Time code - European Space Agency

| |ESA Astronauts Training in Houston |

| |June 2017 |

| |A-Roll |

| |Duration: 3 mins 04 secs |

| | |

| |Text intro: Four ESA astronauts are currently training at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas. |

| |For ESA’s newest astronaut Matthias Maurer, it’s been a chance to inspect a mock-up of NASA’s future space |

| |vehicle Orion alongside Tim Peake and Luca Parmitano, both experienced astronauts. Tim and Matthias have |

| |undergone spacewalk training in the neutral buoyancy pool. Alexander Gerst is also at JSC, training for |

| |next years long duration mission to the ISS. |

|Timecode |Footage |Voiceover |

|10:00:10 |GVs Luca Parmitano, Tim Peake and Matthias |A small glimpse of things to come, at Johnson Space Centre in |

| |Maurer inspect the Orion mock-up, Johnson |Houston – as three ESA astronauts inspect a mock-up of Orion, |

| |Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April |NASA’s future spacecraft designed to explore our solar system. |

| |2017 | |

|10:00:24 |Soundbite: Tim Peake, ESA Astronaut, Johnson|“Visiting the Orion capsule today was really exciting, and it’s |

| |Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April |the next stage in our space exploration. Europe is very much a |

| |2017 |firm partner in there, we’re providing a service module for the |

| | |first exploration missions which is really exciting, going back to|

| |[Underlay GVs Tim Peake and Matthias Maurer |the Moon, with a vision of using that same vehicle for some form |

| |in the Orion mock-up] |of Mars transportation vehicle.” |

|10:00:46 |GVs Luca Parmitano, Tim Peake and Matthias |But training for Orion isn’t on the itinerary yet. |

| |Maurer with the Orion mock-up at Johnson |Luca Parmitano’s here to prepare for his upcoming role a back-up |

| |Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April |crew member, before he makes his second flight to the |

| |2017 |International Space Station in 2019. |

| | |For him, mission training has taken on a whole new perspective |

| | |after the experience of living and working in orbit. |

|10:01:08 |Soundbite: Luca Parmitano, ESA Astronaut, |“It’s actually a lot of fun, because I can relate what I’m doing |

| |Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, |on the ground to what I did in orbit, and it gives me perspective |

| |April 2017 |to how it’s going to be while I train. And as a matter of fact, |

| |[Underlay: GVs Luca Parmitano onboard the |our feedback to the instructors is very well-received, because we |

| |ISS, June to November 2013] |can improve the training that we receive just by getting our |

| | |experience into the equation.” |

|10:01:30 |GVs Tim Peake, Luca Pamitano and Matthias |Tim Peake is also a veteran astronaut, having returned to Earth in|

| |Maurer talking at Johnson Space Centre, |June 2016 after a six month stay in space. |

| |Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |As he and Luca train for upcoming missions, they’re happy to share|

| | |their experience with the newest member of ESA’s astronaut corps –|

| | |Matthias Maurer from Germany. |

|10:01:51 |UPSOT Luca Parmitano and Tim Peake, ESA |Luca Parmitano: “When we were in orbit, we had three spacecraft |

| |Astronauts, talking to Matthias Maurer, |come up – we had Cygnus, we had HTV and ATV. ATV was all the way |

| |Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, |aft, and you had to cross all the Russian segment in order to |

| |April 2017 |transfer cargo to the other side. And it would really need some |

| | |coordination with our Russian colleagues because if they’re |

| | |working doing sport then you’re floating in the middle of their |

| | |activities.” |

| | |Tim Peake: “The station does become a very busy place. But you |

| | |just work around the issues as a crew and try and make the best of|

| | |the situations.” |

|10:02:20 |GVs Tim Peake and Matthias Maurer NBL |Matthias also had the chance to train alongside Tim in NASA’s |

| |training, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, |Neutral Buoyancy Lab – essentially a large swimming pool, where |

| |Texas, USA, April 2017 |astronauts can practise working outside the space station. |

|10:02:35 |GVs Alexander Gerst training in ISS module |Back on dry land, future ISS commander Alexander Gerst is also at |

| |mock-up, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, |Johnson Space Centre. He’s currently on the run-up to next year’s |

| |Texas, USA, April 2017; |launch – his second mission to orbit. |

| |Drone footage ISS modules mock-up, Johnson |With four astronauts on site, it’s a busy time in Houston for ESA |

| |Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April |– as it continues its commitment to the ongoing human spaceflight |

| |2017 |programme. |

|10:03:00 |A-Roll ends | |

| |ESA Astronauts Training in Houston |

| |June 2017 |

| |B-Roll |

| |Duration: 12 mins 04 secs |

|10:03:36 |Luca Parmitano, ESA Astronaut, English soundbite, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:03:40 |Luca Parmitano, ESA Astronaut, Italian soundbite, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:04:22 |Tim Peake, ESA Astronaut, English soundbite, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:05:00 |Matthias Maurer, ESA Astronaut, English soundbite, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:05:52 |Matthias Maurer, ESA Astronaut, German soundbites, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:07:09 |Matthias Maurer, ESA Astronaut, French soundbites, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:08:58 |Matthias Maurer, ESA Astronaut, Spanish soundbites, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:10:41 |GVs Luca Parmitano, Tim Peake and Matthias Maurer inspect the Orion mock-up, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, |

| |Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:13:00 |GVs Matthias Maurer in EMU space suit training class, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April 2017 |

|10:13:42 |GVs Tim Peake and Matthias Maurer in NBL training session, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA, April |

| |2017 |

|10:15:00 |B-Roll ends |


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