Unit 3 Inventing a Better World

Unit 3 Inventing a Better World


_______ 1. Owen is a very s_______l businessman. He makes a lot of money and lives a comfortable life.

_______ 2. Freddy was very d_______d that his parents forgot his birthday.

_______ 3. You should be extra careful with c_______ls when you do experiments.

_______ 4. As the s_______g goes, “Practice makes perfect.”

_______ 5. The typhoon was very strong. Many houses were greatly d_______ed and in need of repair.

_______ 6. Melanie saw some interesting paintings at the modern art e_______n.

_______ 7. Mr. Chen is the principal, and he has the power to c_______l everything in the school.

_______ 8. People often say bad news s_______ds fast.

_______ 9. English is important because it is an i_______l language.

_______ 10. Chandler often tells lies so he cannot c_______e others of what he says anymore.

_______ 11. The poor grades f_______ed Shannon. She became very upset after the exams.

_______ 12. Amy was late for work again. She tried to e_______n, but no one believed her.

_______ 13. Lizzie does not know how to use the new d_______e without reading the user guide.

_______ 14. Theodore studies hard to meet his parents’ e_______n.

_______ 15. A m_______c can fix all kinds of machines.

_______ 16. This medicine is still at the _______ (experiment) stage and cannot be bought in the stores yet.

_______ 17. Exercising every day is _______ (necessity) for good health.

_______ 18. Stella spent two hours trying to _______ (solution) the math problem.

_______ 19. Thomas Edison is a great _______ (invent).

_______ 20. Tracy believes that people can learn a lot from their own _______ (failed).


|come up with something 想出,提出(計畫、答案等) |

Michelle is good with kids. She always comes up with great stories to tell them.

1. Abraham 想到了一個解決問題的好方法。

Abraham _______ _______ _______ a good solution to the problem.

2. Phoebe想到新點子時,她就馬上寫下來。


|. . . N, who/which/whom/whose . . . 非限定用法的關係子句 |

Steve Jobs, who founded Apple, passed away in 2011.

3. Arty坐在英文很好的Nigel隔壁。

Arty sits next to Nigel, _______ English is very good.

4. 已經下了一整天的雨,這讓Maisy很不開心。


|before long 不久之後,很快 |

It seems that summer vacation will be over before long.

5. Samuel不久之後就找到他的皮夾了。

Samuel found his wallet _______ _______.

6. 我爸媽在不久之後就會到家。


|S + have + p.p. 現在、過去完成式 |

Sally has not seen her uncle for a long time.

7. Hugh到達公車站時,公車已經開走了。

When Hugh arrived at the bus stop, the bus _______ _______.

8. Pandora已經28個小時沒有吃任何東西。


|come from something 來自…,起源於… |

Laura’s love of nature comes from a TV show that she once watched.

9. 這本書的故事來自作者的童年回憶。

The story of the book _______ _______ the writer’s childhood memories.

10. 這個小鎮的名字起源於一個有趣的故事。


|in fact 實際上,事實上 |

Lucy treasures her purse. In fact, it is a gift from her grandparents.

11. Lucas看起來精神很好,但實際上,他已經好幾天沒睡好。

Lucas looks energetic, but _______ _______, he has not slept well for days.

12. Amelia英文講得很好。實際上,她爸爸是美國人。


|turn out 發展為,結果是 |

Shawn turns out to be the only person that knows the answer to the question.

13. 結果我們新來的英文老師是Connie的姑姑。

Our new English teacher _______ _______ to be Connie’s aunt.

14. 這場爭執最終有個快樂的結局。


|occur to someone 某人想到…,想起… |

When Susie woke up in the morning, it occurred to her that it was her mother’s birthday.

15. 當Rosa走在街上時,她想到她沒帶錢。

When Rosa was walking on the street, it _______ _______ her that she didn’t bring any money.

16. 當Jimmy到學校時,他想起那天是星期天。


|deal with something 處理…,解決… |

Joshua always deals with his negative emotions well.

17. 有些學生不知道如何面對考試前的壓力。

Some students don’t know how to _______ _______ the pressure before tests.

18. Helen請求父母親幫忙來一同解決問題。



There are many inventions around us. Actually, many of them are invented to 1 people’s needs. Inventions not only offer a solution 2 people’s problems but change people’s lives. Let’s look at two such examples. Teng Hung-chi, 3 worked in a factory, was using the restroom there one day. He wanted to use the faucet 4 touching it with his dirty hands. He then worked hard to put this idea into 5 . Finally, at the age of seventeen, he invented an automatic faucet. Now he is known 6 “Taiwan’s Edison” because of his many great inventions. The other example is the Post-it note. One day, Spencer Silver made a very weak glue during one of his experiments. 7 it was weak, he believed the glue could be useful. Art Fry, Silver’s co-worker, then 8 the idea of using this weak glue on a piece of paper. 9 , the Post-it note was born. Next time you have a problem, try to 10 a way to fix it on your own. If you try hard enough, maybe you will invent something great someday.

( ) 1. (A) create (B) fail (C) draw (D) meet

( ) 2. (A) to (B) of (C) on (D) with

( ) 3. (A) that (B) who (C) whom (D) he

( ) 4. (A) by (B) without (C) from (D) for

( ) 5. (A) life (B) truth (C) practice (D) success

( ) 6. (A) for (B) by (C) as (D) x

( ) 7. (A) Before (B) Although (C) When (D) After

( ) 8. (A) came up with (B) represented (C) came from (D) designed

( ) 9. (A) Instead (B) In fact (C) Before long (D) Since then

( ) 10. (A) occur to (B) turn out (C) deal with (D) think of


1. How old was Teng when he invented the faucet controlled by a built-in sensing device? (paragraph 2)


2. How much did Teng earn after he sold the rights to his invention? (paragraph 2)


3. What has Teng become known as because of his many brilliant inventions? (paragraph 3)


4. How did the glue that Spencer Silver made turn out? (paragraph 4)


5. Why was Art Fry frustrated during church services? (paragraph 5)



Why do people invent things? Some say “necessity is the mother of invention.” In other words, if something is needed, then it will be invented. However, others believe that new things are invented when people already have many other things in their lives, and therefore have the time to think up new things. Sometimes, these inventions might not seem so practical or useful. Several inventions in particular can only be described as impractical and even crazy.

For example, you may not need a floating umbrella; however, it has already been invented. It uses a special gas to float an umbrella above a person, who is attached to the floating umbrella with straps (帶子). Though this invention never became popular, the inventor has received a patent for his invention, which means that he is the only person allowed to make or sell this crazy product.

What’s more, have you ever heard of a cheese-flavored cigarette? Believe it or not, it was invented. This cigarette had several small bits of cheese in the filter (濾嘴), which was supposed to give smokers a taste of cheese when they smoked. Unsurprisingly, this invention never really caught on.

Even though many of these inventions seem to have no practical use, inventors continue to invent crazy new products. Perhaps these crazy inventions are really only useful in one way—they can make us laugh.

( ) 1. Which of the following is the best title for this article?

(A) Useful Products (B) Crazy Inventions

(C) Brilliant Inventors (D) Everyday Needs

( ) 2. According to the article, some crazy things are created ________.

(A) when people go crazy

(B) when people are bored

(C) when people have time to think up something new

(D) when people sleep and dream about new inventions

( ) 3. According to the article, the floating umbrella ________.

(A) can be made by anyone (B) is a magic trick

(C) is very cheap (D) is not a popular invention

( ) 4. What does the phrase “catch on” in the third paragraph most likely mean?

(A) To become popular. (B) To buy a lot of cheese.

(C) To quit smoking. (D) To become an inventor.

( ) 5. According to this article, what can these crazy inventions do?

(A) They make people famous. (B) They make people laugh.

(C) They make people rich. (D) They make people popular.


A 1. Stuart試著幫他兒子想個好名字。

Stuart tried to ________ ________ ________ a good name for his son.

2. 最後他選了「Michael」,這是一個天使的名字。

At last, he chose “Michael,” ________ is the name of an angel.

B 3. Cherry不久就覺得疲憊。

Cherry felt tired ________ ________.

4. 這是因為她已經讀了三小時的書。

This is because she ________ ________ for three hours.

5. Todd’s love for music started when he first went to a concert. 

(用come from改寫)


6. Chad looks young, but he really is the father of two daughters. (用in fact改寫)


7. Jamie is actually the owner of a famous company. (用turn out改寫)


Silver’s weak glue caught Art Fry’s attention. During church services, Fry’s bookmarks fell out of his hymn book again and again. 8. 因此,他想到Silver的微弱膠水可能可以解決這個問題。 Soon, a new invention was born. 9. 下次你遇到問題時,試著想個方法處理它。 Maybe you can create something cool, too.

8. ______________________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________________________


|([pic] |([pic] |([pic] |

Please look at the pictures and answer the following questions.

Picture One

1. What did the little girl do?


2. How did she look?


Picture Two

1. What happened to the pants after the little girl grew up?


2. How did the girl feel?


Picture Three

1. What did the girl do to the pants?


2. How did the girl feel?




1. successful 2. disappointed 3. chemicals 4. saying 5. damaged

6. exhibition 7. control 8. spreads 9. international 10. convince

11. frustrated 12. explain 13. device 14. expectation 15. mechanic

16. experimental 17. necessary 18. solve 19. inventor 20. failure


1. came; up; with

2. When Phoebe comes up with new ideas, she writes them down right away.

3. whose

4. It has rained all day, which makes Maisy very unhappy.

5. before; long

6. My parents will/are going to come/be home before long.

7. had; left

8. Pandora has not eaten anything for 28 hours.

9. comes; from

10. The name of the small town comes from an interesting story.

11. in; fact

12. Amelia speaks English well. In fact, her father is American.

13. turned; out

14. The argument/fight turned out to have a happy ending.

15. occurred; to

16. When Jimmy arrived at school, it occurred to him that it was Sunday.

17. deal; with

18. Helen asked for her parents’ help to deal with the problem together.


1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D


1. He was seventeen.

2. He earned NT$1.5 million.

3. He has become known as “Taiwan’s Edison.”

4. It turned out to be very weak.

5. Because his bookmarks fell out of his hymn book again and again.


1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B


1. come; up; with

2. which

3. before; long

4. had; studied

5. Todd’s love for music came from the first concert he went to.

6. Chad looks young, but in fact, he is the father of two daughters.

7. Jamie turns out to be the owner of a famous company.

8. Thus, it occurred to him that Silver’s weak glue might be able to solve this problem.

9. Next time you have a problem, try to think of a way to deal with it.


1. She bought a pair of pants in a store.

2. She looked very happy.

3. They were too short for the girl to wear.

4. She felt sad.

5. She turned them into a bag.

6. She felt happy again.



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