Announcer Script for Swim Meets

Announcer Script for Invitationals

For Diving Portion of event:

Announce teams with participating divers only

(get a helper to write down 3 judges scores)

We are now beginning the diving competition. The order of diving for this morning is:

• From ______________, (First and last name, and team) - run through all divers.

Round one will begin with:

(diver first name)____________ from ________

will be doing dive number ______

a (description of dive) ____________ (in the _______ position)

with a degree of difficulty (number) _____

round 2,3,4,5 same routine

*announce diving scores when we have them

*announce when the rest of the meet will resume

*announce coaches meeting time

At Swim Portion of event:

Ladies and Gentlemen, swimmers, divers, and coaches….

We would like to welcome you to the Meet Name. We would like to welcome all our teams competing today:

(go through all teams, mascot name, coaches, and team captains)

_______________________ coached by: ________________________________ and team captains: __________________________________________________

_______________________ coached by: ________________________________ and team captains: __________________________________________________

_______________________ coached by: ________________________________ and team captains: __________________________________________________

_______________________ coached by: ________________________________ and team captains: __________________________________________________

_______________________ coached by: ________________________________ and team captains: __________________________________________________

_______________________ coached by: ________________________________ and team captains: __________________________________________________

Our official(s) today is/are: _________________________________.

We are selling T-Shirts upstairs – short sleeve T-Shirts are $15. We are also selling ducks for our chuck-a-duck competition, to be held after the awards of the 50 freestyle. Buy a duck for one buck or 6 ducks for 5 bucks. Chuck the duck into the ring and win 50% of the proceeds.

Before we begin, please listen to and observe the following rules:

1. Do NOT use flash photography during the races OR during the diving. The flashes are districting and they are potentially dangerous to the competitors.

2. Secondly, please silence or turn off all cell phones and pagers.

3. And finally, please be very quiet at the start of the races and during the dives. If you yell or cheer at the start of a race or dive, you could be the cause of a false start or a NO DIVE, so please BE QUIET at the start of all races and during all dives.

Thank you for your cooperation!

• Swimmers and divers, do NOT walk in front of the announcing table at the start or finish of the races.

• And now, will you all please stand as Ottawa Senior Jose Rosario sings the National Anthem.

200 Medley Relay


Individual Medley

50 Free


100 Butterfly

100 Free

500 Free

200 Free Relay

100 Backstroke

100 Breaststroke

400 Free Relay

The first event of the meet is the 200 medley relay. We have ___ heats for this event. For heat ___,…...

In lane one, for __________, ___________ __________ (say last names only for relays)

Team first name last name

Quiet for the Start, please!

At completion of all heats, call requested coach to the start. When there, read the placings and times from the board. Lowest place first, finishing with Grand Champion.

Medals: Top 6 places for relays. Top 6 places for individual.

*After the Men’s 50 Freestyle:

Announce divers and scores for diving earlier in the evening

Explain Chuck A Duck event, practice, run event, announce winning numbers

*When asked, announce for people to take notice of the point totals on the display

After last Event:

Ladies and Gentlemen, that concludes our competition for tonight. Points for todays events are:

(announce placings last through 3rd or 2nd, depending on whether there will be two trophies or one). Then:

“Presenting the trophy/ies will be ___________________.”

Second Place, runner up, with ____ Points, is ________________

Winning the trophy for our invitational event today, with _____ points is _________________.

Congratulations to ______________________ and to all our swimmers and divers competing tonight.

Thank you to all our participants and spectators for coming out to support our event tonight.

Have a great evening, and drive home safely!


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