Outlook - CUNA


Managing E-Mail


Electronic Mail or e-mail is the computer equivalent of exchanging memos and notes. You can communicate with anyone who has access to the internet or through the Justice FCU network. All you need is an e-mail address:


Reading E-Mail

You can choose the way you wish your e-mail to be displayed on your screen. By going to View/Reading Pane, you can choose from several options:

RIGHT provides a reading pan on the right side of your Outlook e-mail screen. A list of e-mails that have been delivered to your in box is displayed to the left of the reading pane:


BOTTOM provides a reading pan at the bottom of your Outlook e-mail screen. A list of e-mails that have been delivered to your in box is displayed above the reading pane:


OFF turns the reading pane off. Only your Inbox is displayed. To read the complete message, double click on any e-mail in your in Inbox:



You can also choose whether to view an AutoPreview of each e-mail. AutoPreview provides a few lines of each e-mail in your Inbox, allowing you to prioritize which ones to read first. Go to View and click AutoPreview. Click it again to turn it off:


The Fields of an E-Mail

The following chart delineates the fields used when sending an e-mail:



The Signature is set up to display each time you send an e-mail. To set up Signature, go to Tools/Options and click on the Mail Format tab.

In the middle of the pop-up box, click on Signature:


The following screen allows you to create your Signature. Be sure to follow Justice FCU e-mail etiquette when formatting your signature. Click on Edit and then type in your Signature. Then click OK on each pop-up box. Your Signature is now set up and is displayed at the bottom of all new e-mails.


Out of Office Assistant

When you are out of the office for an extended period of time, it is important to turn on your Out of Office Assistant. To do this, go to Tools/Out of Office Assistant:


A pop up box in which to compose your Out of Office Assistant message is displayed:


Compose your Out of Office reply, click the radio button next to “I am currently out of the office,” then click OK. Your Out of Office Assistant is active and will be sent as a reply to anyone who sends you an e-mail while it is turned on.

Creating E-Mail Folders

Creating folders in you Outlook e-mail is a great way to keep track of e-mails you wish to keep, but of which you do not need a paper copy. Create folders in topics and categories that are important to you and then move e-mail to that folder to retain them.

Place your cursor on Mailbox-Your Name in the All Mail Folders box and right click your mouse. Then click on New Folder. The following screen pops up to Create New Folder:


The folder is added to your All Mail Folders list.

To move an e-mail into a folder, highlight the e-mail you wish to move, place your cursor on the highlight and right click:


A list of available folders is shown in the Move Item pop-up box:


Highlight the folder you wish to put the e-mail in and click OK. The e-mail leaves your Inbox and is retained in your chosen folder. When you empty your Deleted Items folder, the e-mails retained in other folders are not be deleted.

To access the e-mail again, double click on the folder and then double click on the e-mail. It is displayed.


The AutoArchive feature is set up to remove excessive e-mails from the Justice FCU server. All e-mails in your folders and inbox are located on our server.

Outlook will occasionally ask if you wish to AutoArchive. The system is set up to move files from the server that are older than 3 months. It is important to AutoArchive your e-mail files. These e-mails are NOT deleted, but are moved to an AutoArchive file located on your C Drive.

When you create folders in Outlook to organize your e-mail, it is important to set them up to AutoArchive. Right click over the folder on which you wish to set AutoArchive, and click on Properties:


Choose the AutoArchive tab and click Archive items in this folder using the default settings. Then click OK.


To retrieve files that were AutoArchived, use these instructions:

- Open Outlook

   - In the Upper Left Corner of the program, Select the File Menu

   - Select Open

   - Select Outlook Data File

   - Change the drop down menu at the top of the pop-up window to your W: drive

   - Open the outlook folder

   - Double-click Archive.pst.

Microsoft Outlook

Notes and Contacts


Do you put important information on post-it notes and stick them on your computer as a reminder? Outlook has a function that will allow you to create “post it” notes that display on your desktop.

To create a note, click on the Notes button on the Outlook Navigation Pane:


The Notes pane is displayed. Click the New button on the taskbar:


A “post it” style note is displayed. Type your reminder in that field:


The Note is now displayed on your desktop:


If you cancel the Note by clicking on the red X, it is stored in your Notes Folder. Double click on a note to restore it to your desktop.


The Outlook Contacts feature allows you to store names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. for business and personal use. You can also se this feature to create your own e-mail Distribution Lists.

To add a Contact, click the Contacts button on the Outlook Navigator Pane:


The Contacts page is displayed. To enter a new Contact, press the New button on the taskbar:


The Contact entry screen is displayed. Enter the information you wish to store, then push the Save and Close button on the taskbar:


The contact is now entered in the alphabetic listings on the Contacts main page. This page defaults to display as Address Cards (think Rolodex). To change the view, go to the drop down menu and find the view you want:


E-Mail Distribution Lists

The Justice FCU address book contains preset distribution lists, such as Branch Managers and All. To create a list that meets your individual needs, go to Actions/New Distribution List:


The Untitled Distribution List box is displayed. Enter a Name for your Distribution List in the Name field. Then press Select Members:


The Address Book is displayed. Choose each individual member of your new Distribution List from the Select Members box, highlight the name and press Member. That person is added to your Distribution List:


When you have entered all members, press OK in the Select Members pop-up box. Press OK again in the Distribution List pop-up box.. The list is now added to your Contacts alphabetically under the name you choose for this Distribution List. There are two small heads on the entry, indicating this is a group:


To send an e-mail using your Distribution Group, highlight the Contact and right click over the highlighted area. Click on New Message to Contact:


An e-mail is opened with your Distribution List as the Recipient:


Compose the e-mail and press Send on the Taskbar.


User name, i.e.jsmith, jsmith123, etc,

Address of network, i.e. ,

Required Separator. Say it as “AT.”


Blind Copy




Message Text



Messages with AutoPreview on


Write your AutoSignature here.

Out of Office Assistant

Compose here

Click here when out of the office

Enter Folder Name

Click OK

Highlight e-mail

Click Move to Folder

Click the Notes Button

Create a new Note

Create your Note here

Displays on desktop


Contact Page

New button

Save and Close

Click here to change Contacts view

New Distribution List

Select Members

Select Member

Add to List

Enter Group Name

Chantilly Training Contacts Distribution List

New Message to Contact

Folder List

Addressed to Distribution List


Archive with default settings


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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