They Were Skeptical When I Told Them That I Could

They Were Skeptical When I Told Them That I Could

Stop Their Foreclosure In Nine Days Or Less…

But They Were All Smiles When It Actually Happened!



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Dear Name,

Don’t lose hope, help is on the way! Our company has helped other homeowners in foreclosure to regain financial stability and self respect by stopping the foreclosure process IN NINE DAYS OR LESS.

We can offer you an alternative or “fresh start” from a dismal situation by purchasing the equity in your house and releasing you from the burden brought about by the foreclosure process.

Although it seems that life is not always fair (it’s not!), you can escape from this negative situation by utilizing one of the many programs that we have to offer. By offering such programs, we only benefit when you do.

Our Company Can Offer You Several Benefits:

➢ CASH – Instead of losing your home to the bank and being left with nothing, we will buy your home and give you CASH to make a fresh start.

➢ Because we will prevent you from going into foreclosure, a foreclosure will not be recorded on your credit report (foreclosures are on reports for seven years!).

➢ Moving expenses can be paid by us.

➢ Our ability to communicate directly with your lender should eliminate annoying phone calls and angry letters.

➢ We may be able to provide temporary housing, and in some cases, six months of no rental payments.

You may be wondering to yourself, “Do offers such as these actually exist?” They do! That is why I have attached a couple of letters from people who we have been able to help in the past. We are also a member of the Better Business Bureau. Give them a call. They will tell you that we are a reputable company that has been helping people in situations such as yours for a number of years.

We Will Offer You CASH

We are in the business of providing CASH SOLUTIONS. We provide knowledge of how the system works beneficially for you as well as us. We work only for “Win/Win” situations. You must receive benefits for us to be able to make a deal.

We also offer you the following guarantee:


Our Guarantee to You:

If you receive a better written offer that is more beneficial

than our proposal, we will cancel our agreement,

no matter how far along we are in process.


You can’t turn back time, but you can change your immediate situation by allowing us to purchase your home for cash in nine days or less so you can walk away from this burden forever!

Remember, you must forget the past. It’s time to focus on solutions, not problems.

We look forward to providing you with the CASH you need to get on with your life.

Pick up the phone and call NOW. Even the phone call is free! 1-800-555-xxxx

With kindest regards,

Ross Hamilton

Easy Home Buyers, Inc.

P.S. Think of the peace of mind you will have when we stop your current foreclosure!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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