8th Grade Health

8th Grade Health

Pine Lake Middle School

Ms. Parcher: parcherk@issaquah.wednet.edu

The purpose of this class is to learn how to take care of your own health by making wise decisions. You are at the point in your life where you are starting to make more decisions about your own health, and it’s very important to learn how to make healthy choices. Health is everything! Without it what do you have?

We will learn about wellness (physical, mental & social health), digestive system, nutrition, respiratory system, tobacco, alcohol & drugs, FLASH (sex ed).

Student Expectations:

1. Be on time: in your seat by the end of passing time.

2. Be prepared for class: come with a health notebook or section in a notebook (save your papers), paper, pen, and pencil each day.

3. Be respectful & courteous to your peers and teacher: don’t be disruptive or interrupt when the teacher or another student is speaking. Raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment.

4. Check with the teacher if you need to leave class for any reason: sign in and out in the back of the room.

5. Be a positive person: I like health to be up-beat, interesting and fun.

6. Be nice to subs: any misbehavior reported to me will be a major infraction.

7. Have good attendance: In this course I use power points, videos, class discussions, group work, the use of computers, and our textbook to learn information. Much of it is difficult to make up if you are absent.

8. Cheating or letting someone cheat off of you is a major and a zero for that assignment.


1. It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up work.

2. Check my website at

3. Check with another student to find out what you missed. If we took notes on a video or power point, make arrangements to copy those notes. You are responsible for that information.

4. Check the handout files for any handouts or worksheets.

5. When turning in make-up work, write in large letters “ABSENT” before turning it in. If “ABSENT” isn’t written on your paper, I’ll assume your assignment is late.

6. Quizzes and tests should be made up the day you return.


1. When turning in work, include your full name, date and period.

2. If I can’t read your hand writing, I can’t grade your work. You will be asked to redo it. Feel free to type assignments.

3. All assignments and due dates are written on the right hand side of the board. They are also listed on .

4. Late work turned in within the unit topic will receive 50% credit, after that no credit will be given.

Online textbook

• my.

• Log in: user name: health93 password: v7x2n

• Click “go to the online textbook”

• Select chapter


40% - Tests/quizzes

60% - Assignments, homework, projects

100 – 93% A 79 – 77% C+ 59% or below = F

92 – 90% A- 76 – 73% C

89 – 87% B+ 72 – 70% C-

86 – 83% B 69 – 67% D+

82 – 80% B- 66 – 60% D

Checking your grades:

Family Access is a helpful tool to monitor how you are doing in health.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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