Name Change Process

Name Change Process

(All students)

1. Make sure you have a valid PERSONAL email address for the student BEFORE you start this process. This is necessary because once you update the student’s email account username in AD, they will no longer be able to log into MyMarian, SabreNet, etc. until you notify them of their new username. And you notify them of their new username via an email to the PERSONAL email address for that student. I use the person’s personal email address listed on their “Name Change” form as that should be a recent email address. I also don’t always trust that the email address listed in PowerCAMPUS on the “Telecommunications” tab is still valid as many have been there since 2010 or before and people change email addresses often. If you don’t have a personal email addresses for the student, Contact Kris Hilt and ask to retrieve personal email.

2. Note: Only process name changes for which the Registrar’s Office has already made the change for in PowerCAMPUS. The name change process starts with the person requesting the name change filling out the Name Change Form and then the Registrar’s Office processes then form and updates PowerCAMPUS. Only after the Reg. Office has processed the form and updated PowerCAMPUS should the name be changed for their accounts.

3. Fill out the chart below with the student’s old and new information.

a. FYI this chart will be sent to eThink via email in a later step. So you should probably create this chart in a new email message.

b. Old Username = their current AD/email account username

c. Old Last Name= their former last name that is associated with their current AD/email account

d. New Last Name=their new last name

e. New Username = the first initial of the first name, followed by the first initial of the middle name (if any), then the entire last name, followed by the 6th and then 8th digit (starting from the left) of the People Id (people id is just the digits of the people code id e.g. 000012345). If the 6th and 8th digit equal 69 then make the number 60 instead. Don’t include any spaces or apostrophes, or accent marks. Note: Make sure the username is 20 characters or less, so cut down any extra characters (this, 20 characters, is based on AD limiting usernames to 20 characters).

f. First Name and Middle initial don’t usually change so they would be the same in most cases. If they do change, then enter an additional column for each titled former first name and former middle initial and title the current First Name column “Former First Name” and the current Middle init column “Former Middle Init”.


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4. Make sure no one else in AD or Exchange already has this “New” Username. Do a check in AD on the “Users, Contacts, and Groups” tab as well as the “Advanced” tab to search the “Company” field. The “Company” field houses old usernames.

5. Change/Update the person’s email account in AD

a. Find the person’s old AD account in Active Directory.


b. Right-click the person’s username and choose “Rename”

c. Fill in data appropriately in the White boxes only and choose OK on the “Rename User” dialog box. Full name =their new username, First Name and Last Name are self explanatory, Display Name should read as follow: “Last Name, First Name Middle Initial” (e.g. Doe, John A), User logon name and User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) both=their new username. See below screen shot.


d. Find the person’s account again in AD (you will have to search for them based on their new username/name). Then double-click their record to open their account. On the “General” tab update the person’s Email field appropriately based on their new username. Then select “Apply” and “OK”.


6. Send email to eThink with the chart above.

In addition to the chart above, I usually just paste the below message in the body of the email as well. Note: depending on how many name changes you are sending then, you’ll need to make sure the tenses in this message are correct.

Send the email to Brian Carlson (brian.carlson@) Cheryl Kauvar (cheryl.kauvar@) and also “cc” Lynda Schultz (

Below is a student’s old and updated AD account username and name.

Old AD account username was updated, a new AD account was not created.

Please merge the Moodle accounts.

Contact with questions.



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7. Send email to Andy Miller ( to make the necessary updates in Exchange

a. Send Andy the chart below containing the person’s Old Username and New Username and ask him to make the changes in Exchange for the student account listed below.

b. FYI Andy must go into Exchange to add the new email address as an external email in Exchange and possibly some other steps that he is aware of.

|NEW Username |OLD username |

| | |

c. Andy also normally puts the person’s Old username in the “Company” field of AD to keep a history of this in AD.

d. I also “CC” Joe Linder on this email so that he can take care of removing the old username from PCounter and putting the new UN in PCounter. Because if he doesn’t remove the old UN the student will be in PCounter twice, once with the old UN and once with the new UN and will get an error when they try to print.

8. Update the PersonUser Table in the PowerCAMPUS database

a. You need to know the person’s PersonId from PowerCAMPUS. To find the person’s PersonId run the below script in SQL Server Management Studio. Note: you need to put in the appropriate PeopleCodeID in the statement below. If you don’t know the person’s PeopleCodeID then you need to look up the person in PowerCAMPUS to find their number.

select personid

from people

where people_code_id='P0000XXXXX'

b. Once you have their PersonID, run the below script in SQL Server Management Studio to update their record in the PersonUser Table.

update personuser

set username='NEWusername'

where personid='000000'

9. Update the person’s email address in PowerCAMPUS

a. Just go into All “active” addresses the student has in PowerCAMPUS on the “Address” tab and update the email field to their new email address.


10. Wait for the “All set” email response from eThink.

a. eThink will send a response back saying “All set” indicating they have made the merge in Moodle.

b. You don’t necessarily have to do this step, you could go on to the next step.

c. However, I do this because it makes it less likely that the student logs in with their old username again which would cause them to show up twice in their courses (once for each username) in Moodle.

11. Email the student their new email account username and email address

a. You should send this to the student’s PERSONAL email address because if you send it to their new email address they couldn’t access it because they don’t know what their new email is.

b. NOTE: I also CC the person’s Marian email address anyway when I send this.

c. NOTE: their password is not changed in this process.

d. Normally I send the below message to the student with their new account information and title the email “Marian University Account Information: Name Change”. The parts highlighted in yellow is the student specific data.

Student First Name-

Per your request due to your name change, updates have been made to your Marian accounts. 

Please carefully read and follow the information in this email concerning your updated account information. 

1. Your new email address and username are below.

2. Your password to access your accounts has Not changed.

3. You can log into Password Manager () at anytime you may need to in order to Unlock your account or Reset your password as normal, using your new username.

4. You will need to log into MyMarian, SabreNet, Marian Online 2, Marian Email, etc. from now on using your new email address or username (again your password was not changed in this name change process).

New Email Address:

New Username: newemailaccountusername

Let me know if you have any questions.

12. Keep the email you sent to the student in a folder in your email account

a. This step is optional.

b. But I keep these for a little while in case there are any discrepancies that arise.

13. Note: This process allows the student to RECEIVE email that is sent to either their old email address or their new email address. But they can only SEND email from their new email address.

14. Finished.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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