Is typing 70 words per minute fast


Is typing 70 words per minute fast

The Science of Keyboarding Hi, I am 12 years old and my typing speed is 70 WPm, is this good enough? That is an excellent speed for your age! Typically, the average typing speed of boys in a similar age range is 44 wpm, while the average typing speed for girls of the same age range is 37 wpm. Additionally, the

average professional typist typically only types at speeds ranging from 65 to 75 wpm. Other professional positions, such as emergency dispatch services, look for typists with a typing speed of 80 to 95 wpm. Continuing to practice and perfect your ability to touch-type (remember to focus on accuracy too!) will help you in

school as well as later in life when you are choosing a career, so even with your excellent typing speed, you can continue practicing to grow your typing skills! Regards, The Typesy Team Photo: ArthurStock (Shutterstock)Technological advancement over the last 30 years have meant skills once rare to office workers are

now commonplace. Chief among those skills is typing: Decades ago, one could ply their trade as a typist and make a living solely by striking keys on a typewriter. Back then, you might consider including your best words-per-minute time in a resume, as an indication of your efficiency.However, it¡¯s worth asking this

question in 2021: Is it as necessary a skillset in the new economy, or can you hunt and peck at the keys and be just fine? Maybe you weren¡¯t required to sit through endless hours of middle school typing class, like I was.¡­Read moreWhat¡¯s considered ¡®fast¡¯ anyway? If we¡¯re going to discuss the concept of fast typing we

might as well consider the fastest who ever lived, Stella Pajunas and Barbara Blackburn. Pajunas set the world record in 1946 with a speed of 216 words per minute (WPM), typing on an IBM electric typewriter. Blackburn is currently the world¡¯s fastest English-language typist, with a speed of 212 WPM, recorded in 2005

on a Dvorak simplified keyboard. In my opinion, Pajunas is the unsung champion of the speed typing game because she did it on a typewriter, which is now inarguably an obsolete piece of technology. If you were to resurrect Pajunas and teach her how to code, she might just be a software developer¡¯s dream. For the

rest of us, though, you can consider an ¡°average¡± typing speed at about 40 WPM.Are there still professions were fast typing matters? Many coders in the tech world type pretty fast by virtue of their vocation, which requires them to sit and type pretty incessantly. As the corporate strategist Mario Peshev writes on his

website, ¡°most developers I know usually clock at least 70 words per minute.¡± That might prove to be a major asset, provided you thoroughly understand the programming language you¡¯re smashing into existence. That said, there are only a select few other careers where fast typing is imperative, according to the career

coach and consultant Judith Gerberg. She tells Lifehacker:Speed is still important in some industries and jobs, especially those that have to deal with transcribing or note taking- i.e. court stenographer, typists, legal transcribers, data entry specialists. However, what is most important is accuracy and consistency.By and

large, how fast you type doesn¡¯t really matter all that much so long as you¡¯re able to maintain a speed around the average threshold. If you¡¯re using two fingers to type¡ªan un orthodox technique known as ¡°hunting and pecking¡±¡ªyour speed will likely only reach 27 WPM, a notable distance away from that 40 WPM

average. Gerberg notes that typing isn¡¯t quite the definitive skillset it used to be, but it¡¯s still important, especially when it comes to doing a job well: In today¡¯s world, it is assumed everyone has typing skills and that spellcheck will catch any errors, yet attention to detail is a desired skill. Proofreading and knowing the

fundamentals (this includes proofreading a spellchecked document) is necessary in the business world to not experience embarrassing errors.I had my first official typing class in high school, long after I had learned to type. There¡­Read moreHow to boost your skills If you¡¯re someone who spends all day at a keyboard,

it¡¯s likely that your speed surpasses the average WPM. If you¡¯re interested in seeing where you fall between those who hunt and peck and Barbara Blackburn, there are WPM tests, such as those offered by Key Hero and Typing Test, which are free to try.Alternatively, there are online programs such as Typing Club,

which act as a sort of tutor for adults. As my colleague Meghan Moravcik Walbert wrote earlier this month, this is a pretty useful tool that you can use to whatever extend you¡¯d like, whether it¡¯s fully immersive or just out of curiosity: Users can take a free ¡°placement test¡± so the site can determine where you need to begin.

Depending on what you score on the placement test, the results will ¡°open¡± a variety of lessons for you based on your specific areas of needed improvement. The lessons are quick but offer repetition to help your fingers build muscle memory for each key. You¡¯ll get a report that details your accuracy and speed with each

lesson. Either way, muscle memory and practice are ultimately what will help your skills the most. I believe that fast typing is not a prerequisite but it helps you with several things: Some programming languages are fairly verbose (such as Java). The same goes for front-end development (generating markup, scaffolding

projects, building new templates). Fast-typists can do better, although most intelligent IDEs can do most of the heavy lifting.You don¡¯t want your typing speed to affect your thinking process. The faster you type, the sooner you¡¯ll reach the next step of the algorithm and jump to the next problem. The difference may seem

insignificant ¨C but it compounds over time.Researching data online, asking questions on Stack Overflow, debugging different variations of a variable will execute slightly faster if you type fast (all other things being equal). The average typing speed worldwide is around 40 words per minute (within 200 symbols). Most

developers I know usually clock at least 70 words per minute. We just did an experiment with some of my team members. Our front-end lead clocked in at 96 words. One of our team leaders did 98 wpm. I average about 94 words per minute though I can make it to 96-98 as well. One of our developers we hired less than

a year ago just smashed us with 165 words per minute! (that¡¯s not too far from the world record). A portion of the work as a developer is related to producing other forms of content as well¡ªemail reports, documentation, comments, and the like. This doesn¡¯t often involve too much ¡°thinking¡± (such as analyzing a problem

and coming up with the corresponding algorithm). The typing speed is definitely a factor there. Either way, a brilliant and thriving software engineer who averages 40 words per minute may still produce more than a junior who does 100 words per minute. But practicing your typing speed may generally help you learn faster

and produce slightly more than someone with the very same background and experience who is a slightly slower typist. About two years ago, I was typing around 65 words per minute. Today, I routinely average 100+ WPM on TypeRacer and recorded a 111 WPM mark on 10 Fast Fingers.Every email I write is now

easier. Every blog post I write is more effortless. As a developer, I don't program much faster, but the cost of implementation feels cheaper. As a result, I write better emails, publish more blog posts, and finish more software projects. Everything just feels slightly easier than before.Typing faster has tremendous benefits.

In this article, I'll show you the steps I took to go from 65 WPM to 100+.A note on measuring WPMBefore we talk about how to reach 100+ WPM, I need to discuss what we mean by "100 WPM".Some YouTubers claim that you can reach 100+ WPM in a single week. That's extremely misleading.The problem with these

claims is that they're measuring a personal best, not an average.If you look at someone's TypeRacer results, you'll notice a ton of variance. Here's a chart of all of my races - the goal is to get consistently above the 100 WPM line:The first time I recorded a 100+ WPM race was #604. It wasn't until around race #4,800

that I started seeing highly consistent 100+ WPM races.A good way to measure your typing speed is to look at the average of your last X tests. Thankfully, the TypeRacer widget in the top right of your screen tracks the average of your last 10 races.When I say "type 100 WPM", I mean that we're consistently recording

100+ WPM on the TypeRacer widget.Ok, now that we've clarified what 100 WPM means, let's see how it can be done.FundamentalsI've seen so many guides out there that tell you that if you want to type faster you need to buy a mechanical keyboard or change to Dvorak, Colemak, or Workman.Sadly, I'm here to tell you

there is no quick fix - you can't blame your typing speed on QWERTY or your crap keyboard. I bought a mechanical keyboard, and it didn't make me type faster (they do feel great though). I've seen other people switch to Dvorak/Workman, only to realize that it doesn't really help you type faster (should pretty much only

be used for new typists who haven't built up muscle memory in QWERTY).There is pretty much only one path to faster typing: master the fundamentals, then practice a lot, and practice intelligently.In this section, we'll talk about fundamentals.Before you can type faster, you need to master touch typing - or typing

accurately without looking down on your fingers. If you're typing under 50WPM, it likely means you're still looking at the keyboard and don't have good finger placement. Don't stress too much on getting textbook finger placement (everyone customizes their typing style anyways), but start by following the textbook

approach.To practice proper placement and eliminate looking at your keyboard, go to a website like and then . will teach you textbook finger placement. Keybr will help you practice to eliminate errors. Depending on where you're starting, you might need to spend a month or so here.

might be boring, but don't skip this step. Keybr is optional, but I recommend spending some time to clean up mistakes. There's a good chance that your speed will naturally rise to around 60 WPM when you get the fundamentals of touch typing down. Cutting your need to look at your keyboard will result in big

improvements.This is the least fun step, but nothing else matters if you skip it. (That said, you can ignore numbers for now)Speed DrillsNow that you've mastered the basics of typing without looking at the keyboard, it's time to focus on speed.While our goal is to record a sustained 10 race average of 100+ on TypeRacer,

I think it's important to dedicate some of your practice to 10 Fast Fingers. Features that make 10 Fast Fingers great for raising your raw speedIncorrect words do not need to be fixedNo punctuationThe 200 word bank has a lot of common words which you'll be typing a lot and can optimize60 second interval guaranteed I

know a lot of advice out there talks about minimizing mistakes, which is absolutely crucial for typing faster. However, so is raw speed. 10 Fast Fingers is the best drill I have found for speed.Whenever I practice typing, I start on 10 Fast Fingers for about 5-10 minutes, and then transition to TypeRacer. This vastly improves

my practice sessions.Practice on TypeRacer10 Fast Fingers is great, but it's not a true measurement of your speed like TypeRacer. TypeRacer is the standardized test that we're aiming to ace.I spend the majority of my typing practice on TypeRacer. On TypeRacer, you just need to practice a lot.That might sound

dreadful, but it can actually be really fun. Here's some motivational tips:Visualize your progress! Go to the "My Scores" widget on TypeRacer. This is a motivation cheat code. Without graphs, I'm 100% sure I would never have done 5,000+ races. There's also a website called TypeRacer Data that pulls in detailed

statistics about your races (no visualizations though). And I've even built my own tool to help with visualization (still a prototype)Join competitive races. Doing practice races feels "safer" but those results aren't tracked so you can't visualize your progressYou will not improve monotonically. That is to say, you will

experience lots of spikes and regressions in your typing speed. This is normal and don't beat yourself up about itYour sleep and drowsiness play a large role in your typing speedYou will get better at punctuation with practiceYou will get really good at hitting backspaceYou will not get better at numbers unless you

practice them deliberately. I suggest you learn the placement of a couple numbers (1, 9, and 0 are good ones to start)Capitalization is still a huge pain, I still have trouble with capitalizationYou will notice that not all passages are created equal. Some are way harder and will torpedo your typing speed. It's okay, that

happens.You will read some extremely interesting quotes. I've bought books just because of passages I've encountered on TypeRacer. I've stopped and listened to songs on Spotify because of it too.TypeRacer's UI basically lets you get into a flow state of races. Do a race, and then another, and another. It's extremely

conducive to practice, and I find it quite fun.How Long Will This Take?It's taken me about 5000 races on TypeRacer to reach a fairly consistent 100+ WPM. That was spread out over 2 years, and some months I practiced way more than other months.In a previous article, I mentioned that it took me on average 3 hours of

practice to improve my WPM by 1. Mantas Donelavicius recorded his progress as well and found that it took him on average 2 hours and 40 minutes to increase his typing speed by 1 WPM.If you are starting at a typing speed of under 70 WPM, I think you will see rapid progress by just fixing your finger placement, and

getting familiar with touch typing.From there, to get to 100 WPM, using a combination of 10 Fast Fingers and TypeRacer, you should expect to raise your speed by 10 WPM for every 20-40 hours of practice. But beware! There may be large stretches of time where you feel like you're not improving. For me, the experience

of improvement was extremely "spikey". Large stretches of no improvement, punctuated by surprisingly sudden increases in WPM.Next StepsWhile I haven't reached the next level (which is to get to the 120 WPM mark), I have done some research and I believe the next step is to:Master numbersThink in terms of words

instead of letters (I'm in a hybrid state)People who type really fast process information slightly differently. They need to keep a "buffer" in their minds of what they're about to type. I find that I am beginning to need this too.I don't have any advice on this, but I really enjoyed this YouTube video of someone who types over

160 WPM:ConclusionTyping faster has been a solid boost to my productivity. It shaves a few minutes off tasks here and there, which might not change how much I can get done in a day, but it reduces the cognitive burden of every task I have.There's no shorcut to typing faster (at least to my knowledge). But I hope this

guide helps you get a sense of the path that lays before you.As a recap:Best of luck out there!

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