Eva-Luise-Köhler-Forschungspreis - Care-for-Rare

Care-for-Rare Science Award

for Rare Diseases 2021

The Care-for-Rare Foundation for children with rare diseases

in cooperation with the Werner Reichenberger Foundation

invites applications for the Care-for-Rare Science Award.

Application Form

| |Dear applicants, | |

| |please create ONE PDF with the required information stated below and upload it here: | |

| |scienceaward | |

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| |Only applications that respect formal requirements will be reviewed. | |

| |Please refrain from enquiries, the winner(s) of the award will be announced | |

| |in autumn 2021. | |

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| |Please provide information in English. | |

| |Please use Font Arial (size 10, single-spaced). | |

| |Please create PDF and submit one PDF document | |

| |(max. size 10 MB). | |

| |Please entitle your document as follows: lastname_firstname_institution.pdf | |

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| |Deadline: July 31, 2021 | |

1. Applicant

Applicant(s) must hold an academic position at a university or another academic institution (e.g. Max-Planck Institute, Leibniz-Institute).

At least one applicant must hold a position in an institution in Germany.

Please note: Only the main applicant will be honoured by name.

Main Applicant:

Last name      

First name      

Academic degree(s)      

Date of birth      


Academic position      




Zip code      





Co-Applicant: (please copy for all further applicants)

Last name      

First name      

Academic degree(s)      

Date of birth      


Academic position      




Zip code      





2. Project Summary

Short title / acronym:


Title (max. 15 words):


Summary (max. 2000 characters): Please provide short introduction, aims, overview of planned work and clinical relevance


Please provide brief documentation on rarity of the disease (cite scientific literature, OMIM etc.; less than 5 / 10 000 individuals affected):


3. Project Description (max. five pages incl. figures and references)

Background and state of the art (max. 1 page):


Previous work by applicant(s): Please provide relevant previous work including citations on published literature (max. 1 page)


Aims of Project: Please provide underlying hypotheses, global and specific aims (max. 1 page):


Methodology and experimental details: Please provide details on planned experiments, methods and planned time schedule (max. 2 pages)


4. Relevance

Expected clinical relevance (max. ½ page):


Expected relevance for science and society, interdisciplinary aspects (max. ½ page):


5. Finances

Other Funding: Did you ask for funding of this project at other funding organisations? (max. ½ page)


Please list other funded projects of the applicant(s) and provide information on overlaps:


Costs: Please provide a detailed financial plan (personnel, consumables; max. ½ page):


6. Curriculum vitae (max. 1 page per applicant):


7. Publications (List of up to 10 scientific publications per applicant):


8. Other Information

Please let us know how you have learned about this call for proposals:


Do you agree that the Care-for-Rare Foundation saves your personal information for future reference?



Do you wish to sign up for the quarterly electronic newsletter of the Care-for-Rare Foundation?




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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