LESSON PLAN – Who Influences Me

LESSON PLAN – Who Influences Me?

Theme – Myself In Relation To Others

CAREER SKILLS – Self Development

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Working With Others


COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *cii, *di, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiv, ***kiv, ****li, ****mi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – English, Personal Development

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

• Identify people who can influence decision making.

• Differentiate between the types of advice they may give.

• Consider who gives the best advice in relation to specific situations.

Preparation and Materials

• Copies of Info Sheet and Activity Sheet “Who Influences Me?” (1) and (2).

• Paper for the groups to list decisions and advice offered.

• Blackboard/flipchart/optional overhead projector.

• You could use an OHP or blackboard/flipchart diagram of the spider gram to save photocopying.

• The lesson could follow on from the lesson plan “Making Choices”.


1. Put the students into groups of 3 to 4 and nominate a scribe for each group.

2. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the Info Sheet.

3. Give out the Info Sheet or show students OHP/blackboard/flipchart.

4. Talk through the completed spider gram and recap on any work done on decision making.

5. Give out Activity Sheet (1) and ask the students to produce their own individual spider gram indicating people who play a significant role in influencing their decisions and to list the 3 who are most influential to them.

6. Give each small group a copy of Activity Sheet (2) and ask students to compare spider grams and to produce a list of decisions grade 6 students make.

7. For each decision they must suggest some advice a parent, a teacher and a friend would give. They must then choose the best advice for each decision.

8. Ask the groups for feedback to the class and discuss.

9. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.

10. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will b able to:

• Identify people who can influence decision making.

• Understand how people give different types of advice.

• Consider who gives the best advice in relation to specific situations.

INFO SHEET – Who Influences Me?

Example of brainstorm

Athletics Coach

Sister Mum



My best friend

IT Teacher


Other friends Form tutor

English teacher

Reasons why people can influence decisions

Loves me Wants me to do well

Is someone I admire and would like to be like Always has time for me

Has lots of knowledge and experience I value what they say

Listens to what I say

ACTIVITY SHEET (1) – Who Influences Me?

List the 3 people who influence you most and give a reason:

e.g Best friend – wants the best for me.

ACTIVITY SHEET (2) – Who Influence Me?

List three decisions that students in grade 6 make and what advice a parent, a teacher and a friend might give.

Then tick who (parent, teacher or friend) is likely to offer the advice which is best for each decision.

Decisions made by Grade 6 students Best advice

Decision: Parent


Parents advice: Friend

Teachers advice:

Friends advice:

Decision: Parent


Parents advice: Friend

Teachers advice:

Friends advice:

Decision: Parent


Parents advice: Friend

Teachers advice:

Friends advice:








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