How we use art: listening and speakingFinal objective: After this lesson students will be able to describe a painting of art.FIRST ACTIVITY It is about how we can describe a painting.Teacher project a painting on the whiteboard and give children an example of how to describe paintings. So teacher speaks up giving that example specifying main parts of description like:First to talk about the name of the painting, painter, period, etc.What you see, spaces, objects…Colors, ways to paint…Teacher reproduces it and students listen to her/him.SECOND ACTIVITY To work important vocabulary in order to describe art. We do this activity in pairs.Words which describe color.Words which describe position.Powerful verbs and adjectives.Specific vocabularyTeacher shares out laminated pieces of paper with words and pictures (about art). Each one of the pair has different words and pictures. Each one have to describe the word or de picture to the other and the other child have to guess the word and makes a sentences with this word.Teacher only guides the activity helping with meanings if they do not know and students reproduce it.THIRD ACTIVITY To practice describing paintings in pairs using those words and taking into account the example what teacher give them in the first activity.Teacher distributes two pictures of paintings to each pair and they have to describe them to their pairs using the words we have learnt and others.Teacher just observes and students reproduce it.FINAL ACTIVITY Game (points)There are four teams and they have to sit down in circular so they can see each other. Each team have different materials.First group have photos of paintingsSecond group have the names of paintings.Third group have the names of paintersFourth group have periods of time.So each team have the correct description of paintings but they have to guess. First group have to describe the painting, second have to guess the name of the painting and repeat one characteristic of the painting (that the first group have said), third have to guess the name of the painter and say one characteristic of the painting (not the same than the other group) and, finally, the fourth team have to guess the exact period of the paintings and also say one different characteristic about the description that the first one have said.Teacher just observes and students reproduce it. ................

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