Using Canada411


| |Method: |

|CLB Level: CLB2 & PH1D/PH1C |Prior knowledge of computer use is necessary (log in, using the mouse, scrolling on a web page) |

| |Solicit information from students regarding finding a person’s address or telephone number in |

| |Canada. Compare with systems from other countries. Explain requirements needed to be able to |

|Essential Skills Focus: |find somebody on Canada411. Discuss how the Internet is another method of finding a person’s |

|Computer Use |address or telephone number |

|Writing Skills (full name, address & phone |Demonstrate instructions step-by step using the LCD projector (if available) |

|number) |Hand out Sheet 1 Finding a Person in Canada instructions to students |

| |Students follow the instructions on Sheet 1 |

| |After students find the address and telephone number they record it onto their worksheet |

|Task: |Hand out Sheet 2 Reverse Phone instructions to students. Write a telephone number, including |

|Find information on-line using person’s name|area code, in the Reverse Phone boxes |

|or phone number with Reverse Lookup |Students will follow the instructions on Sheet 2 |

| |After students find the address on the web, they record it onto their worksheet |

| | |

|Purpose: Students will |Follow Up: |

|learn about Canada411 |Have students pair up & share their name & telephone |

|how to access & use Canada411 |number in order to find each others address. Once the |

|find a person’s complete address including |addresses/telephone numbers are found, students record |

|telephone number |them on their worksheet. Students could use the |

|Learn a new tool for finding information |telephone book (White Pages) to confirm accuracy of |

| |information found. On subsequent days students could do |

| |the same type of exercise finding schools & businesses |

|Materials: | |

|LCD Projector (if available), computers with|Language Component: |

|Internet access, teacher-made materials (2 |1. Students ask each other personal information questions. |

|sheets attached) |2. Practice intonation, rhythm and pausing when saying phone numbers and addresses (especially |

| |with apartment numbers and building numbers) |

|Learning Style: |Debrief/Transfer: |

|Visual, kinaesthetic & social |Discuss the real life application/importance of being able to find information on the Internet, |

| |in a manual or book. |

|Time: 60 minutes | |

Finding a person in Canada


Exercise 1

Following instructions: 

1. On your paper in the blue area box write your name

2. In the blue area box below, write your city

3. Next, open Internet Explorer

4. In the address box type: and hit Enter on your keyboard

5. Type the same information on the web site page (your name and your city)

6. Click the Find. button

7. Copy information found on the web page in the box at the bottom of page


|Copy information found on the web page |

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Reverse Phone

Exercise 2

Following instructions:

If you know only the person’s telephone number, you can do a Reverse Phone search.

1. On your worksheet in the boxes below Reverse Phone, write a telephone number including the area code

2. On the website, click on the Reverse Lookup tab

3. On the new web page, Reverse Phone, type the same information

4. Next, click on the Find. button

5. Copy information found on the web page in the box at the bottom of the page


Copy information found on the web page

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