Western Washington University

Annotated Bibliography

If you are familiar with making an Annotated Bibliography you can skip down to the write-up. If not you probably want to look over the materials and examples available through web pages listed below.


Before you create your annotated bibliography you probably want to start by reviewing the following web page on Annotated Bibliographies: Be certain to look at all three entries on this page including the subtopic “Why should I write an annotated bibliography”.


How to summarize/annotate

Note below the difference below between simply copying an abstract describing a book or article and an annotation. The latter is what you want, and anything such as exact words including in the abstract that you take directly from an article must be in quotes. A much better approach is to paraphrase into your own words.


Annotated Bibliography More Information

More the links provided below to learn how to write an annotated bibliography.

• How do I format the bibliographical citations?

• What goes into the content of the annotations?

• Which writing style should I use in the annotations?

• How can I get additional information?

An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or "annotation."

These annotations do one or more of the following:

1. describe the content and focus of the book or article

2. suggest the source's usefulness to your research

3. evaluate its method, conclusions, or reliability

4. record your reactions to the source.

How to turn your annotated bibliography into the literature review part of your paper (most of your papers will be primarily literature reviews no new research of such). Click on the following links for examples:


Write up




Proposed Title of Research

Article 1: Full reference in APA format and – complete annotation, should include things like:

1. description of content and focus of the book or article useful to your study – not copy and paste of abstract

2. source's usefulness to your research – explain why

3. evaluate its methods, conclusions, and/or reliability – basically usefulness and value

4. record your reactions to the source – what else might you want to add

Article 2: …………..

Any further articles

Any further thoughts


As I grade your annotated bibliography I will be looking at things like:  

Does the Annotated Bibliography provide enough focus and substance to complete the study?

Can I understand what is in the literature cited and why it is being used.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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