ESPAÑOL 3 y 3H - SEPTIEMBRE 2006 - ¡Bienvenido a la Clase de Español!

The classroom material is arranged to help each student attain an acceptable degree of proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish. The language is presented within the context of the contemporary Spanish-speaking world and its culture. The use of tapes and video materials offers the student an opportunity to hear varied speakers from all over the Hispanic world. Spanish will be the primary language of instruction and conversation in the classroom.


Ven Conmigo level 3 – textbook, grammar workbook and activities workbook; textbook must be covered by Monday, 9/11/06

Supplemental tapes, videos, readings, songs

STUDENT MATERIALS - required every day

• Textbook, Ven Conmigo, level 3 (text must be covered all year) and workbooks (Cuaderno de gramática and Cuaderno de actividades).

• Grammar workbooks must be purchased at the school store by Monday 9/11/06

• 3-subject notebook or loose-leaf section of binder divided for class work, grammar, and homework

• Separate folder or envelop in notebook for handouts.

• Writing utensils – no red ink or red pencil

• Spanish/English dictionary with at least 75,000 entries - available in school bookstore or may be purchased elsewhere. This also is due by Monday, 9/11/06.


Grades are determined from quizzes, tests, graded assignments, class preparation and participation, and homework. Points are deducted from the class work grade for missed or carelessly done homework. Additional points are deducted for being unprepared or unexcused absences. Tests or quizzes missed because of an unexcused absence are graded 0 and cannot be made up. There is usually at least one graded activity per week.

QUARTER GRADES: 60%: graded material (tests, quizzes, written assignments); 30%: oral work and class participation; 10%: class work and homework.

SEMESTER GRADES: 40% - first quarter, 40% - second quarter, 20% - midterm or final exam.

FINAL GRADE: average of the first and second semester


Homework is given every night. It is written on the blackboard each day and available on the La Salle web page. Sometimes homework assignments are changed during class and are not immediately reflected on the web site. I suggest that you double check the assignment with a friend. Use your student directory and call someone if absent. Homework is an opportunity to work with the language one more time during the day and to practice concepts learned in class. It is always reviewed but not always checked. Random checks can occur at any time.


If you know in advance that you will miss class you should check with me for assignments. Tests announced prior to the absence are made up the day you return to class. Not having Spanish materials at home is not an excuse since homework is given every day and studying should be an ongoing activity. If needed call the Student Affairs office and ask them to give your books to a friend who can bring them to you. The oral section of a missed test must be made up within 5 days of returning to school. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for this. If there are extenuating reasons why you cannot take a test, parents must call me before homeroom the day that you return. You should report to me as soon as you return, preferably during Homeroom. You are responsible for all work missed because of school activities and retreats. You are expected to be ready for class the day that you return.

When in school, attending this class is your first priority. If a teacher, administrator or counselor wishes to see you during this class you must tell them that you need to see me first. Band members and stage crew personnel must check with me in order to miss class. If your grades and work are fine you will be given permission to miss class. You also must see me for a note before going to the Infirmary. No one will be given permission to miss class on test or quiz days. Remember, this class is your first priority!



We adhere to the La Salle Student Honor Code. Cheating is not tolerated. It is dishonest and unfair to those who have done their studying. A grade of 0 will be recorded for the student who is cheating as well as anyone helping another to cheat. The use of translation devices, software and/or websites is prohibited in this course. The student is expected to generate his own writing. Work that contains grammatical structures and vocabulary not taught at this level is suspicious. Writing assignments are based on the course content and are accessible to the student using his knowledge, the textbook and a basic dictionary as resources. Parents and administrators will be notified of all instances of cheating. There are many graded opportunities in this course. Don’t compromise your integrity. REMEMBER: NO ONE CAN TAKE YOUR HONOR AWAY BUT YOU!


Honor your commitment to the Full Value Contract so that everyone can succeed.


• Before school in room 312 (after 7:45 am)

• After school in room 312 or language office (310)

• 1st and 7th period first semester by appointment in language office (310); second semester to be announced.

• Beginning of 4th period by appointment (my lunch period)

I can be contacted by phone through the school office (215-233-2911, voice mailbox 4160), E-mail Zoeltsch@. I will gladly return your calls. If absolutely necessary I can be contacted at home (215-743-2635).


Foreign language study is a cumulative subject. Each lesson builds upon the preceding lessons. The third year of study assumes knowledge from the first and second years of study. It is very important that you do not get behind in your work or assume that you can slack off for one marking period and then make it up in the next marking period. Consistent, responsible study will produce the best results.

La Salle College High School requires a minimum of three years of a foreign language. Most competitive colleges prefer four years of study. Many colleges have a language requirement for graduation from their institution. It has been our experience that students who study foreign language through their senior year will usually test out of the first and often the second semester language requirement of the college.


• PARTICIPATE! PARTICIPATE! PARTICIPATE! This is 30% of the grade! (See accompanying handout on participation). Mistakes are part of learning and are accepted as along as an honest effort is put forth. Speak Spanish as soon as you enter the room. Practice speaking with your friends, family and teachers. Participation is especially important if you don’t test well.

• DO HOMEWORK CONSCIENTIOUSLY! Many homework exercises are similar to test questions. Read the directions carefully. (Yes, I know that they are in Spanish – use your dictionary!) Call a classmate and work together over the phone. (This doesn’t mean copy.) Ask questions when we go over the homework in class. This is 10% of grade

• Use the interactive web site: go.. Find the “Palabra Clave” at the beginning of each chapter in your textbook. There are additional grammar exercises there for each chapter

• SEEK EXTRA HELP! Either from me, a classmate, an Honor Society tutor or another Spanish teacher.

• STUDY EVERY NIGHT! Written tests, quizzes, and assignments are 60% of grade.




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