Crafty Girl: Cool Stuff: Things to Make and Do

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Julianne Balmain, Jennifer Traig

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Crafty Girl: Cool Stuff: Things to Make and Do

Julianne Balmain, Jennifer Traig

Crafty Girl: Cool Stuff: Things to Make and Do Julianne Balmain, Jennifer Traig A crafty girl knows: when a plain old pencil holder is bringing you down, it's time to get crafty. Crafty Girl: Cool Stuff is your muse, your jolt of creative juice, your ticket to the crafty parade. Sure, an ordinary calculator adds it up, but a crafty girl's ultra-beaded glamulator makes math look good. With over 40 fabulous ways to say "I'm crafty," Cool Stuff will have crafty girls everywhere transforming ordinary anythings into glitter and rhinestone visions of paradise.

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