Creating a Character Profile for The Stranger

Creating a Character Profile for The Stranger

Directions: Create a character profile for Meursault. In doing so, use this example (Marie) and the following questions to guide your thoughts.

Questions with which to discover character:

1. What problems does the author create to test or reveal character?

2. What conflicts internal or external, do the characters suffer?

3. How does the author involve the reader emotionally with the character?

4. How do the characters change and grow? What is the significance?

5. How do the minor characters function in the story?

6. Are there two characters who can be compared with meaningful results? What does the author mean to infer from the differences between them?

7. How does the author use different methods of characterization? How does the author combine them and to what affect?

8. How well does the author provide motivation for the characters’ action?

9. How does the author use dialogue to develop characters?

Example Profile: Marie Cavdona

Personal history: former typist in Meursault’s office @. 19)

Physical description: salty smell of her hair (p. 21)

pretty red-and-white stripped dress and leather

sandals, firm breasts, tan face made her look like a flower (p. 34)

white, linen dress, hair down, beautiful (p. 47)

Quotes by her: “So why marry me, then?” (p. 41)

“Don’t you want to know what I have to do?” (p. 42)

Anecdotes: “Marie taught me a game. As you swam, you had to skim off the foam from the crest of the waves with your mouth, hold it there, then roll over on your back and spout it out toward the sky. This made a delicate froth which disappeared into the air or fell back n a warm spray over my face.” (p. 34)

“A minute later she asked me if I loved her. I told her it didn’t mean anything but that I didn’t think so. She looked sad.” (p. 35)

“That evening Marie came by to see me and asked me if I wanted to marry her. I said that it didn’t make any difference to me and that we could if she wanted to.” (p. 41)

“Marie threw me a kiss.. .She hadn’t moved and her face was still pressed against the bars with the same sad, forced smile on it.” (p.76)

Setting: swimming at public beach outside Algiers (p. 20)

Others thoughts: Referring to Marie, (Masson) said, ‘She’s stunning, and I’d even say charming.“’ (p. 50)

“…she was smiling her best smile for me. I thought she looked very beautiful, but I didn’t know how to tell her.”(p.74)

The Stranger Profile: Meursault

Personal History:

Physical Description:

Quotes by him:



Other thoughts:


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