LESSON PLAN – My Action Plan

LESSON PLAN – My Action Plan

Theme – Using Help and Support

CAREER SKILLS – Career Management

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Problem Solving, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance


COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *bi, *ci, *cii, *di, **ei, **eii, **eiii, **eiv, **evi, ***fiv, ***kiv, ****li, ****mi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – English, Personal Development, Social Studies

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

• Review skills that they already have.

• Identify areas, which need improvement.

• Identify sources of help improve weak areas.

• Use this information to write an action plan.

• Discuss the Action Plan with others.

Preparation and Materials

• Copies of Info Sheet “My Action Plan” for each student.

• Copies of Activity Sheet “My Action Plan” (1), (2) and (3) for each student.

• Optional link to lesson plan “My Smart Action plan”.


1. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on Info Sheet.

2. Introduce the lesson and recap on lesson plan “My Action Plan” from grade 7 if appropriate.

3. Give out and go through Info Sheet.

4. Emphasise the importance of seeking help in achieving action points.

5. Give out the Activity Sheets (1), (2) and (3). Ask students to choose personal targets from the examples given or write other personal targets.

6. Ask each student to select one target from the list and write Action Points on the action plan in a logical order.

7. Ask students to identify others who can help them achieve the Action Points and enter the name on the Action Plan against the appropriate Action Points.

8. Encourage the students to discuss their Action Plan with helpers they have identified.

9. Arrange to review Action Plan with student within set time scales.

10. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.

11. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

• Review skills that you already have.

• Identify areas, which need improvement.

• Identify sources of help to improve areas of weakness.

• Use this information to write an Action Plan.

• Discuss your Action plan with others.

INFO SHEET – My Action Plan

Action planning is important in all aspect of your life; learning how to use action planning will help you to:

( Improve in your subjects

( Organise your personal life

( Prepare for the changes ahead of you when you leave school

Action planning is about asking yourself the following four questions:

1. Where am I now?

Before making decisions about subjects, your personal life or your future plans, it is important to review your skills, knowledge and achievements. Think back to lessons when you may have done this.

2. Where do I want to get to?

Once you have a clear picture of where you are now, you can start to think about your targets – what do you wish to achieve?

3. What are my next steps?

This is about what you need to do to get nearer to your target. We call these steps Action Points.

4. Who can help me?

Think of who can help you achieve your Action Points, this could be a teacher, and parent/carer or any other person you feel could help.

You will also find it useful to decide when you want to achieve both target and action points i.e. have a time scale as to when you are going to achieve these things.

Targets and Action Points make an Action Plan.

ACTIVITY SHEET (1) – My Action Plan

Look at this list showing examples of targets:

Be more punctual

Get my homework in on time

Join a club or society (in or out of school)

Learn my time’s tables

Volunteer for assemblies

Organise course work more efficiently

Say more in my lessons

Find a way of earning pocket money

Learn how to measure more accurately

Improve my spelling

Decide on some personal targets for yourself by choosing from the list or thinking of your own






ACTIVITY SHEET (2) My Action Plan

Choose one of the targets - the one that is most important to you

Use the Action Planning diagram to set out Action Points you need to take, in order for you to achieve your target.

Identify the range of people (helping hands) who can help you with your Action Points.

They could include:






Adults in school other than teachers

Adults responsible for teams, clubs etc.

Tick against the people on the list above who could help you. Add any others below:




Enter on the Action Plan the names of those who can help you.

Discuss your Action Plan with the people you have identified and ask for help. When can they help? How much time can they give you?

Write on your Action Plan the dates when you intend to complete each Action Point and discuss these with your helper.

ACTIVITY SHEET (3) – My Action Plan

My Target is: When:







Date: Name:


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