Student Interview Questions

Student Interview Questions

• What is your full name?


• How old are you?


• When is your birthday?


• What is your favorite color?


• How many brothers and sisters do you have?

brothers: _________________________________________________

sisters: _________________________________________________

• What are the names of your brothers and sisters?

brothers: _________________________________________________

sisters: _________________________________________________

• If your siblings are older than you, what jobs do they have (or where do they go to college)?



• What are the names of your pet(s) (if any)?


• What kinds of animals are your pet(s) (if any)?


• What is your most favorite subject in school?


• Why do you like that subject?



• What is your least favorite subject in school?


• Why do you not like that subject?



• What is your most favorite activity in school?


• Why do you like that activity?



• What is your least favorite activity in school?


• Why do you not like that activity?



• If you could visit any place in the world, where would you visit?


• Why would you visit that place?



• If you could meet someone famous in person, who would you like to meet?


• Why would you like to meet that person?



• What type of music do you like to listen to?


• What are your favorite bands/musical groups?



• What are your favorite albums?



• What are your favorite hobbies/interests?



• What are your favorite foods?



• What are your favorite desserts?



• What are your favorite weather conditions?


• If you could invent something really cool, what would you invent?


• Why would you invent that?




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