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RESISTANCE TRAINING: PROGRAMMING AND PROGRESSIONSOn average, untrained youth, adults and older adults increase their muscle mass by 2 to 4 pounds after 12 weeksAn adult who does not participate in strength training can lose on average 5 pounds of muscle mass per decadeA woman who does not strength train, loses about .3 of muscle each yearDuring sleep skeletal muscles are responsible for more than 25% of the body’s calorie useBENEFITS OF RESEISTIVE EXERCISE:PHYSICAL CAPACITYMETABOLIC FUNCTIONINJURY RISK AND DISEASE PREVENTIONResults in :Increaser muscular _______________ and ___________________________Decreases dramatically if you do not perform ___________________ Disuse of muscle (atrophy) = Increase in muscle mass = Increases in RMR:More:Regular exercise can increaseAfter intense workout can increase up _______ for 3 days followingON average a person can burn 1500 calories per day, an 8% elevation is about __________ more calories burned per dayHelp with ____________________, balanced muscle groups can help decrease overuse injuryName 4 more opposing muscle groupsIncreased BMD!!!! = OTHER BENEFITSDecrease risk of ______________ (improves insulin response and glucose utilization)Decrease cardiovascular diseaseDecrease Facilitation of movement of food and waste through GI tractGood for low back healthDecrease in ____________Increased mitochondrial content and oxidative capacity of muscle tissuePhysiological Adaptation to Resistance Training: Acute and Long termNerve impulses from CNS activate _______________________________________________________ They use fuel such as Creatine phosphate and glycogen which result in in waste (lactic acid)______________________ hormones (cortisol and epinephrine) and _________________________hormones (GH and testosteroneHow do muscles get bigger?____________________________ w/in muscle build larger and stronger muscle fibers. Increase in ______________________________________as a result of:Increase in # of myofibrils (contractile protein) aka: ___________________________Increase in the muscle cell sarcoplasm (surrounds myofibrils) aka: ________________________ Increases the cross-sectional area, or size, of the muscleTransient hypertrophyFACTORS THAT INFLUENCE MUSCULAR STRENGTH AND HYPERTROPHYHORMONE LEVELProduced in endocrine glands and transported through circulatory system2 hormones associated with tissue growth:SEX______________________ tissue are essentially the sameDoes not affect muscle quality, Body sizeHigher lean weight %More anabolic hormoneAGEAs you age: People of all ages response favorably to PREMUSCLE FIBER TYPEType (slow twitch)SmallaerobicType (fast twitch)Type IIa, type IIx High forceBoth increase in cross-sectionsMUSCLE LENGTHTendons Some will have short tendons ie: longer muscles. LIMB LENGTH/TENDON INSERTIONLevers! Doesn’t affect hypertrophy but _________________________________________ ie: shorter limbs provide leverage advantages over longer limbsF x Fa= R x RaA longer muscle force arm provides a leverage advantage for moving a heavier resistanceie: if equal biceps muscle strength and forearm lengths, an individual with a tendon insertion point ________________ from the elbow joint axis can curl a __________________ dumbbell than an individual with closer insertion point. MUSCLE STRENGTH/POWER/ENDURANCE RELATIONSHIPSMuscular strength is the __________________________________________________________________Strength = _____________________________________________( how much you can lift at one timeRelative strength = Relative strength = absolute strength / body weightEndurance = Most people can complete about ________reps with _______ of their 1RM Example: client’s max bench press is 100 lbs, they can probably perform 10 reps with 75 lbsPower = shown that training with medium resistance and moderate to fast movement speeds produces the highest power output and most effective means for increasing muscular powerTraining Variable: Factors affecting strengthNEEDS ASSESSMENTTable 10-1Initial Determines Consider the following: (what movements, speeds, muscles) (which energy system is used?) (what injuries could happen)Current conditioning levelTraining historyHistory of injury or fear of injuryTRAINING FREQUENCYTable 10-2 to both training volume and training IntensityLess vigorous exercise session produce less muscle micro trauma, require less time for tissue remodeling, can be performed more frequentlyRemember: RMR can be elevate by 8 or 9% for 3 days after high intensity exercise. Therefore they should not train the same muscle group more It is recommended for new exercisers to perform resistance training for best results for lean tissue. Study shows after 10 weeks of resistance training for 2 or 3 times per week, increase in lean muscle weight by EXERCISE SELECTION AND ORDER2 main categories of Selection:Many techniques work: make sure you are meeting the Exercise order examples: Primary exercise followed by assisted exerciseAlternating and extremity exercisesGrouping Alternating pushing and pulling : 2 or more sequentially performed exercises that target opposing muscles are completed : 2 or more sequentially performed exercises that target the same muscle group are completedTRAINING VOLUMETable 10-3Good indication of the energy used in a workoutRecommended that training volume be for physiological purposesEach individual’s training goals neededThink of their behavior towards exercise as well. TRAINING INTENSITYTraining intensity The Higher intensity The higher the volume Periodization model: (macrocycle, mesocycle, microcycle)New clients should start with low intensity, high volumeThey may perceive exercise as painfulAllows them to adapt to the training stress, gradually progressing the intensityProgress to quickly and TRAINING TEMPOCommonly recommended movement speed of repetitionConcentric contraction action should be performed in Eccentric contraction performed in Control! And through a full ROMREST INTERVALSTable 10-4Recovery between exercises or between sets of same exerciseDependent on:Client’s conditioning statusLoad performed (heavier the load, longer the rest needed for recovery)Longer rest/recovery allows client to maintain cellular energy level and be able to perform heavy resistance to be lifted properly throughout workoutPhysiology of rest:Resistance exercise reduces the muscle’s internal energy stores of creatine phosphateThe body replenishes that energy pretty quickly:50% renewal w/in , 75% w/in , 95% w/in TRAINING PRINCIPLES:Periodization: Planned progression of resistance exercise that intentionally Helps keep the body guessing and helps attain their goals and overcome plateau 3 cycles: : could cover 6-12 month period: whole training cycle2809875470408000To achieve goals break down year into: : 1-3 months : 2 – 4 weeksProgressionExamples performed in a given resistance session (simplest) Table 10-3 (adding more weight progressively)Example: when John can perform incline presses for 90 seconds, his weight load is increased by 5%You can use both methods called double progressive protocol trainingThere is no time limit on double progressive trainingResistance is increased only when the of reps can be completed with proper form781050696468000SpecificityExercise the Needs assessment will help you with thisTrain all major muscle groups to reduce risk of muscle imbalance and overuse injuryKnow what energy system client uses:ie: a set of 2 reps performed in 10 s primarily uses creatine phosphate for energy. Whereas a set of 15 reps performed in 75 s uses energy from anaerobic glycolysis ................

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