Creating A Character Profile





Creating a Character Profile

Internal and External Characteristics

|[pic] | |

| |Part 1 |

| |You are to give this man life. Looking very carefully at the picture, describe|

| |this man’s external characteristics and then determine what makes him “tick” |

| |by describing his internal characteristics. Scroll to the chart below and |

| |then breathe life into this man by responding to the questions. |

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| |Businessman in Airplane. Jupiterimages Corporation. 2006. |

| |Discovery Education. 25 February 2009 |

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| |Below the chart, you will write a brief story about this man and his response |

| |to a situation you choose. You will use the external and internal |

| |characteristics you gave this man to make the character come to life in the |

| |story. |

| | |

|External Characteristics: | |

|1. What is the age of this man? | |

|2. What is his build and height? | |

|3. What is his hair and eye color? | |

| | |

|Inferences: | |

|1. What is his name? | |

|2. What kind of job does he hold? | |

|3. What does his clothing suggest about him” | |

|4. What is his education? | |

|5. Is he married or single? | |

|6. Does he have a family? | |

|7. What does he do for entertainment? | |

|8. Does he live in a house or an apartment? | |

| | |

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|Internal Characteristics: | |

|1. What does this man value above all else? | |

|2. How would he react in a crisis? | |

|3. What kind of mood is he in most of the time? | |

|4. What is the one major personality flaw this man possesses? | |

|5. What are this man’s personality strengths? | |

|6. What will make this man really angry, and how is he most | |

|likely to react? | |

|7. What kinds of situations does this man find himself in most | |

|often? | |

|8. What are the basic beliefs of this man? | |

|9. What inspires this man? | |

Part 2

Write a brief story about this man and his response to ONE of the situations below (200-300 words). You will use the external and internal characteristics you gave this man to make the character come to life in the story. You DO NOT have to write an entire story using all of the story elements you have learned. We already know who the man is and where he is, so exposition is not needed. Simply write the rising action and climax. Or, you may write the climax, falling action, and resolution. Be sure to use dialogue.

Possible scenarios

• The plane experiences severe turbulence from a thunderstorm. Oxygen masks are deployed. The teenage girl seated next to him is traveling alone and is terribly afraid.

• The man is waiting for his luggage at the baggage claim area when a suspicious-looking person bumps into him. The person ignores the fact that he almost knocked the man down and carefully places a plain, brown envelope between two of the chairs.

• The man is leaving the airport on his way to a meeting when he gets a call. His mother is very ill.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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