Kindly answer all questions to the best of your abilities

Kindly read carefully and answer all questions to the best of your abilitiesDefinition of Glass Ceiling Effect- Is a hidden barrier that keeps women or other minority groups at a particular level within an organization. It may vary from organization to organization however either way, it keeps women or other minority groups from reaching higher levels in an organization. Example: Lin has been with Shawn organization for several years. Not only did she have solid educational background but had a lot of potential as well. Lin has been looking forward to a promotion and what luck, a new job position in Management recently got opened. She had the qualifications and experience to land this job easily. She was interviewed for the job and it went smoothly. She was 100% sure she would get the job but she was horrified to learn that the company hired someone from outside. After talking to the lady, Sue, who just got hired, Lin realized that Sue’s qualifications and experiences were less than hers. Did Sue just get hired because she was white but Lin wasn’t? City of Residence: Ethnicity:Age: Economic background, circle one that best describes you: Lower economic classBetween lower and working economic classWorking economic classBetween working and upper economic classUpper economic classMost currently completed diploma or qualifications: Current occupation & title: Approximate hourly wage: Approximate annual salary: 1) Do you see yourself as a career oriented individual?Strongly career oriented Mildly career oriented I do not place myself in either categorizesMildly not career orientedStrongly not career oriented2) I value my current job; it is an instinct part of me:Strongly Agree Mildly AgreeNeither Agree nor Disagree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree3) How do you compare to other females of your ethnicity, age and educational level in terms of your work status? I am highly above average I am mildly above averageI am averageI am mildly below averageI am highly below average4) The most prominent reason for engaging in your current job (circle one that best describes you)1-It is fun2-It defines who I am3-It boosts my self esteem4-Don’t have anything better (another opportunity) to engage in currently5-Doing it to support my family6-Doing it to support myself 7-Doing it to get some experience, so that I can get a better position later on 8-Other. Kindly state: Circle the section(s) that applies to you5) I have experienced glass ceiling effect in my current occupation: Yes No6) Have you ever experienced glass ceiling effect?YesNo7) Have you broken through glass ceiling effect? Yes NoIf answered yes go to next question and skip question 9 If answered no, skip next question and move to question 98) What were your reasons for breaking through glass ceiling? Circle the number(s) that applies to you:I am very career centered person and it is important to me that people recognize my qualifications at workIt is just unfair and immoral to be treated like this, when I have the same qualifications and educational background as those at upper managementEveryone should be given equal opportunity to excel in an organization; if such an opportunity does not exist then one should make one I like to take risks.I wanted to reach something beyond the glass ceiling (i.e. goal or dream that lies beyond the glass ceiling).I am interested in continuous learning.I know I deserve a better position.I want to be in a better position so that I can change the system from within (i.e. given the opportunity, recruiting individuals from minorities and females)Other. Kindly state:9) What were your reasons for staying within those constraints? Circle the number(s) that applies to you:Need to support family, therefore cannot afford to lose this jobI am not really motivated to work (i.e. am making just enough to support myself)I really don't need a job (just doing it for the sake of it.....have parents or spouse who are main bread wins)I value my family commitments more strongly than my work commitment.It is less stressful to work at the bottom of the organization rather than the top of organization.I don’t have the qualifications to go higher up in the companyThis is the best I can do right now.Even if I try, I doubt I will be successful in breaking through glass ceiling effect.Other. Kindly state:The statements are designed to assess your personal life values. Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.Disagree strongly1Disagree a little 2Neither agree nor disagree3Agree a little4Agree strongly5___1. When I disagree with my group at work, I would allow a conflict in the group to remain, rather than change my own stance on important issues.___2. I would offer my seat in a bus to my superior.___3. I prefer to be direct and forthright when dealing with people at work.___4. I enjoy developing long-term relationships among the people with whom I work.___5. I am very modest when talking about my own work-related accomplishments.___6. When I give gifts to people whose cooperation I need in my work, I feel that I am indulging in questionable behavior.___7. If I want my subordinate to perform a task, I tell the person that my managers want me to get that task done.___8. At work, I prefer to give opinions that will help people save face rather than give a statement of the truth.___9. I say "No" directly when I have to at work.___10. In the workplace, I tend to define the other person's status by paying attention to name, gender, age, and other demographic attributes.___11. To increase sales, I would announce that the individual salesperson with the highest sales would be given the "Best Salesperson" award.___12. I enjoy being emotionally close to the people with whom I work.___13. It is important to develop a network of people in my work who can help me out when I have tasks to accomplish.___14. At work, I enjoy feeling that I am looked upon as equal in worth to my superiors.___15. I have respect for the authority figures with whom I interact at work.___16. If I want a person to perform a certain task, I try to show how the task will benefit others in the person's group.The following statements are designed to assess how you feel about the company you work for. Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.Disagree strongly1Disagree a little 2Neither agree nor disagree3Agree a little4Agree strongly5___1. For me this is the best of all possible organizations for which to work.___2. I tell my friends that this is a great organization to work for. ___3. I feel very little loyalty to this organization. ___4. I would accept almost any type of job assignment in order to keep working for this organization.___5. I find that my values and the organization’s values are very similar.___6. I am proud to tell others that I am part of this organization.___7. I could just as well be working for a different organization as long as the type of work was similar.___8. This organization really inspires the very best in me in the way of job performance.___9. It will take very little change in my present circumstances to cause me to leave this organization.___10. I am extremely glad that I chose this organization to work for over others I was considering at the time I joined.___11. There's not too much to be gained by sticking with this organization indefinitely.___12. Often, I find it difficult to agree with this organization’s policies on important matters relating to its employees.___13. I really care about the fate of this organization.___14. Deciding to work for this organization was a definite mistake on my part.___15. I am willing to put in a great deal of effort beyond that normally expected in order to help this organization be successful.Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. For example, do you agree that you are someone who likes to spend time with others? Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.Disagree strongly1Disagree a little 2Neither agree nor disagree3Agree a little4Agree strongly5I see Myself as Someone Who...___1. Is talkative ___2. Tends to find fault with others ___3. Does a thorough job___4. Is depressed, blue___5. Is original, comes up with new ideas___6. Is reserved___7. Is helpful and unselfish with others ___8. Can be somewhat careless___9. Is relaxed, handles stress well___10. Is curious about many different things ___11. Is full of energy ___12. Starts quarrels with others ___13. Is a reliable worker ___14. Can be tense___15. Is ingenious, a deep thinker___16. Generates a lot of enthusiasm ___17. Has a forgiving nature___18. Tends to be disorganized ___19. Worries a lot ___20. Has an active imagination___21. Tends to be quiet___22. Is generally trusting___23. Tends to be lazy___24. Is emotionally stable, not easily upset___25. Is inventive___26. Has an assertive personality___27. Can be cold and aloof___28. Perseveres until the task is finished___29. Can be moody___30. Values artistic, aesthetic experiences___31. Is sometimes shy, inhibited___32. Is considerate and kind to almost everyone___33. Does things efficiently___34. Remains calm in tense situations___35. Prefers work that is routine___36. Is outgoing, sociable___37. Is sometimes rude to others___38. Makes plans and follows through with them___39. Gets nervous easily___40. Likes to reflect, play with ideas___41. Has few artistic interests___42. Likes to cooperate with others___43. Is easily distracted___44. Is sophisticated in art, music, or literaturePlease check: Did you write a number in front of each statement? ................

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