Microsoft Excel Project

Money Management Excel Project

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This project is designed to help you learn how to manage money and use your Excel skills to help you plan your financial future. The assignment contains four parts. Directions for each part are below.

Part 1: Dreams

Read page 3 of “Get Smart About Your Money.” Then, use the “Smart Money Excel Workbook” as a template and fill in the “Dreams” spreadsheet, listing your top 5 financial dreams and top 5 financial nightmares. Format your spreadsheet, and use at least 2 photos or clip art pictures that help to illustrate your financial dreams and fears. Also, use shading, colors, fonts, and any other formatting changes that might add to the appearance of your spreadsheet.

Part 2: Goals

Read pages 4-5 of “Get Smart About Your Money,” and fill in the “Goals” spreadsheet. Once again, use fonts, shading, colors, and graphics to make your spreadsheet visually appealing. Note: The provided workbook is only meant as a starting point. Be creative, and make your spreadsheet reflect your personality!

Part 3: Budget

Read page 7 of “Get Smart About Your Money,” and fill in the “Budget” spreadsheet. Use the provided amounts, and be realistic. Remember that the $1000 balance carried forward from the previous month is a one-time asset, and you will have to develop a spending plan that allows you to live within your means. Your monthly income depends on your grade in this class. See the sample spreadsheet for more information about that. Note: Create an exploded 3D pie chart or a 3D bar chart below your budget spreadsheet. The chart should show how much money you are spending on each budget item every month.

Part 4: Insights

Read the rest of “Get Smart About Your Money,” and use the “Insights” Excel spreadsheet to list the most important or useful things you learned.

|Requirements: |Points: |

|4 spreadsheets including: | |

|Financial Dreams and Nightmares | |

|Goals: Saving, Spending, Credit, Short-Term Money, and Long-Term Money goals. (You can also include non-monetary goals like improving your | |

|health, learning a foreign language, etc.) | |

|Budget / Spending Plan | |

|Insights |50 points |

|Formulas and Charts: | |

|Create an exploded 3D pie chart or a 3D bar chart that shows how much money you are spending on each budget item every month. | |

|Use sum and difference formulas when possible. | |

|Practice using the format painter on the “Insights” spreadsheet. | |

| |50 points |

|Print: | |

|1 copy with your numbers. | |

|1 copy showing your formulas. | |

|Print the chart with appropriate data labels, titles, and legend. |Total 100 |

|Suggestions: | |

|E-mail a copy of your Excel Workbook and/or the “Get Smart About Your Money” booklet to yourself, your parents, siblings, friends, or anyone | |

|else who might benefit from the information. | |

|Use what you have learned to help reach your financial goals. |N/A |


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