuff for kids who couldn’t afford to get something.

12) Budget

a) LZ – survey was sent out to constituents, open to sending another round and not voting on this today. We have a building capacity issue.

b) JD – total # of students, how does it compare to last year?

c) LZ – we had twice as many pre-k students last year. We have 62 more students in k-8 this year.

d) JD – what is the cap on enrollment next year?

e) LZ – we have to decrease # of kids we’re taking from the lottery. In years prior, we’ve had large numbers of kids leaving the school. We are no longer seeing these same numbers. We are seeing kids staying in the primary years. This year’s budget was created with Chicago Literacy Group supporting K-2 literacy and they are no longer able to. For the last 3 years we’ve received support from CPS in completing reach observations, but we no longer will. These are two things we were anticipating support for that have not happened. LZ has an appeal to CPS for roles that are now negative salary adjustments. Fund allocation recommendations:

• Hire 2 teachers (Bilingual Spanish, ESL or Sp.Ed. Endorsements) to support increased class size, support for Sp.Ed. Teachers, Increased Class Size and K-2 Literacy.

• .5 music teacher

• 53K in technology

• Re-visit the hiring of a 2nd Assistant Principal and believe that this is a much needed position to have at Peirce.

f) GE – What would the new AP do?

g) LZ – support for K-2 literacy, Reach observations, support for SPED staff. Largest change would be work life balance, currently spending 10 hour days + evenings.

h) ET & GB – have been going back and forth on recommendations with LZ

i) LZ – in addition to specific job tasks, there are things that an AP needs to help with like events, responding to parent/student needs, etc.

j) GE – where would additional teachers go?

k) LZ – They could support additional teachers, could support 5th grade and others. Would not be best to open an additional homeroom because we are at capacity.

l) EE – list of current AP duties, what we need, and how could it be filled with an additional AP.

m) JA – what is amount for AP?

n) LZ – 97/98k for an additional AP?

o) EE – what is the pushback for additional AP?

p) GB – staff feels that an additional AP is not going to touch the children and that their classes are overloaded. They don’t see how an additional AP could make an immediate difference in their classroom directly.

q) LZ – additional teachers would support 1, 3, 5, etc. 5th grade has the largest # of diverse learners.

r) JA – can FOP help with music/technology?

s) JD – there has not been historical support for funding positions, more for supporting programs. Can we figure out how to get both teachers and an AP? Principal burnout is high in CPS, how can we get LZ more support?

t) GB – when meeting with LZ, discussion did happen around how lead teachers can help LZ to take things off their plate.

u) ET – if we were to go the AP route in the middle of the years, teachers would be very resentful of that teacher, it would be setting them up to fail in many ways and it would take a hit to climate/culture in the school.

v) Public participation – Megan Brand Holmberg – taught at a CPS school with 200 kids and two administrators, impressed at how we function at this size with only two administrators.

w) LZ – idea is to post anticipated positions and then see the pool of candidates that we get and how they could come into the building and make sense for our school community. Official recommendations:


x) JD motion to approve recommendations (53K in technology, 2 teacher positions, .5 music), BK seconds, all in favor except GE. Motion passes.

13) Transfer of Funds – JD motion, GB seconds, all in favor except GE, motion passes.

a) Federal

b) State


14) Internal Accounts

a) Approval of Internal Accounts - JD motion, CC seconds, all in favor, passes unanimously.


a) LZ motion to approve for the month of September, JD seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

i) AN – what was the $28k deposit in September?

ii) LZ- it was for the YMCA

15) Announcements

a) No announcements.

16) Motion to Adjourn

a) AN motion, JA seconds, passes unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.

Appendix A.








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