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Mission Share the leadership, teamwork, innovation, and peak performance lessons of human spaceflight to empower organizations to achieve out-of-this-world results.

Human Spaceflight Dynamic, difficult, demanding - the perfect model for any ambitious venture. Expert speaker and author Colonel Rick Searfoss speaks with authority born of exercising leadership in the most challenging of settings. With an exciting stage presence, he inspires and delights audiences worldwide.

Background Commander of the most complex science research spaceflight ever, STS-90

• Pilot of two other missions, which included saving Atlantis on STS-76 during one of the Space

Shuttle Program’s most serious launch emergencies ever and the only reentry on partial hydraulics

• USAF fighter pilot and test pilot, with over 6100 hours flying time in 84 different types of aircraft

• Leader in “New Space:” Chief Judge of the Ansari X Prize and, as XCOR Aerospace test pilot,

has piloted more rocket-powered vehicle (spacecraft/aircraft) flights than anyone alive on Earth

• Author of LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership

• One of less than 10% of all professional speakers and the only astronaut to have earned the National Speaker’s Association Certified Speaking Professional designation, the meeting and speaking industry’s gold standard for speaking skill, experience, client satisfaction, and business acumen 

• 2015 Meeting and Conventions Member Poll (of professional meeting planners) selectee as “single best speaker you’ve heard in the last two years”

Client-Centered Rick always customizes using input from senior leaders and meeting planners. The result: stimulating presentations designed and delivered perfectly to help individuals, teams, and leaders lift off on their own missions of excellence. Clients include Accenture, Microsoft, Shell Oil, Siemens, Bank of America, Lockheed Martin, General Mills, GE, Sanofi-Aventis, Honeywell, ABN-Amro, BP, Johnson & Johnson, Merrill Lynch, Monsanto, and many more.

Testimonials ““The feedback was phenomenal! I was most impressed with how skillfully you translated your experience commanding a Space Shuttle mission to the leadership challenges we face in the business world.” Margaret R. Lawlor, Senior Vice President, Bank of America

“Your real-life experience was both fascinating and entertaining. You were the star of the show. Your approachable style and amazing awareness of Microsoft products made you perfect part of our event team!” Jack Miller, District Business Solutions Manager, Microsoft

“A pleasure to work with, Rick was a hit from start to finish – and beyond!” Dennis Lindsey, Vice President, Marketing, IPS-Sendero

Rick’s main programs are built upon the 4P Leadership Performance Balance model of Purpose, People, Perspective, and Program featured in his book LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership. Rick gladly combines and customize his messages to meet the needs of every audience and also has specialized programs on the spaceflight human experience, safety, sales performance, customer service, and resilience.

All programs use spectacular video and still imagery to illustrate key points, giving gripping, powerful visual impact to match the inspiring, content-filled messages.

These presentations are far more than speeches. They are out-of-this-world multimedia experiences inspiring, influencing, and impacting audiences for lasting change and growth.


Purpose-Powered Leadership! Solutions for a Mission that Matters

Purpose, People, Perspective, Program. True leaders balance all these elements to get the job done, build their organization, and uplift their followers. Colonel Rick Searfoss, Top Gun fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut, personally knows that mission success in any venture requires the utmost in purpose-oriented, trustworthy leadership. Too much is at stake for anything less than the real “right stuff!” Crucial strategically-focused, real-world lessons delivered with high energy for all leaders!


To the Top! Trust-Based Teamwork

Secrets of effective, trusting teams. Astronaut crewmates must act in unity as a finely honed team, literally trusting their lives to one another. They also need to lead and motivate members of a vast variety of other specialized teams for the mission to succeed. It’s the perfect model for any ambitious team venture! Space Shuttle Commander and “team captain” Rick Searfoss shares these universal teamwork principles to accelerate your team's ascent to the pinnacle of cohesion and success.


Dare to Explore! How to Boost Insightful Innovation

Develop flexible adaptability and robust resiliency to embrace the opportunities change offers. Research, innovation, and the exploration of the unknown in space give startling examples of adaptability. Amplified with Rick’s unique current test pilot work helping develop leading-edge new technologies with the most creative private space companies of the new millennium, this program will prepare your team to innovate your way to a profitable and exciting future!


Liftoff to Success! Execution Excellence for Real Results

Human space flight demands the relentless pursuit of execution perfection. Learn how to apply the real-life execution principles learned from leading Space Shuttle missions to your own dynamic business challenges. Colonel Searfoss’ Preparation, Awareness, Persistence, and Accountability Effective Execution System provides crucial keys for those in today’s difficult business environment who must get the job done, and done right!

Introduction: The 4P Leadership Performance Balance

The 4 P Leadership Performance Balance model featured in his book LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership also serves as the key organizing structure for all of Astronaut Speaker Rick Searfoss’ leadership, teamwork, innovation, and effective execution keynote presentations.

This model employs interwoven elements of Purpose, People, Perspective, and Program. Every venture must effectively balance these elements for success. Each of Rick’s four main keynote presentations emphasize one of these aspects while also connecting to the others. His customization process also incorporates inputs from client leaders and meeting planners to develop tailored presentations to effectively address the specific concerns and challenges of each client organization.

1. Purpose - The Why. Laying the foundation for business and team success begins with defining, understanding, and emphasizing the organization’s purpose. Leaders must wisely choose challenging paths towards a mission that matters. This aspect highlights necessary strategic elements that must then flow into the execution process for success.

2. People - The Who. Results don’t happen automatically. Execution excellence requires good people to produce effectively. For that to happen, leaders must strengthen their people as individuals and teams and reinforce a culture of unfailing trust. Coming from a culture and world where he and his teammates trust their lives to one another, Rick shows how to build those crucial team trust levels.

3. Perspective - The How. To optimize overall team performance, leaders must effectively balance many competing priorities. Perspective surrounds and infuses every other leadership and team element while providing the means and power to operate innovatively. Accordingly, this aspect of Rick’s presentations shows audiences how to balance the endeavor while holding fast to correct and vital principles and values.

4. Program - The What, Where, and When. For the most effective execution, leaders should diligently apply a proven and specific model. Rick’s PAPA Effective Execution System provides value-packed content for leaders to guide daily execution. The model, addressed in any of Rick’s execution-oriented keynotes, presents a conceptual “orbit” where teams pace themselves amongst the four “satellites” of Preparation, Awareness, Persistence, and Accountability, all aligned towards the central “planet” of pertinent Objective-Centric Operations.


Purpose-Powered Leadership!

Solutions for a Mission that Matters

Background: Commanding a successful human space mission requires the utmost in competent, trustworthy, and service-oriented leadership: the real “right stuff.” Too much is at stake for anything less. The challenges: formidable. The experiences: profound. The lessons learned: invaluable, for all leaders. This program will give you the leadership strategies and systems used by astronaut mission commanders so you too can lead when it counts.

Purpose: Learn how to apply real “right stuff” leadership attitudes, actions, and approaches so effectively lead in dynamic and challenging times.

Designed for: Today’s leaders, anyone needing to take their understanding and application of true leadership principles and techniques to a higher level.

Topics/Points Covered:

Choosing the Hard

Launching Passion

Measured Boldness

Flexible Adaptability

Courageously Facing Reality

Service Before Self

Avoiding “All Airspeed and No Direction”

Earning Trust

Embracing Responsibility

Promoting Wise Risk-Taking

Developing “Smart Wingmen”

Special Features: presents essential principles of Purpose, People, Perspective, and Program that true leaders must balance to get the job done, build their organization, and uplift their followers. This high content program can be tailored for any size group in any duration from 30-minute keynote to full-day program and draws on breathtaking space mission imagery and video to amplify the message.

Results: This program will build and motivate leaders at all levels to boldly take charge and make a difference. Everyone completing this program will understand and be able to apply the real “right stuff” principles for effective leadership in their own organization.


To the Top! Trust-Based Teamwork

Background: Successful human space missions demand that hundreds of different teams perform together flawlessly and consistently, with the flight crew as much at the top of their game as a World Series or Super Bowl team, and with the added pressure that crewmates must literally trust their lives to one another. An awesome model for any team venture, and this program will show you the astronauts’ secrets for unrivaled teamwork when everything’s on the line!

Purpose: Learn how to accelerate your team’s ascent to your own apogee - the pinnacle of team cohesion and performance.

Designed for: all team players from rookie to mentor to leader, anyone who needs to works collaboratively in team settings

Topics/Points Covered:

Trustworthiness – the “Zeroeth Order” Requirement

Building a Common Shared Vision

Tailoring Individual Strengths to the Team

Training/Preparing Like It Really Matters

Fostering Collective Courage

Overcoming Complacency/Staying Teachable

Mutually Supporting Your Crewmates

Managing Crew Resources

Welcoming Mistake-Driven Learning

Productive Debriefing

Developing a Culture of Inherent Success

Special Features: Trust-Based Teamwork draws on more than twenty-five years experience in every team role in fighter jet squadrons, test flying teams, space flight crews, and especially in serving as the prime team builder and leader as a Space Shuttle commander. This high content program is focused on what really works in executing effective teamwork, illustrated and amplified with unique real-world examples and magnificent imagery and video.

Results: Everyone completing this program will understand and be able to apply the teamwork model used by America’s team – the astronauts – in successfully completing the most dynamic, difficult, and dangerous team undertakings on or off our planet.


Dare to Explore! How to Boost Insightful Innovation

Background: Flexibility, adaptability, and real-time innovation in dynamic, potentially life-threatening situations - a must for astronauts like Rick Searfoss. Coupled with his extensive current work with the most innovative “New Space” entrepreneurial companies in existence, including test-flying the world’s only liquid-propellant rocket plane, this real-world experience allows him to present a unique program to present valuable lessons of real-world, leading-edge innovation.

Purpose: Learn and apply the “Leading Edge” three-part innovation sequence to make continual, real-time improvements in business and personal operations and development.

Designed for: Individuals and organizations seeking faster, more effective development and execution of innovative processes, services, and products.

Topics/Points Covered:

Operations innovation versus Development Innovation

The Genius of A Thousand Little “Ahas”

“Hyper-Observation” Need Assessment

Culture of Possibilities

Ever Onward and Upward

Forging the Synergistic Operations Outlook

Defining the Innovation Trajectory

Disruptive Equals Constructive…

Rapid Visualization, Modeling, and Prototyping

Success is the Only Option

Special Features: Dare to Explore! blazes the trail to show you how to translate wishful desires to be more creative and innovative into discrete, actionable steps to innovatively improve business operations and development. This program can be presented in any duration from keynote to full-day program and is suitable for any size audience. Incorporation of not only spectacular space mission imagery, but relevant video of some of the planet’s most innovative activities and companies, magnifies this content-rich, value-added program.

Results: Everyone completing this program will be able to apply the leading-edge innovation steps in a specific, concrete way to make immediate improvements to how they do their job, operate their business, and envision the possibilities for future growth and development.


Liftoff to Success! Execution Excellence for Real Results

Background: No other human team venture demands the relentless pursuit of perfect execution as successfully flying humans in the demanding, difficult, and dangerous environment of space. Astronauts train to exacting detail to execute every aspect of their missions with precision and perfection, far beyond even the impressive efforts of others renowned for execution excellence like fighter pilots. Rick’s PAPA (Preparation, Awareness, Persistence, and Accountability) Effective Execution System provides the major content for this presentation. Developed after many years’ experience in the most demanding results-required execution settings possible, this model focuses teams to get real, meaningful results. The lessons are powerful, focused, and crucial for leaders in today’s difficult business environment.

Purpose: Learn how to apply real-life yet out-of-this-world execution lessons gathered from leading human space missions to your own demanding situations and challenges.

Designed for: leaders and team members desiring to raise both their own personal and team levels of execution excellence and effectiveness

Topics/Points Covered:

Objective-Centric Operations

Defining the Mission Trajectory – What’s the Plan?

Getting the Whole Team to the Launch Pad – Operationally Effective Communications

Preparing Like Your Life Depends on It

Building Total Awareness

The Discipline of Persistence

Meaningful Accountability

Using Stress to Your Advantage

Accelerating the Pace of Execution – Staying Ahead of the Plan

Flexibility, Adaptability, Agility – Keys to Survival and Success

Constantly Pursuing Excellence

Special Features: Liftoff to Success! draws on more than twenty-five years leadership experience in fighter jet squadrons, test flying teams, space flight crews, as commander of the most productive science research space mission ever flown, and currently as a leader in the “New Space” entrepreneurial aerospace industry. This high content program is focused on what really works in getting things done, regardless of the harsh environment or pressures, illustrated and amplified with unique real-world examples and magnificent imagery and video. It can be tailored for any size group.

Results: Everyone completing this program will understand and be able to apply the execution model used by America’s astronaut mission commanders in successfully leading their crews during the most dynamic, difficult, and dangerous team undertakings on or off our planet.

Rick’s focus as a speaker and author has always been primarily on leadership, teamwork, innovation, and effective execution. However, through the years and typically because of specific client requests, he has developed additional programs. These programs relate strongly to his 4P Leadership Performance Balance model, yet are more specialized. They run the gamut from a pure-entertainment general audience presentation on the human side of spaceflight to safety, sales performance, customer service, and resilience.


Spaceflight – The Human Experience!

Background:  Forging out boldly into dangerous unknown territory takes a special mindset and skills.  Astronauts train continually to build this robust "right stuff" resiliency to handle emergencies and the forbidding environment of space. At the same time, the human adventure of flying in space is filled with sublime beauty, wonder, and amazing sensations and experiences.          

Purpose: to entertain and inspire with the unique experiences of a flwon astronaut and mission commander

Designed for: general audiences, all age groups, spouse programs, after-dinner or luncheon presentations

Topics/Points Covered:

Astronaut selection and training

Space program traditions and human interest stories

Sensations, feelings, thoughts during launch, orbit, and reentry

Serious side: firsthand stories of pilot and commander astronaut duties: responding to save Atlantis during one of NASA's most serious launch emergencies, landing the Space Shuttle, getting the mission done in orbit

Lighter side: humorous anecdotes, images, and videos

Sublime side: images and video of glorious Earth from space with awe-inspiring descriptions and recollections

Humankind's potential and future in space

Special Features: Through fascinating stories, intriguing video, and breathtaking images, a fun and exciting journey to savor the unique human experience of flying in space. Nn a natural extension, a vista to a hopeful view of the amazing possibilities for humankind in our future. Entertaining and inspirational from launch to landing.

Results: Audiences entertained, inspired, and educated, leaving with a new appreciation for human potential and the future.


Safety, the Only Option

Background: His core business speaking topics of leadership, teamwork, innovation, and peak performance all tie in to effective safety programs. Colonel Searfoss has also created a fascinating and powerful safety-specific program.

Purpose: to provide focused tools based on extensive real-world system safety experience for any high-performance organization to operate more safely and effectively.

Designed for: all levels in the workplace, particularly at the operational, "get-the-job-done": level.

Topics/Points Covered: this program specifically benchmarks elements of safety success in high-demand, unforgiving, complex systems. It draws on the many powerful and positive examples of over forty years of human space flight and three missions personally flown. It also acknowledges and draws the hard lessons learned from America's three human space flight tragedies.


Results: attendees will gain a deeper appreciation for wise risk assessment and effective actions in all operations. 

Colonel Searfoss Safety Experience: over twenty years incident-free high performance military and NASA jet flying career.

     Overall responsibility for safe and mission-effective crew performance for a $500 million mission on a $2 billion national asset.

     Chief of T-38 Flying Safety, US Astronaut Corps

Executive Safety Director, United Space Alliance (USA). USA processed and prepared the Space Shuttle and payloads for flight. Two-year assignment with responsibility for overall system safety programs for a work force of 3000 people and for strategic guidance to improve all phases of Shuttle ground operation.


Countdown to Success!

Background: The competition to become an astronaut is fierce and only the very peak performers – literally one in thousands – succeed. Much like in Sales! What leads to such competitive success? Constant, dedicated pursuit of outstanding individual performance. This program will arm you with the secrets of the astronaut achievement tool kit to launch on your own trajectories to peak personal effectiveness in sales or in life!

Purpose: Learn how to unlock your potential for sustained outstanding performance in pressure-packed, dynamic, and competitive environments.

Designed for: Anyone who desires to raise their own personal work performance and goal achievement to a higher level, specifically tailored for sales groups.

Topics/Points Covered:

Mission that Matters

Choosing the Hard

Overcoming Complacency/Staying Teachable

Measured Boldness

Using Stress to Your Advantage

No-Stone-Unturned Preparation

Total Awareness

Always Pressing Forward

Close on the Target, Close the Deal!

Embracing Responsibility

Constantly Pursuing Excellence

Special Features: Through dozens of specific, relevant examples illustrated within the fascinating backdrop of astronaut training and preparation, this program will guide you on a trajectory to learn how to set and reach your most treasured goals. Armed with the astronaut achievement tool kit and sustained, dedicated effort, you too will see out-of-this-world results.

Results: Completing this program will enable you to apply specific processes and techniques to launch your own ability to consistently perform at the highest levels and achieve the most challenging goals in your own personal orbit.


The Mission that Matters!

Imagine leading a 500 million dollar project that was over 8 years in development, and which peaked in a short 16 day window. Now consider delivering a unique service in one of the most hostile and unforgiving environments possible, on behalf of thousands of clients and customers who gambled their professional hopes, dreams, and future on your performance.

The Service: Safely and effectively executing NASA's most complex and ambitious science research mission ever.

The Goal: To prepare, launch and bring home the Space Shuttle Columbia, the crew, the lab and the data - for NASA and America. And land the Space Shuttle at Kennedy Space Center with the heaviest payload in history and all the eyes and the media around the world watching you.

The Providers: Mission Commander Rick Searfoss and the crew of Mission STS90.

The Commander's Key to Success: constant, unrelenting focus on the clients and customers and their objectives. In this case, it is the leaders, pilots, engineers, scientists, mission specialist and support team that need an ultimate dedication to achieving for them a historic mission that truly matters.

The Take Away: Unique, pertinent, valuable benchmarks and lessons for any business venture, group of clients, partners, vendors and customers in any industry.


Overcoming Adversity in Today’s World

Background: Forging out into dangerous, dynamic, risky territory takes both a special mindset and extensive skills that lead to robust resiliency. Astronauts train continually to deal with adversity, emergencies, and “off-nominal” situations. Their experiences provide powerful tools for overcoming adversity in uncertain, tough situations.

Purpose: Prepare for the future by understanding and applying key principles to effectively focus on business success and growth in challenging, turbulent times.

Designed for: Teams and individuals committed to success regardless of current challenges or difficulties.

Topics/Points Covered:

Choosing the hard – how determined mission focus overcomes competition

Total awareness – of environment, threats, self, team – key to sensing and adapting to trends driving the future

Adapting and thriving on stress (“No use dying all tensed up!”) - what you must do to face constantly changing global, political, and technology realities

Always pressing forward – creating courageous commitment

Seeing and seizing opportunities – for business and personal growth and development

Flexible optimism and dynamic tension – creating the right balance between sense of urgency and maintaining big picture perspective to optimize team performance Staying out of the snake pit – maintaining control and strengthening your team’s sense of ownership to overcome multiple pressing dangers

Results: You will strengthen your own and your team’s resilience, adaptability, and ability to forge ahead. Reach greater success in challenging, competitive, tough times and environments as you apply the lessons and examples of “Right Stuff” Resilience

Special Features: Through specific, relevant examples illustrated within the fascinating backdrop of astronaut training and preparation, this program will teach you the key principles astronaut pilots and commanders use to succeed in the face of intense pressures, constraints, and adversity. Adaptable to any duration from keynote to full-day program, it may be customized to focus in detail on any of the topics above plus the group’s specific issues, and is suitable for any size audience.

Rick Searfoss speaks with authority born of deep personal leadership and team experience in leading-edge ventures. In his career he has led many different teams and commanded the most complex science research space mission ever, the STS-90 Neurolab flight on Columbia. He also piloted two other space flights, including a joint Russian-American mission to the Mir space station.

Rick is a high-content expert speaker on leadership, teamwork, innovation, effective execution, and related topics (). He is among less than 10% of professional speakers and the only astronaut to have earned the National Speakers Association Certified Speaking Professional designation, the speaking industry’s international gold standard for speaking skill, experience, client satisfaction, and business acumen. His extensive leadership experience and work with the most innovative companies of the new millennium enable him to fulfill his mission: “to share the leadership, teamwork, innovation, and peak performance lessons of human space flight to empower organizations to achieve out-of-this-world results!” Rick is also the author of LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership.

Prior to becoming an astronaut Colonel Searfoss was a fighter pilot and test pilot in the US Air Force, with over 6100 hours flying time in 84 different types of aircraft. A distinguished graduate of the US Air Force Fighter Weapons School and the US Naval Test Pilot School, he is an active test pilot, and has piloted more rocket-powered flights than anyone else alive. He holds FAA ratings of ATP and Certified Flight Instructor single-engine, multi-engine, instrument, and glider.

Colonel Searfoss graduated first in his class from the United States Air Force Academy in 1978. He later earned a master of science degree in aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology on a National Science Foundation Fellowship and completed USAF Squadron Officer School, Air Command and Staff College, and Air War College.

His numerous awards include the Harmon, Fairchild, Price and Tober Awards as the number one overall, academic, engineering, and aeronautical engineering graduate in his USAF Academy class, USAF Squadron Officer's School Commandant's Trophy as top graduate, Tactical Air Command F-111 Instructor Pilot of the Year, Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Legion of Merit, Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory Excellence in Turbine Engine Design award, Outstanding Young Men of America, and Eagle Scout.

Beyond the unique professional experiences he has enjoyed, Rick’s incredibly supportive wife and three daughters keep him focused on what’s truly important. His varied outside interests include running, backpacking, model airplanes, soccer, and science fiction.

“Sharing the leadership, teamwork, innovation, and peak performance lessons of human space flight to empower organizations to achieve out-of-this-world results!”

Testimonials “Exciting! Insightful! Motivating! Actionable! Our goal was to secure a speaker that would resonate with everyone, recognize their achievements, provide them a unique experience, and deliver take-away messages that would enhance and enrich both their personal and professional lives. Without hesitation, I confirm that you achieved our goal!” Eric J. Aulicino, Executive Vice President, Berry Plastics Corporation

“From the moment he first engaged with us, we were impressed with his enthusiasm – he was fully dedicated to making his presentation relevant to our clients, to the company, and to the event. Not only is he an expert in his field, he seamlessly integrated the essence of our topic (innovating for business success) to communicate real benefit to our clients.” Eddie Speir, Partner, 3t Systems

“The feedback was phenomenal! I was most impressed with how skillfully you translated your experience commanding a Space Shuttle mission to the leadership and team challenges we face in the business world.” Margaret R. Lawlor, Senior Vice President, Bank of America

“Your keynote presentation was fantastic, an inspiring boost to our afternoon conference sessions! You really connected and delivered spectacular insights on leadership, teamwork, and managing complex challenges – all things that our audience of marketing and finance executives found very relevant. It was our most highly rated session!” Tim Hedrich, Director, NCH Marketing Services

“The feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive! Your time invested in advance to learn more about our organization was elegantly reflected in your comments. I look forward to an opportunity where your message can work for us again.” Don Howren, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing, Aderant Software

“A pleasure to work with, Rick was a hit from start to finish – and beyond!” Dennis Lindsey, Vice President, Marketing, IPS-Sendero

“I appreciate all the time and effort you invested to understand our audience and convey a message that was both positive and inspiring. I learned so much in just 45 minutes that I only wish you had more time to indulge us with your tales! Most importantly, you came across as very genuine and connected really well with your audience.” Kathryn Momot, Touchstone Energy Cooperatives

“Your engaging, energetic speaking style and the amazing visual images captivated the group. You had obviously taken the time to get to know our organization, linking your lessons of leadership in space to our world – Colgate’s vision, values, and goals.” Graeme Murray, President, Colgate-Palmolive Canada

“I’ve received numerous comments from the sales and marketing management team regarding the extraordinary interface you achieved between your key messages and the major themes of our meeting. Your colorful anecdotes and high-energy enthusiasm served as an effective foundation to emphasize key themes of teamwork, leadership, and focused objectives that resonated with the entire team.” Arthur J. Hiller, Senior Vice President, Millenium Pharmaceuticals

“Your message and ability to connect with various members of our team were right on target…a meaningful learning experience for our team and fun at the same time. That is a great combination!” Dave Sorensen, Vice President, Purchasing, General Mills

“Your real-life experience was both fascinating and entertaining. You were the star of the show. Your approachable style and amazing awareness of Microsoft products made you perfect part of our event team!” Jack Miller, District Business Solutions Manager, Microsoft

Partial Client List General Mills, Microsoft, Bank of America, Pfizer, Monsanto, Discovery Channel, Siemens-Westinghouse, Panasonic, SAP America, Farmers Insurance, Agco Challenger, Glaxo Smith Kline, Luminox Watches, Mason-McDuffie, Shell Oil, SCA Tissue, Merrill Lynch, BP, State Farm, Accenture, Johnson and Johnson, General Electric, Roche, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Society of Appraisers, Novartis, Invensys, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, Berry Plastics, Colgate-Palmolive, Hy Vee Grocery, Wyeth, General Services Administration, IPS Sendero, Freescale Semiconductor, IRS, Millenium Pharmaceuticals, Lockheed Martin, CIT Group, Novadaq, Colson Associates, Honeywell, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, BBC, Roche, International Society of Endovascular Specialists, Aderant Software, U.S. Postal Service, American Society of Safety Engineers, Busch Gardens, Leica USA, Illuminating Engineering Society, Nutrimetics, Baking Industry Suppliers Association, BHP Billiton Petroleum, Northrop Grumman, Discover Financial Services, Rogers Corporation, Unified Grocers Association, Chordiant Software, Sanofi-Aventis, CxTec

Should you book an exciting, world-class presenter or a “been-there, done-that,” real-world leader to speak to your team? What’s better, a “thought leader,” or a “do leader?” With Colonel Rick Searfoss, you have it all: astronaut, human space mission commander, expert speaker, and author on leadership, teamwork, innovation, and effective execution. Rick brings unparalleled expertise to his audiences, coupled with a truly entertaining, exciting, and enlightening audience experience. With compelling firsthand examples, he speaks from the heart to teach, motivate, and uplift audiences.

Not only willing but eager to customize, Rick loves the process and the added value and impact it brings from his messages for his clients. With a servant leadership perspective and true team focus, he walks his talk with all his clients, meeting planners, bureau partners, and thousands of audience members through the years. It’s vitally important to him to continue to demonstrate heart-led, relationship-guided engagement in his speaking endeavor. Accordingly, he realizes the intangible value of being easy to work with and relishes surprising clients with how “down-to-earth” this particular astronaut is.

Investment Schedule Fee includes up to 100 signed copies of Rick’s business leadership book LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership, with the option to purchase additional copies at reduced pricing.

Keynote (up to 1 hour): $18,000

Half day (up to 4 hours): $20,000

Full day (four or more hours): $22,000

Flat rate travel: hotel client provided direct-billed to client account. All other expenses covered under flat rate of $1,200 for events west of Mississippi River, $1,500 east, $500 for southern California and Las Vegas drive-to events.

Overseas events, recording rights and licensing, meet-and-greets, photo sessions, and other services on a per request basis.

Audiovisual Requirements LCD large screen projector, appropriately sized screen(s) for venue, laptop computer with Powerpoint connected to LCD projector, readily available technical support, remote lavaliere microphone, audience microphone(s) for question and answer sessions. Rick prefers to upload presentation in advance to Dropbox for client to download and install on event computer. When client opts not to download in advance, Rick will bring his presentation backed up on multiple memory sticks and his laptop. He will discuss audiovisual needs with the client or technical support personnel in advance and will arrive early to check out the system and venue.

Q & A with Astronaut Speaker & Author Colonel Rick Searfoss

Q: Are your presentations limited to your four main programs?

A: Of course not! These four programs do build a solid foundation to address leadership, teamwork, innovation, and effective execution, but are not the limits of my offerings.  I gladly mix and match and even prepare completely different presentations, all to best meet client needs. I also offer an entertainment program on the human spaceflight experience, and safety, sales peak performance, customer service, and resilience presentations.

Q: How would you characterize your speaking style?

A: High-content, but delivered via exciting stories, examples and metaphors. Awesome video and imagery to support and supplement. Inspiring and motivating, but not in a jump-around, frenetic, overly adrenaline-fueled fervor. The perfect balance of “steak” and “sizzle.” Spontaneous, genuine, down-to-earth.  Nothing “canned” or artificial about it.

Q: What sets you apart as a professional speaker?

A: As a high-content expert who speaks, I bring unparalleled real-world experience to bear on leadership-related topics. I’ve done everything I speak about in one of the most difficult, high-pressure, and even dangerous settings possible.  I believe I’m right up there in terms of content with anyone.  Exercising leadership as a commander in the space program not only required leading at the edge on the final frontier, but many thousands of hours and team interactions in normal workplace settings.  This dual nature of the experience sets me apart from other adventure-background speakers. In-the-trenches preparation and daily leadership lets me exactly relate to the challenges of my corporate clients.

Q: How do you customize your presentations?

A: My mission is to bring the most relevant, valuable, and helpful content to my audiences. I love customizing for clients because it magnifies the value tremendously.  Once booked, I always set up a call with organization leaders and meeting planners to discuss their challenges and concerns.  Then we zero in on the specific theme and objectives for the event.  On the call, while reviewing my pre-event questionnaire together, I’ll offer his insights into which elements of my baseline programs fit best. Together we arrive at a consensus of major emphasis points for me to support their messaging and finally the key takeaway items we want the audience to grasp.  Then I craft a tailored presentation to tie my experiences to their objectives.

Q: Astronauts are really technically oriented people. Should we worry that the “Astronaut Speaker” will overdo the technical jargon and details?

A: No, not at all!  Actually, flying in space is overwhelmingly humanizing and humbling. As a proven leader, I’m as much about “heart-leadership” as nuts-and-bolts “head leadership.” True, like all astronauts, I have a strong technical background. While equally comfortable presenting technical material to peers in the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, for corporate speaking I wear my “recovering engineer” hat. I focus on the human side of my experiences to reach the common ground necessary to completely connect with my audiences and leave them with a heartfelt experience.

Q: We’re not doing any sort of space theme.  Why book you?

A: My presentations are all about sharing universal principles applicable to any venture.  True, I do bring exciting real-world stories from applying those principles during the unique experiences of flying and commanding human space missions, but the presentations in

no way require a meeting to be space-themed.  With over a decade of experience as a professional speaker presenting to thousands of audiences, I now consider myself a highly talented speaker who used to be an astronaut. Accordingly, my presentations certainly are not just about the spaceflight experience, that’s just the launch pad to spring off into client-relevant presentations.

Q: We’re looking specifically for an astronaut to speak to our group.  What sets you apart from other astronauts as a speaker?

A: Unlike virtually all other astronauts, who just express their story without relating to a client’s specific challenges, my deep engagement and highly refined, customized programs address real-world business needs.  Very few other astronaut speakers have been mission commanders.  When it comes to speaking about leadership, being the actual mission leader makes a tremendous difference. Coupled with masterful storytelling and unmatched stage presence, I believe I’m the best business speaker who happens to have flown in space.  Not coincidentally, I’m the only astronaut to have written a business book. Finally, being the only astronaut ever to have earned the National Speakers Association Certified Speaking Professional designation shows a long-term commitment to the speaking profession and dedication to being the best in this field.

Q: We’re still searching for a theme. Any ideas how to incorporate a space theme into our event?

A: Although certainly no requirement for booking, various space themes offer superb launch pads to lift meetings and team performance, particularly for sales groups.  I love to work creatively with clients to select and refine such themes as “Launching to New Heights,” “Max Q,” “Out-of-this-World Performance,” etc. Such themes set the stage and can energize and motivate by their very nature.  Then coupled with the real right stuff of the Astronaut Speaker, audiences leave excited, inspired, and totally fired up to tackle their own challenging missions.

Q: Do you do school presentations?

A: Through the years I’ve given many hundreds of pro bono school and youth presentations.  In fact, in one sense, I can truly say that my favorite audiences are fourth and fifth graders.  Their wonder and awe at space is contagious and heartwarming.  They’re at the sweet spot where they know enough to ask really insightful, fun questions but not old enough to be jaded or shy in the asking.  However, as a professional business speaker my schedule does limit how much pro bono work I can do.  I have found with some clients though a wonderful mix where, once booked for a corporate engagement, I gladly throw in a school visit in the company’s city at no additional fee, allowing the client to get positive publicity for sponsoring the astronaut visit, making some worthwhile educational outreach, and having fun doing it!  Win-win-win.

Q: How do we book the “Astronaut Speaker?”

A: Simply click the Contact tab on the dropdown menu to get in touch with our office. Email is rick@, phone 661-821-0301. We’ll together launch the process to determine your specific needs and how I best can meet them, complete the necessary but straightforward contracting, then get to the really fun part of the mission – digging in to the customization phase.  Overall result: bringing a valuable “out-of-this-world” experience to your group!


As an astronaut with three space missions, Colonel Rick Searfoss shares with only a handful of people in history some of the most unique human experiences possible. In his career he has led many different teams, including commanding the most complex science research space mission ever, mission STS-90 on Columbia. He also piloted two other space flights.

Prior to becoming an astronaut Colonel Searfoss was a fighter pilot and test pilot, with over 6100 hours flying time in 84 different types of aircraft. He was also the number one graduate in his Air Force Academy class and earned a master’s degree at the California Institute of Technology. Rick has held executive level positions in the aerospace industry and now works regularly with numerous entrepreneurial space ventures, including test flying the world’s only liquid propellant rocketplane. For the past decade as a noted leadership and innovation speaker, he has shared his unique perspective on peak performance with organizations worldwide. Rick is the author of LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership.

In his spare time Rick enjoys flying, science fiction, backpacking, and running. He and his wife Julie have three daughters and reside in California.

Learn and apply scores of practical, empowering, and career-boosting leadership keys from a truly out-of-this-world leader and astronaut.

LIFTOFF shares the keen insights of an astronaut commander leading the way. It will enable you to:

• Employ a proven, balanced-leadership model in support of a greater purpose.

• Drive stellar operational results with a comprehensive, objective-centric execution system.

• Apply a countdown of twelve purposeful performance principles for outstanding outcomes.

• Strengthen your ability to lead and perform at the front lines to achieve mission success.

Today’s leaders and managers face daunting challenges leading their teams to produce tangible, productive results consistent with a greater purpose. Few organizations really execute as effectively as they must to fully prosper.

Featuring models and systems from a proven real-world leader and astronaut, LIFTOFF will strengthen anyone to lead for purposeful, effective execution. It highlights universally applicable principles while sharing thrilling, inspiring, relevant stories from the unique astronaut commander’s perspective.

“In commanding STS-90 Rick Searfoss carried on the finest traditions of the US Astronaut Corps. He has magnificently captured the essence of that leadership in Liftoff. It’s a great read and will benefit those aspiring to lead.”

—Hon. Buzz Aldrin, Colonel, USAF Retired, Astronaut and Distinguished Lunar Pioneer, Apollo XI and Gemini XII   

“If you have a leadership mission to accomplish, you need to read Liftoff by space shuttle commander Rick Searfoss. His unique perspective on leadership in action will help you achieve ‘execution excellence’ no matter what task you are undertaking.”

—Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The New One Minute Manager® and Leading at a Higher Level

Excerpt from LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown for Purpose-Powered Leadership

Staying Alive at Mach 18

3:20 a.m. on March 17, 1996, about 150 miles abeam North Carolina, 360,000 feet high. We’re headed northeast in Space Shuttle Atlantis at over 12,000 miles per hour, approaching eighteen times the speed of sound. I’m a happy rocket man. The three main engines, my responsibility since I’m in the right seat, purr along splendidly. Everything’s great—until instantly it isn’t!

Suddenly the annoyingly loud warning alarm bleats out. A fraction of a second later our ascent CAPCOM, another pilot astronaut in Mission Control, calls, “Atlantis, we show a system-three hydraulic leak. P-L-T, execute Hydraulic Leak procedure.” Sure enough, hydraulic fluid is draining away like an open spillway at Hoover Dam.

Weighing three times my normal weight from the acceleration and wearing bulky multilayer pressure suit gloves, I gingerly reach for the correct switch. Lined up in a row, each of the three isolation switches is only an inch apart. Big glove or not, better grab the correct one, and only one. If I inadvertently shut down the wrong system, we all die. The “power steering” for Atlantis— hydraulically driven engine bells—works fine with two systems, but not with just one. With fluid lost in one system, an incorrect isolation of either remaining system means game over. Corkscrewing through the sky out of control is not how I want to end my day—or my life. After that most critical step, I quickly complete the rest of the procedure.

Though potentially just an inch away from dying, we were in reality a long way from that outcome. I had performed that same procedure hundreds of times in high-fidelity simulators, even wearing the exact same type gloves. It was so ingrained in my mind I could’ve done it in my sleep. I don’t think my heart rate even increased while executing what I’d been so prepared to do. In the heat of that battle, I felt acutely aware of every single thing going on. The preparation had given me vigilant situational awareness.

After we reached main engine cutoff (MECO) a minute later it really struck me what had just transpired. Now weightless, the hydraulic problem handled correctly, and the adrenaline jolt over, my nerves felt free to jangle a bit. My heart rate did go up then as I pondered that this time it was no simulation. I said a short prayer of thanks that I had come through and taken good care of Atlantis when she started “bleeding.” We could all thank an obsessively persistent training philosophy and a commander relentlessly leading his team to operational excellence. I was grateful too for living and working in a team culture of deep personal accountability.

Had I executed incorrectly, the STS-76 crew and I would not be alive today, nor would Atlantis now be on display at Kennedy Space Center. We would’ve all ended up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, we completed a full mission and returned home safely to our families. The successful resolution of this operational challenge required absolutely perfect execution. It highlights every element of the PAPA Effective Execution System: Preparation, Awareness, Persistence, and Accountability, all applied with real urgency toward a focused objective. In this case the objective was a dramatically compelling one: staying alive and preserving a multibillion-dollar national asset.

Anyone, to perform at the very highest level, must resolutely hold themselves accountable for results and continuous improvement. Trials and difficulties are inevitable. Emergencies, or as NASA euphemistically calls them, “off-nominal situations,” happen. True leaders always set the example of how to deal with such challenges. They build awareness and capability through preparation, exercise their willpower in persistence, and model a dedication to accountability. That accountability ethos consolidates effective execution and advances their team to the next level.




Space Shuttle Commander & Pilot

STS-58, 76, & 90

Leadership, Teamwork,

Innovation, Effective Execution






Powerful Purpose, Trust-Based Teams,

Insightful Innovation, Effective Execution


Space Shuttle Mission Commander & Pilot

Speaker and Author


STS-58, 76, & 90 Columbia and Atlantis






LIFTOFF: An Astronaut Commander’s Countdown

for Purpose-Powered Leadership


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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