Have Fun! Make Friends! Do Cool Stuff! Be Somebody in 4-H!

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For Adults Only!

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Extension Agent _____________________________________ _____________________________________

How can I enroll my child in 4-H? Call or email your county office of the Mississippi State University Extension Service. It is listed at extension.msstate.edu/ county-offices and in the phone book with other county offices. Extension can tell you what you need to know.

How much does it cost? 4-H doesn't charge membership dues, so joining 4-H is free. But some projects might cost something to get started--like, if your child wants to do photography, he or she will need a camera or a phone that can take pictures.

Does it matter where you live? 4-H has things everybody can do, in the city or the country or anywhere in between. You can find 4-H in every county in Mississippi!

How old do you have to be? 4-H is for kids of almost any age. Children in kindergarten, first grade, or second grade can be in Clover Kids. From third grade to age 19, kids can be in 4-H.

What about parents or guardians? Parents and guardians don't have to become 4-H leaders when their child joins 4-H, but there are lots of ways they can help. They can lead special projects, drive 4-H'ers to activities, make refreshments for meetings, and much more! In fact, your whole family can be part of a lot of 4-H activities!

Who are 4-H volunteers? 4-H volunteers are people who care about kids and who donate their time to supervise activities. They are carefully screened and trained to make sure that 4-H'ers are safe.

Who sponsors 4-H? 4-H is provided by the Mississippi State University Extension Service, working with your federal, state, and county governments.


Mississippi 4-H

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Publication 1011 (12M-11-18) By Dr. Paula Threadgill, Associate Director for FCS & 4-H and Extension Professor Copyright 2018 by Mississippi State University. All rights reserved. This publication may be copied and distributed without alteration for nonprofit educational purposes provided that credit is given to the Mississippi State University Extension Service. Produced by Agricultural Communications. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution. Extension Service of Mississippi State University, cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture. Published in furtherance of Acts of Congress, May 8 and June 30, 1914. GARY B. JACKSON, Director






In 4-H, you can visit new places, learn new stuff, do new things, make new friends, even become a new you!

Have fun!

You can be part of a club that meets every week or every month. You can be part of a program at your school. You can do fun stuff that your whole family can be part of.

Make friends!

You can work with other kids and adults on service projects that make life better for your community. You will get to know kids of all ages, from all backgrounds, even from different places in Mississippi. But most of all, you'll make friends and have loads of fun!

Do cool stuff!

You can choose from cool subjects like photography, robotics, raising animals, cooking and grilling, wildlife--and lots, lots more! You will learn with older kids and adults who really care about you.

Be somebody!

Your 4-H leaders will help you succeed! In 4-H, you can be a leader, a friend, someone people listen to, someone who has the power to make a difference.

Interested in Joining 4-H?

Just fill out this card. It's your answer to this invitation. The address for your county Extension office is listed at county-offices. -- Your Extension Agent

Name __________________________________________

Address _________________________________________


Telephone number ________________________________

Email __________________________________________ Community in which you live or your street address


________________________________________________ Name of someone you would like to have as your 4-H Club Leader

________________________________________________ I want my son/daughter to join a 4-H club. Iwill help him/ her all Ican and will attend the organizational meeting.


Signature of Parent or Guardian

Mailing Address __________________________________


4-H Club Slogan:

"Learn by Doing"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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