Robert Wadlow – A Unique Man!

Core Standards: F.IF.6, F.BF.1, F.LE.1,2, S.ID.7

Meet Robert Wadlow. Below is a scatter plot representing the average height of a male in the US relative to their age, and a table containing Robert Wadlow’s actual height at those ages. Plot the data points from the table on Robert Wadlow on the coordinate plane below and see what makes him so unique!

Prediction Line

A) Choose two points from your graph of Robert Wadlow that seem to fit the linear trend and find the slope of the line.

Point 1: ( ___ , ___ )

Point 2: ( ___ , ___ )

Slope =

B) If this line you predicted were to continue to x=0, what would be the y-intercept?

y =

What does 0 mean?

Does the prediction for y at x=0 seem reasonable? Why or why not?

C) Using what you found in part A and B, write a prediction equation for the line you just created!

Extension Questions:

Using your prediction equation, how tall would Robert Wadlow be at age 40 if he had survived?

Your age: _____ Using your prediction equation, how tall do you predict Robert Wadlow to be at your current age? How does that compare to the data?

Supposing that Robert Wadlow was 20 inches long at birth. Draw the line that connects his birth to age 5. Is the rate (slope) different than age 5 and beyond? What would his growth rate have been between birth and age 5, assuming that he grew linearly?

If Robert Wadlow had survived, at what age would he have reached the same height as an NBA basetball hoop (10 feet)?

10 feet = 120 inches

Homework Questions

Altitude (feet)

Draw a line that fits the points above. Using the graph, what would you expect to be the average temperature for Logan, Utah? Logan’s Altitude: 4530 ft.

As the average temperature increases, do you expect the altitude to increase, decrease, or stay about the same?

Use the equation given on the graph. If you were in Israel at the Dead Sea, which is 1371ft. below sea level, what would you expect the average daily temperature to be? Write this as an ordered pair.

Bananas will only grow in temperatures between 53° and 80 ° Fahrenheit. According to the equation, between which altitudes could you best grow bananas?


Looking at the graph above, can we use a linear equation to predict the Logan Population Growth? Why or why not?

Use a straightedge to draw a prediction line. As time increases, is your prediction line too high or too low?





y = -0.0036x + 59.118

Temperature (Fahrenheit)

Population (rrounded)


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