How to Read the Online Schedule of Classes

How to Read the Online Schedule of Classes

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Click here for a course description and information about prerequisites.

Click here for detailed information about this CRN, including the location address.

MAT 092 - Elementary Algebra

Status Open

Crn 10743

Subj MAT

Crs# 092

Cred 3.00

Meeting time [MTWThFSSu]




10044 MAT 092 3.00 Open


Downtown Campus ST215


Cap Rem Date









Taught online

Holmberg Meehan

Wks App Fee 16 16

Status: The course status. The options are: ? Open ? available for registration ? Closed ? the maximum number of seats is already filled ? Restricted ? usually limited to a specific population ? Cancelled ? no longer offered ? In Progress ? the course has already begun

Click on an Alt.Mth type for a description of the course delivery method. If blank, the method is a traditional lecture-style class.

CRN: The Course Reference Number (also known as Section). This is the unique number for each course used when registering for classes.

Subj: The course subject, identified with a three letter prefix.

Crs#: The course number, indentified with three numbers. It may also have a one or two letter suffix.

Cred: The number of credits for the course. This is also sometimes referred to as units or hours.

Meeting The days and times that the class meets. Some class meeting times are listed as TBA (To Be Arranged). time: Contact the campus or department for more information.

Location: The campus, building and room number of the course. Locations of each campus can be found at The address of other sites can be found by clicking on the CRN number in the online schedule. For some non-campus sites, you will learn the building and room number for the first class meeting when you arrive at the site.

Cap: The maximum number of students allowed to enroll in the class.

Rem: The number of seats remaining in the class.

Date: The dates the class will begin and end. Not all classes meet for the full 16-week semester.

Alt. Mth: The format of the course will be indicated in this column only if it is not a traditional, lecture-style course. Alternative formats are: ? Enhanced Computer: The course is offered in a computer lab style classroom. ? Taught Online: The course is taught completely online. ? Self Paced on Campus: You work on campus throughout the week in a room designated on the schedule at your own pace with faculty guidance. Students must meet with the faculty in the room defined during the first week. ? Express format: Attend class one night a week, year round, and earn an associate's degree in two years. More information can be found at ? Web and classroom: You receive instruction in the classroom and on the web with reduced classroom time. This is also sometimes call "hybrid." ? Honors Content: This course may be taken for honors credit, with additional work expected of you beyond regular course requirements (see instructor). ? Open Entry / Open Exit: You enroll at any time during the semester and complete required work at your own pace within the semester or by arrangement with the instructor. ?Self Paced Indep.: You work off-campus at your own pace with study materials prepared by College faculty.

You must meet with the faculty for the initial class meeting at the time and room defined.

Instructor: T he instructor's name will be here if he/she has been selected. "Staff" indicates that the instructor has yet to be selected for the course.

Wks: The number of weeks the course will run. A typical course is 16 weeks, but Pima also offers 5, 8, 10 and 14 week courses.

App: Some classes require advisor or instructor approval before students can register. "A" indicates that advisor approval is required. "F" indicates that faculty approval is required.

Fee: Some classes have additional fees. The amount will be indicated in this column.


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