| |STUDIO – Unit 9 |

| |PHY-2054 College Physics II |

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1. to understand what a capacitor is.

2. to understand how capacitors behave as elements in circuits.

3. to understand the definition of capacitance.

4. to understand how capacitors behave in series and parallel networks and be able to calculate the capacitance of series and parallel networks.

Let’s think about how to store charge. Charge is stored in a device called a CAPACITOR named for its capacity to store charge. The symbol for a capacitor is shown in next diagram.


Capacitor Symbol

The parallel plate capacitor is the commonest type of capacitor that we encounter. In one of its forms it consists of a set of parallel sheets of metal separated by a thin space which can be a vacuum (or air) or can be another material which is referred to as a dielectric.

If the capacitor is connected to a battery, charge from one terminal will move to one of the plates of the capacitor. Let’s consider the positive side of the device; the side connected to the positive side of the battery.


What is the sign of the charge on the plate connected to the positive side of the battery? Explain.


As a result of this, what happens at the other plate of the device??


As more and more charge moves into the capacitor the electric field begins to grow and it takes more and more energy to move charge from one side to the other. Energy, as well as charge therefore moves into the capacitor and is stored there. This process leaves one plate of the capacitor with an excess of electrons on it and the other side lacking electrons and hence positive. The magnitude of the charge on each plate is the same. We call it “q” or “Q” and we refer to this as the “charge on the capacitor”.

A model for a capacitor is shown for a “parallel plate” capacitor.

As you can see, the capacitor consists of two parallel plates (hence the name), each one of which is charged to the same value but oppositely in sign. As a result of this, an electric

field is created in the space between the plates. The field goes from the positive plate to the negative plate.

We have already calculated the electric field using Gauss’s Law and you should spend some time making sure that you understand the approach. Create a small cylinder that is parallel to electric field (shown above). This surface starts inside the (+) metal plate and stops inside the space between the plates.


Since one end is in the metal, the field at that end of the cylinder is zero. If A is the area of the Gaussian surface, then the only flux leaving the Gaussian surface is: __________.

QUESTION: How much flux enters or leaves the sides of the cylinder? Why?[pic]

If the charge density of the metal plate is σ, then Gauss’s Law says that [pic]. From this, what is the electric field in the space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor?


Remember that σ is the charge per unit area so σ“ the total charge on the plate.

Discuss this with your group and make sure that you understand this calculation! Spend a few minutes drawing the diagram and making sure that you understand it. You may be asked to present your solution on a white board. Be prepared!

You will now explore capacitors. For this part of your explorations you will need the following:


1 multi-meter

2 wires 1 battery

1 battery holder (Actually a board that contains a battery holder and other things)

1 capacitor

A battery is a device that has two terminals separated by some internal noxious chemicals. The device produces a potential difference between its terminals and it is this potential difference that we use to power such things as batteries and clocks. Even computers depend on batteries. There are many types of batteries around and you can scan the web for some better answers, but there is a reference on the class page that may help. An important thing to remember is that any two points that are exposed to a battery will always have the “battery voltage” as the difference in potential between the two points. This will become very important in the next chapter.

Capacitors come in many sizes and shapes as shown here. The value of the capacitance is usually written directly on the device.


Important definition:

The charge on each plate of a capacitor is found to be proportional to the potential difference applied across the capacitor. The capacitance, C is defined as the ratio of this charge, Q , to the applied potential difference V:


1.1 Consider a capacitor suddenly connected to a battery as in the diagram below.



a. Briefly discuss in terms of charges and electric fields what happens as a capacitor is “charged”. If charge flows, this a current, a topic we have already discussed. If there is a current, is the current constant with time? Is it zero? Does it change? Is it the same in different parts of the wire? Can a capacitor be “full” to capacity? (Excuse the pun).


Notice that if the battery is connected across the capacitor, then there is a voltage across the capacitor and from the equation above, the capacitor is charged.

b. If after a long time the capacitor were disconnected from the battery, would there be a remaining net charge on the capacitor? Explain.


c. Would there be a reading on the voltmeter, if you attached a voltmeter across the capacitor? Explain.


d. If, after the capacitor has been disconnected from the battery, you connected one end of the capacitor to a large piece of metal, what if anything would happen? Explain.


e. If, after the capacitor has been disconnected from the battery, and you connected one end of the capacitor to a large piece of metal, as in part d, would there be a reading on a voltmeter, if you attached a voltmeter across the capacitor? Explain.


Let’s make the measurements-

A photograph of the meter is shown below. For voltage measurements the black lead will be the common (ground) and the red lead the positive side that is placed into the second slot from the right.

The setup for the following is shown in the next photo. The ends of the wires slip into the spring like contacts. This is the same setup as shown in the schematic diagram shown above. You can also use alligator clip leads. Be sure that you understand this setup. Look at the back of the circuit board to trace the “wiring”.


f. Connect the battery to the capacitor as in the diagram or photo above. After the capacitor has been connected for two minutes, disconnect the battery from the capacitor. Carry out the experiments described in parts c, d, and e above. Describe your results and explain your observations vs your predictions above.




a. Is the potential difference across the plates of a capacitor related to the amount of charge on the plates? Explain. How might you experimentally demonstrate this?


Again, the constant of proportionality between the amount of charge on one of the plates and the potential difference between the plates is called the capacitance:


This is often written as Q=CV. The symbol for capacitance is C. The unit of capacitance is the Farad (F). One Farad is equal to one Coulomb per Volt, 1F = 1C/V.

b. Equipment:

3 imaginary ammeters and one real multi-meter.

8 wires

1 bulb – bulb is on the multi-component board.

1 socket

1 battery

1 multi-purpose component holder

1 switch

2 capacitors

1 nichrome wire

3.1 Consider the following circuit. The “squiggly” thing represents a light bulb.




a. Qualitatively, what would the ammeters read as a function of time after the switch was closed? Describe whether they would increase, decrease or remain the same. Would ammeter 1 read the same as ammeter 2 sometimes? All the time? Explain.

b. Set up the circuit twice, with the multi-meter (ammeter setting) in positions A-1 and A-2 sequentially and test your prediction. Explain the readings on the ammeters in terms of charges and electric fields. If you are lucky, you may find TWO multi-meters and you don’t have to switch anything around.


3.2 Consider the following circuit.




a. Qualitatively, what would the ammeters read as a function of time after the switch was closed ? Describe whether they would increase, decrease or remain the same. Would ammeters 1, 2 and 3 read the same all the time? Sometimes? Explain your reasoning.


b. Set up the circuit and test your predictions using the multi-meter. Explain the readings on the ammeters in terms of charges and electric fields.




4.1 Consider two capacitors of different capacitances connected in parallel across a battery as shown below.




a. Is the potential difference between the plates of each capacitor the same? Explain.


Do the two capacitors have the same amount of charge on each of their plates? Explain.


b. How are the two capacitors like a single capacitor? Could you replace the two capacitors with a single capacitor? If so, what would be the charge, Q, on that capacitor in terms of the charges (Q1 and Q2) on the original capacitors? Write this in terms of an equation.



Use the equation that relates the charge Q on the new capacitor to the charges Q1 and Q2 and the relationship between charge and potential difference for each capacitor to find the capacitance of the replacement capacitor in terms of the capacitances C1 and C2 of the original two capacitors.


Discuss your relationship with an instructor or with the class if you are so instructed.

4.2 Consider two capacitors of different capacitances connected in series across a battery as shown below.



a. Do the two capacitors have the same amount of charge on each of their plates? Explain. Is the potential difference between the plates of each capacitor the same? Explain. (Ask your instructor to discuss this question when you get to it.)


b. How are the two capacitors like a single capacitor? Could you replace the two capacitors with a single capacitor? If so, what would be the potential difference, ΔV, across the replacement capacitor in terms of the potential differences across each of the original capacitors? Write this in terms of an equation.


Use the equation that relates the potential difference ΔV on the new capacitor to the potential differences ΔV1 and ΔV2 and the relationship between charge and potential difference for each capacitor to find the capacitance of the replacement capacitor in terms of the capacitances C1 and C2 of the original two capacitors.


Discuss your relationship with an instructor or with the class if so instructed.


2 or 3 Capacitors of different values.

Circuit board to hold components

Multi-meter set for the measurement of capacitance.

Take two capacitors and put them in series. Measure the value of each capacitor separately and then measure the combination. Put your results in the table. Do the calculation outside of class unless there is sufficient time.

|Type |C1 |C2 |Combination |Calculated Value |

|Series | | | | |

|Parallel | | | | |


1) (from Lillian C. McDermontt, Peter S. Shaffer and the Physics Education Group, Tutorials in Introductory Physics (Homework), Prentice Hall, NJ, 1998.)

Two bulbs and a capacitor are connected to a battery as shown below.


a) Just after the switch is closed:

(i) What is the potential difference across bulb A, across bulb B, across the capacitor, and across the battery? Explain.

(ii) Rank the currents through bulb A, bulb B, the capacitor, and the battery. Explain.

b) A long time after the switch is closed:

(i) Rank the currents through bulb A, bulb B, the capacitor, and the battery. Explain.

(ii) What is the potential difference across bulb A, across bulb B, across the capacitor, and across the battery? Explain.

c) Summarize your results by describing the behavior of bulb A and of bulb B from just after the switch is closed until a long time later.


You should understand how capacitors behave as elements in circuits. You should understand the definition of capacitance. You should understand how capacitors behave in series and parallel networks and be able to calculate the capacitance of series and parallel networks.


Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor

More information on this material can be found in the textbook. This material is part of the syllabus and should be understood.

The capacitance of a capacitor is defined as


For a parallel plate capacitor, the potential difference (the work needed to move a charge from one plate to another) between the plates is given by


where W is the work to move a charge from one plate to another, F = qE is the force of the electric field between the plates, and d is the distance between plates.

The potential difference is proportional to the distance, d, between the plates. Since the amount of charge on the plates, Q, depends on the area, A, of the plates, and it is reasonable to believe the capacitance on the area of the plates and the distance between the plates.

It can be shown mathematically and experimentally that capacitance is proportional to the ratio of the area of the plates to the distance between the plates, [pic]. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is


where A is the area of the plates, d is the distance between the plates, and (0 is a constant. The value of (0 is[pic].

Potential Energy of a Charged Capacitor

In the process of charging a capacitor, work is done to move the charges on the plates of the capacitor. The total work required to charge a capacitor can be calculated. It is found to be


Since work is equal to a change in potential energy for conservative forces, the electrical potential energy of a capacitor increases by [pic] when it is charged. This potential energy would decrease and work would be done, if the capacitor were discharged.


You should be able to do these problems.

1) A capacitor is connected to a 120V battery as shown in the following diagram. A very high resistance wire is then inserted, connecting point A and B on the plates.


The potential difference between the ends of the wire will then be


2) A pacemaker sends a pulse to a patient’s heart every time the capacitor in the pacemaker charges to a voltage of 0.25V. It is desired that the patient receive 75 pulses per minute. Given that the capacitance of the pacemaker is 110μF and that the battery has a voltage of 9.0V, what value should the resistance have? Show your work.

3) The current flowing through the 8.45Ω resistor in the diagram below is 1.22A.

(i) What is the voltage of the battery? Explain your reasoning.

(ii) if the 17.2Ω resistor is increased in value, will the current provided by the battery increase, decrease or stay the same? Explain your reasoning.

(iii) If the current through the 13.8Ω resistor is 0.750A, find the current in the other resistors in the circuit. Show your work.





At the end of this activity, there is a brief section on adding capacitors in series and in parallel. This material is covered in section 20.12. Please be sure to review this material.


Area A (


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