Units - Weebly

Kinematics PracticeUnits13 m is a measurement of .26 km is a measurement of . 37 mph is a measurement of .17.5 m/s/s is a measurement of .23 cm/ min is a measurement of .DefinitionsYou job 13 m north and 25 meters south. What is your displacement? Include the direction. Your car drives 10 meters forward and then 2 meters back. What was your displacement? Include the direction. A bunny hops +173 cm and then -240 cm backwards. What is her displacement? Include the direction. A really nerdy dog walks around the yard on the following path:What is the dog’s total distance?What is the dog’s displacement?You are on a road trip with your best friend. You drive 1300 m north and then 500 m south.What was your displacement? Include your direction.What was the distance of your journey?What was your total velocity?What was your total speed?Circle the situations below where you are accelerating.You are moving at a constant velocity backwards.You are slowing down at a stop light.You swinging on a swing.You are standing still, breathing in the sweet summer air.You are jumping on the bed.You are falling off a building.Speeding Up and Slowing DownDescribe the motion of the objects below. Use words like slowing down, speeding up, positive direction, negative direction…You are riding on liger in the positive direction and experiencing a negative acceleration. Beyonce dances in the negative direction with a negative acceleration. Billy Joel starts a fire and runs with a -4.5 m/s velocity and a -2.6 m/s/s acceleration. Neil Patrick Harris is skidding across stage with a velocity of -4.5 m/s and positive acceleration. Kinematics ProblemsBasicIma Hurryin is approaching a stoplight moving with a velocity of +30.0 m/s. The light turns yellow, and Ima applies the brakes and skids to a stop. If Ima's acceleration is -8.00 m/s2, then determine the displacement of the car during the skidding process.?(Answer: 56.3 m)You drop an egg off a tower that is 147 m tall.How long will it take to hit the ground?How fast will it be going when it hits the ground?Ben Rushin is waiting at a stoplight. When it finally turns green, Ben accelerated from rest at a rate of a 6.00 m/s2?for a time of 4.10 seconds. Determine the displacement of Ben's car during this time period. (Answer: 50.4 m)In last week's Homecoming victory, Al Konfurance, the star halfback of South's football team, broke a tackle at the line of scrimmage and darted upfield untouched. He averaged a constant velocity of 9.8 m/s for an 80-yard (73 m) score. Determine the time for Al to run from the line of scrimmage to the end zone. (Answer: 7.5 s)During the annual shuffleboard competition, Renee gives her puck an initial speed of 9.32 m/s. Once leaving her stick, the puck slows down at a rate of -4.06 m/s/s.Determine the time it takes the puck to slow to a stop. (Answer: 2.30 s)How far will the puck go before it stops? (10.7 m)According to Guinness, the tallest man to have ever lived was Robert Pershing Wadlow of Alton, Illinois. He was last measured in 1940 to be 2.72 meters tall (8 feet, 11 inches). Determine the speed which a quarter would have reached before contact with the ground if dropped from rest from the top of his head. (Answer: 7.30 m/s)PreparedA Cessna 150 airplane has a takeoff speed of 28 m/s (63 mi/hr). Determine the minimum length of the runway which would be required for the plane to take off if it averages an acceleration of 1.9 m/s/s. (Answer: 210 m (rounded from 206 m))You throw a ball straight up. It reaches a height of 3.4 m. How fast did you throw the ball up?How long was it in the air?The Lamborghini Murcielago can accelerate from 0 to 27.8 m/s (100 km/hr or 62.2 mi/hr) in a time of 3.40 seconds. Determine the acceleration of this car in both m/s/s and mi/hr/s. (Answer: 8.18 m/s/s or 18 mi/hr/s)In the Funny Car competition at the Joliet Speedway in Joliet, Illinois in October of 2004, John Force complete the ??-mile dragster race in a record time of 4.437 seconds. Determine the average speed of the dragster in mi/hr and m/s. GIVEN: (1.000 mi =1609 m) (Answer: 202.8 mi/hr or 90.66 m/s)GraphingMr. H is the world’s most famous world male model. This is a graph of him on the catwalk.a.?What is the total distance walked by Mr. H during these 8.0 seconds?b.?What is the average speed of Mr. H during these 8.0 seconds?c.?What is the average velocity of Mr. H during these 8.0 seconds?d.?How fast did Mr. H walk during the first 5.0 seconds?e.?How fast did Mr. H walk during the last 3.0 seconds? Answers: a. 16 m b. 2.0 m/s c. 0.5 m/s d. 2.0 m/s e. 2.0 m/sYou are out for a joy ride with friends. The graph below is picture of your motion.When is the car traveling the fastest?When is the car stopped?What is this car’s acceleration?What is the car’s displacement? This is a graph of a man seeing the love of his life for first time.Describe the motion in the graph.How fast was he moving the first 4 seconds?How fast was moving at 10 seconds?What is the man’s acceleration during the first 4 seconds?What is the man’s acceleration from 4-10 seconds?What was the man’s total displacement?After a long soccer practice down at the neighborhood soccer fields, Suzie begins walking up the steep hill towards her home. She gives her soccer ball a kick up the hill and continues walking towards it, meeting the ball as it is rolling back down. The velocity-time graph below depicts the motion of the ball. Use the graph to answer the following questions.At what time did the ball change directions and begin rolling back down the hill?What is the acceleration of the ball as it rolls up the hill? down the hill?How far up the hill did the ball roll before it began to roll back down?What is the ball’s total displacement?Answers: a. 3.00 s, b. -4.00 m/s/s, c. 18.0 m d. 10 m ................

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