Guard Your Gates


10-15 minutes


After he received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Peter was able to do miracles. One time, he healed a man who had been lame since birth. As a result, the man was able to go into the Temple for the first time in his life. (You couldn’t go in if you had something physically wrong with you.) He was so excited, he went in walking and jumping and praising God! This game is played like “Simon Says,” but there are only three commands – “Walk,” “Jump” and “Praise God.”


• Acts 3:1-10


• Bible


• Practice the script.


Use the following script (or modify to suit your needs):

• “We’re going to play a game called, ‘Simon-Peter Says.’”

• “It’s inspired by a story about Simon-Peter healing someone.” (Have a volunteer read Acts 3:1-10.)

• “What an incredible story!”

• “Simon-Peter healed a man who had been lame since birth.”

• “As a result of being healed, the man was able to go into the Temple for the first time in his life. (You couldn’t go in if you had something physically wrong with you.)”

• “The man was so excited, he went in walking and jumping and praising God!”

• “So, this game is about that story.”

• “The game is played like ‘Simon Says.’”

• “Everyone starts on the ground, except the leader, who calls out the commands.”

• “If the leader says, ‘Simon-Peter says, ‘Walk!’ everyone should get to their feet and walk in place.”

• “If the leader says, ‘Simon-Peter says, ‘Jump!’ everyone should jump in place.”

• “If the leader says, ‘Simon-Peter says, ‘Praise God!’ everyone should put their hands in the air and shout, ‘Halleluiah!’”

• “If anyone does the wrong motion, they are out.”

• “If anyone hesitates too long, they are out.”

• “If anyone follows a command that doesn’t start with ‘Simon-Peter Says,’ they are out.”

• “The leader can trick the players at times by saying, ‘Simon says…’ If anyone makes the motion, they are out, because this game is ‘Simon-Peter Says,’ not ‘Simon Says.’”

• “When there is only one person left, he or she gets to be the leader.”

• “Want to play?” (You can be the leader the first time to demonstrate how it is done, or you can have one of the children do it if you think they understand the game well enough. After you have played several rounds, discuss the following debrief questions.)

Debrief Questions

1. How do you think the man’s life changed when he was able to walk?

2. Do you think healings like this still happen today? Why or why not?

3. Why doesn’t God heal everyone who is sick or hurt?


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